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How To Make Charcoal In Minecraft - Step By Step Guide

How To Make Charcoal In Minecraft - Step By Step Guide
Written by: NutellaOwl

Charcoal is a solid black substance that is found in Minecraft. It can be used as fuel, or for crafting certain items such as torches as well ass powering minecarts with furnaces. It's used in the same way as regular coal. But charcoal, on the other hand, cannot be converted into a coal block or combined with coal to make a stack.


To smelt wood into charcoal in Minecraft, you will need a furnace and some logs. When you have your furnace and logs ready, simply place the logs inside the furnace and wait for them to smelt. Once they are done smelting you can drag them out of the furnace into your inventory.


Charcoal is far more energy-efficient than wood planks or wood logs used as fuel, and it lasts more than five times as long as any other use of wood for smelting in Java Edition. In Bedrock, though, coal and charcoal are outdone by wooden slabs. Furnace minecarts will only accept coal and charcoal as fuels.




Charcoal recipe in Minecraft


Step 1 - Gather wood


The first step is to find a tree. There are six different types of trees that may be cut down for to get a wood log, some of them are: spruce, oak, jungle, acacia, birch, and dark oak.

While you can cut down a tree with your bare hands, the major advantage of axes is that they can chop wooden items more quickly, although they're also quite useful as a weapon. A wooden axe will break a wood block twice as soon as a hand-chop, whereas a stone axe will do it in half the time, and an iron axe even faster.

cut down tree



Step 2 - Place wood in a furnace


First, build or obtain a furnace. This can be done by placing cobblestone in a U-shape.
Then, select the fuel you wish to use and place it in the bottom slot of the furnace. Coal is the most common fuel choice, but other options include wood or lava. 

Finally, add wood logs to the top slot of the furnace.

Now all we have to do is wait for the wood to smelt into charcoal. Once complete, move the charcoal


make charcoal




The best uses of charcoal in Minecraft




Torches in Minecraft last forever so you will never run out of light. Torches can be placed on most solid surfaces by right-clicking on them.

There are two methods for creating a torch and both will create 4 torch items. The first method uses coal and sticks, while the second method employs charcoal and sticks.




Charcoal is a wonderful fuel in Minecraft, much like coal. Using one item, this resource can smelt approximately 8 items. Players can use this charcoal to smelt other items inside of a furnace.



You can create a campfire by placing three blocks of wood, three sticks and one piece of charcoal inside of a crafting table. In the game, this may be used to cook food or as a source of light.


4-Soul Torches


A Soul Torch is a variant that produces a lower light level, so it won't melt ice or snow. You can make them using gunpowder, blaze powder, and charcoal.

They emit a lovely soothing blue glow, and they repel Piglins in addition to being useful for getting some peace and quiet, which is always fantastic.


5-Fire Charges


In the game, players may also construct fire charges using charcoal. Fire charges are used as ammunition for dispensers or a replacement for flint and steel. Blaze powder, charcoal, and gunpowder are required to make them






To smelt wood into charcoal in Minecraft, you will need a furnace and some logs. When you have your furnace and logs ready, simply place the logs inside the furnace and wait for them to smelt. Once they are done smelting, you will be left with charcoal. You can then use this charcoal for crafting or fuel for your furnace. Thanks for reading!

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