How to Obtain Riot Gun Buddy in Valorant

In Valorant, Gun Buddies are a sort of ornamental. These are gun jewels that are used to change the look of weapons. Gun Buddies are usually acquired via performing Agent Contracts, however, they may also be bought from Collection Bundles or won from Battle Pass progress.
There are an overall 217 distinct Gun Buddies available in Valorant, with 'BRO FIST' cosmetic being the most rare in the game. In Valorant, it is also referred to as 'RIOT Gun Buddy’ or ‘Fist Bump Buddy'.
The cosmetic is given to gamers that have a pleasant interaction with Riot Games and its staff in-game. If you behave well and a Riot worker is present in the lobby, you may be given a gun buddy. However, approaching Riot employees personally or harassing them is a certain way to have your demand denied.
What is a Riot Gun Buddy in Valorant?
The Riot Gun buddy is the most rare in-game cosmetic in Valorant. This artifact is only available to Riot staff, who could present it to his favorite team players if they want. Because of its rarity and official status, it's a coveted item in Valorant, and people are often looking for methods to get their hands on one.
Skin isn't the only method to make your guns unique. Gun buddies are far less expensive to get and may add an interesting element to your firearms. These little jewels may be obtained by progressing through the battle pass, purchasing skin bundles, or performing agent contracts. Inside the agent’s contract, each agent gets exclusive gun buddies that are inspired by some component of his character or lore.
How to get Fist Bump / Riot Gun Buddy in Valorant?
The Riot gun buddy can only be gained via engaging alongside Riot staff in-game. Since the game's debut, users have posted their stories about how they got their gun buddy, but very few understand how the method works. In a Reddit post, Riot Paddo, Riot Games' Program Manager, explained what to do to obtain the gun buddy.
The Riot gun buddy badge is given to any player who demonstrates good sportsmanship and makes the experience enjoyable for their team. Obviously, a Riot official must be present in the game and observe your actions. Paddo said that Riot staff rewards players with the gun buddy, for having a great time, pumping one another up, and aiding teammates.
Because not all Riot members include "Riot" in their usernames in-game, it's likely that you could be playing alongside a Riot member even without realizing it. Inquiring about the gun buddy directly or texting Riot personnel is ineffective.
Good relationships and becoming a great sport can enable you to find a gun companion, but your positive behavior must not be based just on appearance. Riot Games has already been attempting to reduce in-game negativity, and paying players with rewards is a smart step.