Fortnite Shotguns - Ranked Worst To Best

There are a total of four shotguns available for players to pick from in the loot pool in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2. These are Maven Auto Shotgun, Thunder Shotgun, Havoc Pump Shotgun, and Combat Shotgun.
Even though the Havoc Pump Shotgun, Maven Auto Shotgun, and Combat Shotgun can be obtained easily, the Thunder Shotgun can only be obtained through the elimination of an NPC that is known as Sunflower.
However, not all shotguns are created in exactly the same way with the same qualities. Although they are terrific close-range weapons, some of them are even better than others. This varies depending on the individual choices of each player and the metrics, as well as the popularity of each shotgun.
In this article, we will rank all of the shotguns present in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2, from the best to the worst. So, let’s get into it!
1. Havoc Pump Shotgun
The Havoc Pump Shotgun is the most recent addition to Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2. It is not clear which faction added this weapon to the game, but all guesses guess towards the Peace Syndicate. With that being said, the weapon is an absolute beast in close-range combat.
Even though the rate of fire of this weapon is quite slow and it has a long reload time, one good shot is all that you need to damage your enemies. Nevertheless, there is a downside to the high damage that this weapon can cause.
As the rate of fire of the Havoc Pump Shotgun is low, if players miss a shot, they become vulnerable to counter-attacks. However, given that 36.4/100 players in every Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 match use this weapon, it must mean that the tradeoffs are worth it.
Considering that the Mythic variant of the Havoc Pump Shotgun inflicts 250 damage, it is an absolute force to be reckoned with.
2. Maven Auto Shotgun
Up next, we present the Maven Automatic Shotgun, which has competed directly with the Thunder Shotgun. Frequently, this firearm has enabled gamers to triumph in particular scenarios.
Though the Maven Automatic Shotgun may not be as powerful, it compensates with a rapid fire rate. Equipped with a six-shell magazine and the capacity to shoot every 1.4 seconds, this weapon is lethal at close quarters.
Additionally, this firearm can be reloaded effortlessly while aiming down the sights, permitting users to maintain focus on their target during the process. While each round may not inflict significant damage, the cumulative effect can create a considerable impact at close range.
It could be argued that a proficient Fortnite player wielding the Maven Automatic Shotgun could potentially eliminate an entire duos team without needing to reload. By patiently waiting for the perfect headshot opportunity, this weapon is sure to impress.
According to in-game data, 28 out of 100 players select this weapon during a match, making it worth considering for your arsenal (pun intended).
3. Combat Shotgun
The Combat Shotgun is an absolute beast and an OG that is highly reliable in combat. It has a magazine size of eight rounds as well as a tight spread, and it can also shoot targets at mid-range.
Even though damage falloff and potency are reduced, it can be deadly nonetheless. On the other side, with the spread being so tight, the reticle feels quite small as compared to the regular shotguns.
Players might argue that because of this tight spread and small reticle, beginners will have a difficult time using it in combat. In case an enemy jumps or slides out of the way, the shot will go wide or inflict minimal damage.
With that being said, even though the Combat Shotgun is still quite famous in the game, most players tend to avoid it. According to the statistics, only 19.5/100 players use the weapon in a match.
Although it was in demand last season due to being only obtainable through a Reality Augment known as Tactical Armory, it is just ‘another shotgun’ at the moment.