Gen.G bench MkaeL

Image Credit: Gen.G
Written by: ar1essss
Gen.G decide to bench Michael "MkaeL" De Luca ahead of the VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: North America Last Chance Qualifier.
MkaeL was a member of original Gen.G roster, when organization sign FRENCH CANADIANS in May 2020. During this 1,5 years Gen.G with MkaeL won T1 x Nerd Street Gamers Invitational, Pulse Invitational and Pittsburgh Knights Before Christmas. In announcement Gen.G said that they "continue to evaluate and explore options before the Last Chance Qualifier".
Current Gen.G roster:

VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: North America Last Chance Qualifier will take place from 12th until 17th of October. The winner of qualifier receive the spot in VALORANT Champions 2021.