The New Battle pass revealed

The Battle pass of Episode 3 Act 2 has been revealed, with many epic skins and new gun buddies and sprays.
There’s no update on how it works, just like the previous ones, there’s a free track and paid track, you can buy the paid track to get more rewards as you play and progress through the game, Artisan Phantom and Nitro Operator will be available though the paid track.
The paid track will cost 1,000 VP (about $10), the pricing is fair enough and in the range of most other games with Battle pass or season pass system.
It will also provide 50 tiers of customization like skins, Cards, gun buddies, titles, and more.
The new gun skins are :
Artisan Skins
Varnish and Nitro skins
New funny spray:"Not Impressed"
New gun buddies
The Battle pass will last for eight weeks, and it will happen at the same time as the release of the new Act, which is Wednesday, September 8.