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VALORANT Omen Smokes on Icebox - Best Smokes and Strategies

VALORANT Omen Smokes on Icebox - Best Smokes and Strategies
Written by: Wei

Omen is known for his versatile abilities and the ability to control and obscure vision on the battlefield.

Icebox is one of the most challenging maps in VALORANT, requiring precise aim and effective strategy to dominate. In this article, we will delve into Omen's abilities and showcase the best smokes for each key location on Icebox including both attacking and defensive sides. Whether you're a veteran player or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the tools to become a master of Icebox with Omen. Get ready to take your gameplay to the next level!

Setups - Attack 


Attacking on Icebox is not complicated but it isn’t easy either. Your smokes need to be place properly and that is sometimes confusing due to how many angles there are on this map. Here are the different and best smokes & setups for the attacking side of icebox: 


Starting with a classic, original way of attacking A. Smokes on Rafters and Screens and a blind towards the deep left corner to help your duelists enter more smoothly. 


Your smoke on screens can also be replaced for a deep smoke if you plan to take control of that area, but if you’re only playing on site or in specific post plant positions this is the best way to smoke. 


This is the example of a deep smoke if you’re playing for more control on site, but the key difference is the way you use your paranoia. You can either use it early on or risk the entrance but use it on backsite for a more effective and guaranteed use. 


These are how your B smokes should look like. However, this is not a fixed strategy that you should follow, there are times and factors that change what you are meant to do. Such as if you had a sage wall, there would be no point smoking that way. 


This is a more effective example if you have a sage wall to help you on site. If you smoke the wall and leave top site open, you risk your planter’s life even more than you would with smoking their wall. Always aim to cover as much as possible of the map, that includes playing off the utility your teammates have and not replicating what they do. 


If you’re attacking from Mid to A, it’s optimal that you smoke like that. Just acknowledge that typically pushing from Mid is meant to be a fast execute, don’t hold back and instantly smoke and use your utility. 


There are two ways to go from mid to b, one is as shown, a smoke boiler, blind for anyone who’s under boiler and a smoke on Kitchen so that your teammates can clear the angles more efficiently and under less pressure for better chances of surviving. 


Another example that is more efficient is to smoke middle just like so and take either a quick route from under tube or a late lurk through kitchen while placing a smoke for your teammates on snow man, on site. 

Setups - Defense


Defending is the hardest part on Icebox. While both can have their pros and cons, if the attacking team knows what they’re doing you will find yourself at a huge disadvantage. In Icebox defense, your options are limited but not with these amazing setups you are about to learn: 


Smoke on Main and a smoke on belt to prevent early peekers. For the smoke on A main you would require somebody to play close or attentive to that position as you don’t want them to just walk out of it. 


Often times, A main is not that important to smoke. Attackers have an advantage with the overwhelming about of angles that they can peek from to punish you. Smoking pipes and belt/close is a big advantage for you. 


You can as well sacrifice some space of your site but settle for not letting them past it. A smoke for early peekers and a smoke for under pipes in maze to prevent anyone to take control over that area even if they effectively get the plant down. 


Pushing down tube with a deep smoke and a blind prepared is an insane strategy if you’re trying to aggressively hold mid. 


However, if your enemies are quick peekers you would not want to do that. Instead, smoke like this and play off your teammate from under tube. 


Defending B can be done in many ways. One of which is this one way that can be accessed from both yellow and default positions. It is truly OP 


And if you’re not willing to play more aggressively, you can settle for smoking both sides of yellow which will temporarily prevent attackers from progressing on site. 


Or you could do the same setup but right in deeper into B long, preventing them from having sight into yellow or any of site and forcing them to use utility before actually stepping in for space or control. 

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