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Best Gekko Flash Lineups On Fracture

Best Gekko Flash Lineups On Fracture
Written by: Wei

As any seasoned Valorant player will attest, the tactical depth and versatility offered by the game's various agents can dramatically shift the tide of any match. Among these agents, Gekko, with his unique Flash ability, has emerged as a favorite for many. His dynamic playstyle, combined with the right lineups, can effectively dominate the game's strategic landscape. But, the million-credit question is - what are the best Gekko Flash lineups on Fracture to maximize your success rate?


In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the most effective and game-changing Gekko Flash lineups that the professional scene has seen in 2023. From the utility-centric to those designed purely for executes, these lineups promise to give you the edge, whether you're grinding the ladder or duking it out in high-stakes tournaments.


We will dissect each lineup in terms of its positioning, utility, timing, and its compatibility with other agents' abilities. Additionally, we will provide you with pro tips on how to best utilize Gekko's Flash and the agent in varying in-game situations and map locations, so you can outmaneuver your opponents every step of the way.


Gekko Flash Lineups 


Gekko’s Flash is unique as opposed to other abilities of a similar kind in the game. Other flash abilities are instant and they miss one key advantage of Gekko’s flash which is giving away information. These lineups will be spots where your flash will spot as many enemies as possible giving you maximum benefit for a specific play. Here are our best collected flash through spots: 



A Site - Defense 

What Does It Cover: Over to A site, this flash will bounce against the wall from bottom site flashing everyone standing in Site, or A main. Becareful of smokes as that can affect the length of where this flash hits, as well as where enemies play as they can hide behind obstacles.


When To Use It: Best used when attackers start taking space on you in A site as this flash will allow you to peek with and aggress earning yourself easy frags and most importantly hold your site down.


What Makes It Special: While it is a pretty aggressive flash, after performing it the flash will land back to where you threw it from; making it easy to pick up and use later on the round. 



A Site - Sands



What Does It Cover: This flash on A site is perfect to blind anyone playing sands. It can also easily extend to a portion of A main if the door was open, this can be coordinated by a teammate’s utility or just as attackers aggress on sands.


When To Use It: Best used when enemies open the doors, whether they are actually going to execute or just to place pressure as this flash will force them out and give you the upper hand during any duel you take at that area.


What Makes It Special: It is easy to use, fast, and safe to pick after use making this flash your best counter to any execute on A Sands. 



B Site - Defense



What Does It Cover: Over on B site defense, this flash will blind anyone on B tree, lobby, or progressing towards B main. Although, if they are behind cover or too close to the wall, the flash may not detect them.


When To Use It: Best used to gain information if enemies had cut noise or slow execute B site. This flash can also be used as an executable aggressive push toward any attackers.


What Makes It Special: This flash is easy to use, and fast, and you can always pick it up again at ease. For the purposes it is used for this is a great lineup.



B Site - Arcade

What Does It Cover: Secondly is a similar flash to the one you used for B tree / main which is this exact lineup on Arcade. Allowing you to detect anyone playing toward that area.


When To Use It: Best used to gain information or execute an aggressive defensive push on Arcade.


What Makes It Special: This flash will detect a large radius and it will allow you to pick it up again easily without needing to worry about enemies.

Pro Tips


  • Keep in mind that Gekko’s Flash works quite differently. The main advantage of your flash is the ability to gain information; you can do that by looking where the flash lining went so you can determine enemy locations.

  • Players can still dodge the flash by taking cover or running out of its radius. This makes it tricky but luckily, it is really hard to dodge a Gekko flash and if it is to be dodged you will at least hear the enemies repositioning.

  • The Gekko flash makes a sound when it detects someone before shooting the flash, sometimes, enemies can run out of its radius but the flash would have still made a detection noise. Pay attention to that in order to know if the area is clear or not.

  • Always remember to ask for accompanying utility from your teammates as it can be a tremendous help for your own set of plays with Gekko. Especially in post-plant scenarios.

  • You can always reuse your flash by trying to pick it up again. This can be an important and game-changing habit so make sure you always pick your utility when it is safe to do so.

  • Never use your flash if you do not plan to capitalize on it. Each flash lineup/spot given in this guide is provided with clear instructions and when/where it is best to be used, following that you will ensure your utility usage is always top-notch.

  • Aside from teammate utility, you can always use your own abilities to assist your flash after clearing position. For instance, you can always pair the flash with a molly to punish an enemy hiding in a certain corner or to further clear it if the flash does not get there. 


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