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How to Catch Boss Pals in Palworld

How to Catch Boss Pals in Palworld
Written by: iamharoongill

In the expansive world of Palworld, players face numerous challenges, but none as thrilling as the quest to catch Boss Pals. With the game still reigning as one of the top titles on SteamCharts, despite a recent dip in its player base, the allure of capturing these formidable creatures remains undiminished.


Palworld sets players on an adventurous path where survival is key, and catching Pals is a crucial part of the journey. Among these, the Tower Bosses and Alpha Bosses present the ultimate test of skill and strategy. This guide unveils the secrets to catching these elusive Boss Pals, offering players the edge they need to succeed in the captivating universe of Palworld.




Bosses in Palworld


Can you catch bosses in palworld


A burning question on every Palworld player's mind is whether the formidable Boss Pals dotting the game's landscape can be captured. The answer is a resounding yes but with a twist. Palworld divides its bosses into two main categories: Alpha Bosses and Tower Bosses, each with its own set of rules for capture.


Alpha Bosses, the wild behemoths of the Palworld, roam the overworld, presenting players with a formidable challenge. These titans are essentially supercharged versions of regular Pals, and the game allows their capture using the conventional method of throwing Pal Spheres after a tough battle. This aspect of gameplay adds a layer of excitement and strategy, as players must skillfully defeat these bosses to add them to their collection.


On the other hand, Tower Bosses are the best Palworld challenges, designed to test players' mettle to the utmost. These bosses, accompanied by their Tamers, are not intended to be caught in the game's original design. However, the ingenuity of players shines through as they have unearthed an exploit that allows the capture of these elusive Tower Bosses. This discovery has added a new layer of strategy to the game, offering players a backdoor to harnessing the power of the game's most formidable foes.



How to Catch Alpha Bosses in Palworld




Catching Alpha Bosses in Palworld is an exhilarating challenge that requires strategy, patience, and a bit of daring. Alpha Bosses are the enhanced versions of regular Pals, roaming the vast landscapes and hidden dungeons of Palworld. These formidable creatures offer a tougher battle than their ordinary counterparts but promise greater rewards upon capture. Here’s your essential guide to adding these mighty beings to your team.


First and foremost, preparation is key. Ensure your party is well-equipped and your Pals are at a high enough level to withstand the Alpha Bosses' powerful attacks. Stock up on Pal Spheres, the essential tool for capturing any Pal in the game, and make sure you have a variety of types to match the specific Alpha Boss you're targeting.


Alpha Bosses make their presence known in the open world and the depths of dungeons, marked by their distinct aura and size. To initiate a capture, engage them in battle with your strongest Pals. The key to defeating an Alpha Boss lies in understanding its attack patterns and weaknesses. Pay close attention to its moves and counter accordingly.


Once the Alpha Boss is weakened, it’s time to throw your Pal Spheres. This step requires precision and timing; wait for the right moment when the Boss is most vulnerable. It may take several attempts, as Alpha Bosses are known for their resilience and may break free from the Pal Sphere.


Remember, catching an Alpha Boss is not just about brute force. It's about strategy, from the composition of your party to the timing of your Pal Sphere throw. Each successful capture adds a powerful ally to your ranks and significantly boosts your experience points, making it a worthwhile endeavor for any aspiring Palworld master.


Also Read: Best Pals for Mining in Palworld



How to Catch Tower Bosses in Palworld




Catching Tower Bosses in Palworld presents a unique challenge, as these formidable foes are not intended to be captured through conventional gameplay. However, the community has ingeniously discovered a workaround, allowing players to add these powerful Pals to their collections. This section delves into the steps necessary to exploit this unintended feature and secure Tower Bosses for your adventures.


Step 1: Gain Wanted Status 


Begin by initiating an attack on an NPC near the Tower Boss area. This action will grant you a Wanted status, a crucial step that manipulates the game's mechanics to your advantage. The Wanted status alters the behavior of NPCs and the environment, setting the stage for the next steps.


Step 2: Infiltrate the Tower 


With your Wanted status active, stealthily make your way into the Tower. Your goal is to navigate through the area and reach the Boss's hideout. This step requires patience and stealth, as detection could lead to confrontation with the game's security forces.


Step 3: Exploit NPC Behavior 


Once you're in the vicinity of the Tower Boss, the NPCs will attempt to attack you due to your Wanted status. However, if positioned correctly, their attacks will inadvertently hit the Tower Boss instead. It's crucial to remain hidden and avoid direct engagement with the Boss during this phase. For aerial Bosses, using a flying mount can help position the NPCs' attacks to your advantage.


Step 4: Capture the Tower Boss 


While the NPCs are distracted by the Tower Boss, seize the opportunity to throw a Pal Sphere at the Boss. Aim carefully, and ensure you're throwing from a position of cover to maintain your stealth. This moment is critical, as it's your chance to capture the Tower Boss while they're weakened by NPC attacks.


Step 5: Secure Your Capture 


After throwing the Pal Sphere, quickly exit the Tower to finalize the capture process. If done correctly, you'll have successfully caught the Tower Boss, bypassing the game's intended restrictions.


Also Read: The Best Ground Pals in Palworld


This method has been confirmed to work for all five Tower Bosses, including the likes of Marcus-Felaris and Lily-Lyleen. However, players should proceed with caution, as exploiting game mechanics can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences. Additionally, this method may be subject to change with future game updates.





Mastering the art of catching Boss Pals in Palworld opens a new realm of possibilities for players, offering unparalleled power and prestige. Whether you're strategically capturing Alpha Bosses or cleverly exploiting game mechanics to secure Tower Bosses, each victory brings you one step closer to Palworld mastery. Embrace these challenges and let your adventures in this vibrant world be filled with the thrill of conquest and the joy of discovery. As you gather your collection of Boss Pals, remember that it's not just about the capture; it's about the journey and the stories you create along the way.

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