How To Win More Games In VALORANT and Rank Up Faster!

Many of us struggle with improvement and when you take a look at it, there are just too many aspects to account for.
In this guide, we will teach you the most effective ways that you actually start winning again.
There are many factors when you’re feeling down or on a losing streak, we will break them down here.
Aim: We all hear about aiming and that we need to improve it, but there are never any details. But we will figure out how to effectively improve and actually make a change in your aim later on in this article.
Gamesense: Pretty common guess, but might not be as easy to train.
Focus: Studies show that the human brain can keep a high focus on a task for up to 45 minutes at a time. After that, it can become a struggle to not phase out or lose your attention.
Routine: When it comes to gaming on a high level, your daily life routine can affect you.
Mental: The most important part of all, is your mental and how you approach winning or losing.
What To Do?
Now to action, we need to figure out how we can actually work on all of the things mentioned above.
To Work On Aim: When you want to work on your aim, you need to have clear goals. Aiming is not a simple process, and it isn’t fast. For you to genuinely improve, you will need to dedicate effort and time and do that consistently.
Thankfully, there are always good resources to refer to when it comes to how you can achieve that improvement as quickly as possible such as our newly released Aiming Course which you can find on our website.
It will help you with everything from routines, skill level, benchmarks, and more.
To Work On Gamesense: Possibly the hardest to train is your game sense. Because it isn’t sensible as much as other factors.
The best way to improve on your game sense is universal and known; VOD Review.
VOD Reviewing can be the key to separating the top 1% of the top 0.1% of players. If you don’t know what VOD reviewing is, it’s the process of watching over your previously recorded matches and trying to analyze what mistakes you’ve done.
We surely may realize we did a mistake as we die, but watching ourselves over has a different effect and can be the most effective.
You can also watch professional players but you need to watch closely trying to bring out the best they do and the mistakes they avoid, relate it to your gameplay as much as possible and if you keep repeating that process you’ll be improving in no time for sure.
To Work On Focus: Phasing out is one of the biggest overlooked problems in your performance. We all tend to lose focus at times, but we don’t realize the effect of it on our gameplay fully.
To know whether or not you’ve been losing your attention in games, just look back at any of the games you lost and try to understand one thing. How many times did you repeat the same play?
How many times did the enemies manage to repeat the same thing and get away with it?
This is about it, if you’re phasing out you’ll never adapt to the game or become analytical of your surroundings which can be pretty critical to your performance.
To improve that, make sure you’re going into the game clear headed. Don’t get distracted by anything, not even eating or texting, these can take your focus away even if it doesn’t feel like it.
Highlight every time you die and why it happened, and make sure you don’t die the same way twice in the game.
To Work On Routine: Our daily life schedule might be the most effective in this list, what we mean by that is everything to do with food, sleeping hours, hydration, and mood.
While it may not seem directly related, these are still the foundations of your day that build up to every activity you may perform. For example, it’s confirmed the hydration and sleeping hours can easily be the biggest factor in how well you perform.
You need at least 6 hours of sleep and up to 8, not more or less. For hydration, your brain only sources energy from water, and cutting that short is not the smartest thing you’d do when trying to perform at a high level.
Mental: It’s well spoken about but under trained most of the time, your mental and attitude.
The mental difference can be the reason you might go 5/15 instead of 30/15 in a game under the same circumstances and the same factors. It seriously is one of the biggest factors.
If we train our mental to stay positive and constructive even under pressure just as we train other factors in our game play like aim, we would play this game at a much easier pace.
Always stay constructed, bad games happen and unlosable rounds also get lost, but that’s not a clear sign to just give up.
Become a hero is a goal and one of it’s traits is to go through everything, so avoid hitting that /ff command after losing that terrible round next game.