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How to Increase Base Size in Palworld

How to Increase Base Size in Palworld
Written by: iamharoongill

Embarking on an adventure in Palworld not only promises thrilling expeditions but also introduces you to the intricate art of base building—a pivotal skill for thriving in this vast world. As you weave through your journey, the desire to expand your creative horizons and construct your dream base becomes paramount. Initially, you might find yourself constrained within the limited space provided by your PalBox, pondering, "Can you increase your base size in Palworld?"


While the game sets boundaries, we've unearthed several strategies to maximize your base building space, allowing you to transcend these limitations. In this guide, we'll unveil how to increase base size in Palworld, offering tips on overcoming spatial constraints and enhancing your architectural endeavors. Join us as we explore innovative ways to broaden your base and bring your visionary projects to life.




Base Size in Palworld




In Palworld, your base serves as the backbone of your survival and progress. Initially, the game assigns a fixed area for your base, marked by the placement of your PalBox. This predefined space often presents a challenge as you delve deeper into the game, especially when larger projects or new structures like the Breeding Farm come into play, demanding more room than available.


Understanding the limitations of your base size is crucial for planning and executing your building strategies effectively. This section sets the stage for exploring creative solutions to expand beyond these initial constraints, ensuring your base evolves alongside your ambitions in Palworld.



Innovative Ways to Expand Your Base Building Space in Palworld




While Palworld may not offer a direct in-game feature to increase the base size, players have discovered several ingenious methods to circumvent these limitations. Here are some strategies to maximize your building space:


Build Over Boundaries: Begin by crafting a box just outside your designated PalBox area. Carefully place foundations so that at least one corner intersects with your PalBox boundary. This technique allows you to extend your construction beyond the traditional limits, albeit with precision and planning.

Use Multiple Pal Boxes: Strategically placing up to three Pal Boxes in proximity can create a larger, unified building area. By arranging them in a triangular formation, their areas of effect overlap, providing a new, expanded space for construction. This method requires a careful selection of locations to ensure the terrain is conducive to your building plans.

Vertical Construction: Leverage the vertical space by building upwards, as there are no restrictions on how high you can build. Constructing a solid foundation that supports vertical expansion can significantly increase your usable space. Incorporating stairs and platforms efficiently within this vertical space allows for a more complex and layered base design.



Master Vertical Construction




Embracing vertical construction is a game-changer for expanding your base within Palworld. This approach not only circumvents the horizontal space limitations but also opens up a plethora of creative possibilities for your base's design. To master vertical construction, start by laying a large, sturdy foundation, ideally 24x24 squares. This ensures stability for your towering structures. Erect four columns at each 6x6 square interval to maximize support. Utilize roofs and platforms connected to these columns to create multiple floors, enabling the efficient placement of crafting stations and other essential structures.


Remember to strategically place stairs around the exterior of your central square to facilitate movement between levels without obstructing the interior space. Optionally, disabling the auto-placement feature allows for more flexibility in stair placement, such as adding exterior balconies. This vertical approach maximizes your base's footprint and provides defensive advantages, ensuring your Pals are better positioned during raids.



Deactivate Building Decay


One of the pivotal aspects of expanding your base in Palworld is managing the structural integrity of buildings placed outside the conventional boundaries. By default, structures built beyond your Pal Box area are prone to decay, potentially leading to collapse. However, deactivating Building Decay offers a solution, allowing your constructions to stand the test of time, even outside designated zones.


To deactivate Building Decay, navigate to the World Select menu and select your current world. Look for the "Change World Settings" option and scroll until you find "Structure deterioration rate." Setting this value to zero effectively halts decay, granting you the freedom to build expansive, enduring structures without the worry of deterioration.



Tips and Tricks for Effective Base Building




Building the perfect base in Palworld goes beyond simply expanding its size; it's about optimizing the space for functionality, aesthetics, and defense. Here are some additional tips and tricks to enhance your base-building experience:


  • Plan Your Layout: Before you start building, sketch out a rough layout of your base. Consider the placement of key structures, pathways, and defense mechanisms.
  • Resource Management: Efficient resource management is crucial. Ensure you have enough materials for your construction projects by farming resources and organizing them effectively.
  • Use the Terrain: Take advantage of the natural terrain. Building near resources can save travel time, and natural barriers can enhance your base's defense.
  • Community Insights: Engage with the Palworld community. Other players can offer valuable insights, strategies, and inspiration for your base design.
  • Experiment and Iterate: Don't be afraid to experiment with different designs and layouts. You can always refine and adjust your base as your needs and resources evolve.





Expanding your base size in Palworld is a testament to your creativity and strategic planning. While the game sets initial limitations, the methods discussed—from extending boundaries and utilizing multiple Pal Boxes to mastering vertical construction and deactivating building decay—provide ample growth opportunities. Implementing these strategies will help you create the sprawling base of your dreams and enhance your overall experience in the dynamic world of Palworld. Remember, the key to a successful base lies in your ability to adapt, plan, and utilize the resources and space available to you.

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