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How to Trade Pals in Palworld

How to Trade Pals in Palworld
Written by: iamharoongill

In Palworld, where collecting and befriending diverse Pals forms the heart of the adventure, finding specific creatures can be a daunting task. Given the game's vast landscapes and the myriad Pals scattered across them, encountering every single one is a feat not easily achieved. This is where the ability to trade Pals with fellow players becomes a game-changer.


Whether you're eyeing a Pal your friend flaunts or seeking to diversify your collection, trading offers a practical solution. Currently, in its Early Access phase, Palworld is still polishing its features, including trading mechanisms. This blog post delves into the essentials of how to trade Pals in Palworld, ensuring you're well-equipped to exchange your cherished creatures and enrich your Palworld experience.




Palworld's Trading Mechanics




Trading in Palworld, a feature eagerly anticipated by its community, offers a unique twist to the game's dynamic ecosystem. Despite the game's Early Access status, which means certain functionalities, including a straightforward trading system, are not yet fully implemented, developers have been vocal about their plans to introduce official trading capabilities. Until then, players have improvised a workaround that involves the use of merchants to buy and sell Pals, essentially mimicking a trading environment.


This method, although not directly intended for player-to-player exchanges, serves as a foundational step toward understanding the economic and social interactions within Palworld. The promise of a direct trading feature highlights the developers' commitment to evolving the game's social interactivity, enhancing the collaborative and competitive spirit of Palworld's community.



Prepare for Pal Trading in Palworld




Before diving into the trading process, players must familiarize themselves with the prerequisites and strategies to ensure a smooth and secure exchange. First and foremost, establishing trust is key, especially when engaging in trades on public servers where the risk of interference is higher. Joining or creating a guild offers a layer of security, making it easier to trade within a controlled group of players.


The two main methods for trading—direct Pal dropping and using the Palbox within your guild—require players to be in the same multiplayer world and ideally, in the same guild. This not only facilitates the trading process but also minimizes the chances of unwanted interruptions. Preparing for Pal trading involves understanding these mechanisms and navigating the social structures within Palworld to create a safe and efficient trading environment for all involved.



Method 1 - Direct Pal Dropping


Method_1_ _Direct_Pal_Dropping


Direct Pal Dropping offers Palworld players a straightforward, albeit slightly riskier, method to trade their Pals. This process allows players to physically drop a Pal from their party for another player to pick up, mimicking a tangible exchange in the game's world. Here's a step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth trading experience:


  1. Coordinate with Your Trading Partner: Ensure that you and your trading partner are present in the same multiplayer world. Communication is key, so decide on a specific location within the game to meet.
  2. Get Close: Once you've found each other, stand in close proximity to ensure the dropped Pal doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
  3. Select the Pal to Trade: Navigate to your party menu using the Menu button on an Xbox controller or 'P' on your keyboard if you're on a PC. Here, select the Pal you wish to trade.
  4. Drop the Pal: With the desired Pal selected, press the Right Stick on your Xbox controller or 'R' on your PC. You'll receive a warning pop-up; accept it to confirm you're okay with dropping the Pal. The Pal will then be encapsulated into a Pal Sphere and dropped onto the ground.
  5. Complete the Trade: Your trading partner can now pick up the Pal Sphere, and upon doing so, the Pal will be transferred to their collection.


This method's simplicity is appealing, but it requires a level of trust, especially on servers with many players. The risk of another player intercepting the dropped Pal Sphere is something to consider, so finding a secluded spot or ensuring privacy is paramount. Despite these risks, Direct Pal Dropping remains a popular choice for players looking for a quick and direct way to trade Pals.


Also Read: How to Find Merchants in Palworld



Method 2 - Using the Palbox for Secure Trades




For players seeking a more secure and private method to trade Pals in Palworld, using the Palbox within your guild's base presents an ideal solution. This method significantly reduces the risk of theft or interference from outside parties, making it the preferred choice for many. Here’s how to navigate this process:


  1. Guild Membership: First and foremost, ensure both trading parties are members of the same guild. This is a crucial step, as only guild members can access the Palbox located within your guild's base.
  2. Accessing the Palbox: Once both traders are online and in the same world, head to your guild's base, where the Palbox is located. The Palbox serves as a secure storage and management system for your Pals.
  3. Preparing the Pal for Trade: The player offering the Pal should interact with the Palbox and select the Pal they wish to trade. Using the Palbox management menu, drag and drop the chosen Pal into the Palbox, effectively storing it for the trade.
  4. Completing the Trade: The receiving player must then access the same Palbox. They can find the traded Pal within the Palbox's inventory and add it to their party, completing the trade.
  5. Finalizing Ownership: The receiving player needs to ensure the Pal is properly added to their party to finalize the ownership transfer. This step ensures that the Pal is no longer accessible to the original owner and is fully integrated into the new owner's collection.


Using the Palbox for trades offers a layer of security that direct dropping cannot, especially in environments where multiple players are present. This method requires a bit more setup, given the necessity of guild membership and access to a shared base, but it’s a small price to pay for the added security and peace of mind it provides. Trading through the Palbox allows players to safely exchange Pals without fear of interference, making it an essential mechanism for those looking to expand their collection through trades.





Trading Pals in Palworld adds a rich layer of strategy and social interaction to the game, allowing players to diversify their collections and strengthen bonds within the community. Whether opting for the quick and straightforward Direct pal-dropping method or the more secure Palbox approach, understanding and utilizing these trading mechanisms can significantly enhance your Palworld experience. As the game continues to evolve, so too will the opportunities for players to engage with one another, promising a dynamic and ever-changing world ripe for exploration and collaboration.

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