Best Deadlock Setups On Bind

Nobody wants to be the one caught off guard when an enemy swoops in from a blind spot. Deadlock, the agent that is like chess moves—you've got to be two steps ahead to really secure the bag. Now, in the fast-paced, high-stakes world of Valorant, knowing the best deadlock setups can be the difference between a "GG, well played" and a frustrating walk back to the spawn point.
Whether you're trying to lock down a site like Fort Knox or setting up the perfect trap, it's all about positioning, gadgets, and a sprinkle of strategy. Each map has its quirks, with deadlock, you will bring something unique to the table. So, why settle for average when you can be the mastermind behind an impenetrable defense, right?
In this guide, we're going to dive into the best Deadlock setups on Bind that'll make your opponents think twice before they rush in. So, grab some popcorn, put your game face on, and let's get into it!
Deadlock Setups
As a deadlock, you are the team’s hope on the defensive side. While the agent is still relatively new, there are endless things you can do to place a lot of impact on any opponent coming your way. With the perfect setups and correct timings, you can be the change in the outcome of the game. Here are the best deadlock setups:
A Site
What Does It Cover: This complex setup will achieve multiple things at once whilst playing A site. It will completely block anyone from coming out of showers to site, create a hassle for anyone trying to get out of A short and finally assist you into getting easy kills with the way your setup is placed.
When To Use It: Best used in scenarios where enemies are known to explode into site as this setup will isolate enemies quite easily. Sound sensors are quite a hassle to deal with.
Why Is It Special: This setup is quite simple in its outcome, anyone who dares to cross to your site is going to get fragged. That’s all it is about, and all you’re going to do in-game!
To do it, place your wall on showers and then follow up your two sound sensors on A Short and A default. Then, you can use your net nade on pocket or according to your utility.
B Site - Hookah
What Does It Cover: This setup is heavily focused on Hookah control. Best used in eco rounds, it allows you to force enemies to waste a lot of their utility before they become able to cross site or even take hookah control.
When To Use It: It’s better to use this setup when you’re on a half buy round as then every frag matters and here you will be able to force enemies to take a disadvantage fight if they dare to try and take hookah from you.
Why Is It Special: It’s a very tight space on Hookah which makes you setup a lot more effective as opposed to wider areas; here you will terrorize enemies coming your way.
To do it just place your wall and sound sensor right next to its exit and then pre aim your nade to when enemies activate the sensor. After that, peek with a shot gun or your weapon of choice and enjoy your kills.
B Site
What Does It Cover: This final setup on B site will seal enemies shut if they try to get to your site. As it is aimed at both Hookah drop and Garden cross, you will be able to maintain site and at least delay enemies which can eventually win you rounds due to time bought for rotations.
When To Use It: Best used in defensive scenarios as this will definitely terrorize any enemy trying to get to B site. The wall and sound sensors are almost undodgable which will give you the upper hand in any fight you take there.
Why Is It Special: This setup is very easy to do / play off and it grants you a lot of opportunities when playing, it also covers all of the choke points to B site which is further of a reason to choose it.
To do it simply place your wall on garden, a sound sensor next to it and another right under hookah to catch the drop with a beautiful stun. From there, the stand is yours!
Pro Tips
- Remember that using your wall ability, each section can be broken separately and it can be done in less time than breaking it all at once. This means enemies can break one section quickly to pass through, being aware of this helps you predict upcoming danger.
- The audio sensor activates whenever a player produces an audio cue, this means if you place it for flank and enemies shift or slowly walk through it they will be completely undetected. Deadlock is weak when it comes to setting traps for flank as it can get dodged.
- GravNet (C) which is the ability that allows you to force crouch enemies can be canceled in some circumstances like an Omen teleporting or such. Don’t expect enemies to stay crouched after casting a certain ability.
- Enemies can easily dodge the sound sensors when they know where it is placed on site, meaning you should always re-arrange your setups and add your touch to the given setups in order to maximize the agent’s efficiency.
- Deadlock’s ultimate can bounce off walls to get to a desired position, so in case you had an enemy running away from you make sure to try and hunt them down with an ultimate trick shot!
- A common use for Deadlock’s ultimate is to enable it and not shoot it until you see the enemy. Usually with the range of the ability you can secure the kill even after being vulnerable for a few seconds after launching it.
- To properly secure holding sites, make sure you are buying the correct loadout for the purpose you are aiming for in a certain round. If you are going for kills, then place your sound sensors in cheeky spots and peek off them.
- The sound sensor can be tricked just like the killjoy turret and chamber trip, if you hear it alerted that doesn’t mean it launched or caught an enemy as they can simply retreat and hold your peek.