Best Way To Play Tejo On Split

Here you will find everything you need to know about how to utilize Tejo’s abilities to the best extent possible. While Tejo is relatively new, there are many ways to achieve creative plays. We will take you through a guide of some of the better usages for Tejo’s abilitieso on Split:
Attacking Side
A Site
Usage: If you’re pushing A, one of your main concerns would be Elbow and close left. This is essentially because enemies can peek you, catch you off guard and kill you amidst push. So, with this setup, you counter that exact issue. If there was anyone Elbow, they would need to reposition in the open, and if there’s anyone close, they’re a free kill for your teammates.
B Site
Usage: Onto B site, this layout will delete almost any Sentinel player on B. Cyphers, specifically, like to play in that position to utilize their one way cage lineup. Then, how about you counter them? This will guarantee you free damage or even kills if the enemy could not escape the position in time.
Defending Side
A Site
Usage: If enemies are pushing A fully, this will be a great setup which can also be accompanied by teammate utilities to help stack an aggressive push on A main. You are sure to get damage or delay enemies from pushing, if you’re aggressing, that will be an excellent choice.
B Site
Usage: Similarly to A, aggressing is a good option here, but you don’t really have to. With this layout, you could deal massive damage without having to push forward. You just need to make sure to hold out for anyone coming through your utility, and take the space enemies leave if they flee B main.
A Site
Usage: When pushing A site, you should use your ultimate to clear site from any sentinels playing in that position. You’ll still be open to heaven, elbow and closer angles, but clearing deep site is the hardest and it’ll give you peace of mind as you push to clear angles.
B Site
Usage: B site’s ultimate spot is straight forward. You can either ult B heaven or do so towards back site/pillar, this will grant you an easy entry as long as you have smokes down. If you decide to ult B heaven, you’d need to be more setup towards middle to have that push workout efficiently in-game.