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Partnership Case Study: Maximizing Exposure through Esports Driven

Partnership Case Study: Maximizing Exposure through Esports Driven
Written by: Hero

In an age where the digital landscape evolves daily, businesses often find themselves seeking innovative avenues to market their products and increase brand visibility. Esports, a thriving sector of the gaming industry, has emerged as one such avenue, boasting a vast and highly engaged audience. This case study serves to illustrate how partnering with Esports Driven can amplify a brand's reach, specifically in the realm of gaming and its related products.



About Esports Driven is a dedicated platform catering to the esports and competitive gaming community. With a focus on all things gaming, our site attracts enthusiasts ranging from casual gamers to professional players, offering a spectrum of content that resonates with this dynamic audience. Our partners include renowned brands from gaming product stores, gaming-related software, gaming mousepad retailers, to unique gaming-centric merchandise such as keychains, keycaps, etc.


While our website serves as a primary hub for engaging content, our presence isn't confined there. We've also established a significant footprint on social media, most notably with our large Twitter account @ValorantUpdated with over 425,000 followers.



Understanding Our Audience


To maximize the benefits of partnering with Esports Driven, it's essential to understand the demographics of our community:



Website Demographics:


Our site primarily attracts individuals between the ages of 18-35, with a slight male dominance. These users are tech-savvy, often engaged in multiple gaming platforms, and show a high inclination towards the latest gaming gear and accessories. Please note that Google Analytics does not track information about children, thus you will not see staticstics for users under 18.


ages anayltics


Gaming is a passion that people from all over the world share, and our platform reflects that global reach. While we welcome visitors from countless countries, a significant number of our fans are based in the USA. The UK and Canada also have strong representation among our audience, making them the next two leading countries in terms of our site's visitors.





Twitter Demographics:


Our Valorant-focused Twitter account boasts a diverse age range, though a significant portion of our followers falls within the 16-28 age bracket. The engagement rate is consistently high, given the timely updates, match insights, and product recommendations we provide. This platform offers a more immediate and interactive way to engage with fans and promote our partner's offerings.



The Partner’s Challenge


Our partner is a rising star in the world of gaming e-commerce, offering a curated selection of top-notch gaming products. From cutting-edge gaming accessories to the latest in software, their online store is a treasure trove for gaming enthusiasts. Despite having quality products, they recognized the need to expand their reach and make a deeper impact within the global gaming community.



Goals of the Partnership:


With our collaboration, the e-commerce store aimed for:


1. Increased Brand Exposure: To elevate their brand's recognition and become a go-to name in the gaming market.


2. Boosted Click-through Rates: Driving more traffic to their site, translating to potential increased sales.


3. Higher Engagement: Cultivating a more active and involved community on social media, leading to repeat customers and a loyal customer base.



Our Solution


In today's digital landscape, adopting a multifaceted approach is crucial for achieving notable traction and engagement. Recognizing this, our strategy was tailored to harness the strengths of both our website and social media platforms. By integrating promotion seamlessly across these two pivotal channels, we were able to maximize reach, capture a wider audience, and drive results.



Sticky Banner on


The part of the equation involved the strategic placement of a sticky banner at the bottom of the window. This ensured that users would constantly see the banner as they scrolled, maximizing its visibility. The design of the banner was created with a vibrant red and white color scheme that makes it stand out against the dark theme of our website. As for its size, it was optimally chosen at 770x120 for Desktop and 420x130 for Mobile, making sure it was prominent but not obtrusive.




Initially, our campaign was set for a 3-month duration. However, given the success of this banner, we felt compelled to extend it by another 6 months. Witnessing sustained positive results, we embarked on a further 6-month extension. Currently, we are in the midst of this latest extension, bringing our total campaign duration to 15 months and counting.


In terms of results, over the past 6 months, we consistently observed monthly click rates ranging between 2800 to 3200 on the advertisement banner. This amounted to an approximate total of 18,000 clicks over the 6 months. 


lgg clicks per month



Promotional Tweets on @ValorantUpdated


In addition to our primary collaborative efforts, Twitter became a pivotal platform for promoting the partner's products. Here's a breakdown of our promotional approach on the platform:


a) Consistent Promotional Tweets: To maintain momentum and visibility, we ensured that their products were spotlighted with two promotional tweets every month. These tweets often highlighted special discounts and exclusive deals available in their online store, which got an average of 50,000 views per Tweet.




b) Sporadic Giveaways: An exciting element of our promotional strategy was the introduction of giveaways. Not only did these events spark tremendous interest and participation, but they also led to a substantial increase in their Twitter followers. Each giveaway event had between 600,000 and 1,000,000 visits and brought in an impressive 4,000 to 6,000 new followers for their account, amplifying their reach and potential customer base.




By integrating these strategies, we provided consistent exposure while also introducing periodic high-engagement events, ensuring the partner benefited from both sustained visibility and explosive growth spurts.





In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Esports has proven to be a powerful platform for brands looking to enhance their reach and engagement. This case study of the partnership between Esports Driven and a well known Gaming E-commerce Store underscores the potential of a well-strategized Esports marketing campaign.


By understanding the target audience and employing a multifaceted promotional approach, brands can achieve notable results, ranging from increased website traffic to exponential growth on social media platforms. As the world of esports continues to grow, its role as a pivotal marketing avenue for businesses becomes even more evident.


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