Riot Drops The First Clue About The Newest Duelist

Valorant is set to introduce us to a new last agent for the year 2023, and that agent is luckily a Duelist. Today, Riot gave us the very first clue about this agent giving us more insight to keep guessing towards the right direction, here’s everything we know so far:
The New Duelist
It’s been 2 years since the last Duelist addition to the agent pool, and that is Neon. From what Riot gave us, we could make a guess on what nationality the agent is from.
“Many of you precision ego fraggers have been asking for a new duelist, this one is for you” Riot said.
This could indicate that the new duelist will have very aggressive abilities that help you stay precise and “ego” your opponents.
Then he added: “We’ve also got a little twist you never thought would make it into VALORANT… well.. Some of you mayyyy have been dreaming in the right direction.”
With the image provided, it is a viable guess to make that this agent is coming from China. None of us would’ve predicted that Valorant would be allowed in that region, as the game took its launch many good things are coming and this agent can be one of them.
It’s important to remember that Riot did not confirm the nationality yet, these are pure guesses coming from reasonable ground / hints.