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VALORANT Astra Smokes on Pearl - Best Smokes and Strategies

VALORANT Astra Smokes on Pearl - Best Smokes and Strategies
Written by: Weeii

This will be the only guide you need on the best smokes for Astra on the map Pearl
Astra is a versatile agent with a unique set of abilities that make her a valuable addition to any team. Pearl is the perfect map to utilize Astra on with all the angles, different approaches, and strategies.

In this article, we will explore Astra's abilities and highlight the best smokes for each key location on Fracture. Whether you're a veteran player or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the knowledge to effectively control and dominate your opponents with Astra. Get ready to take your gameplay to the next level!

Setups - Attack 

The attacking side on Pearl is quite challenging as you need to figure out a good approach to the defenders. Pearl is a relative map to split; with tight spaces and many hiding corners for defenders which can get to be a nightmare if you are failing to open up sites. Here’s how with Astra you can make Pearl attacking side seem so easy:

A Plant



Smoke both Dugout and CT / Flowers and proceed into site. You can use your stun on art for anyone holding that to give your sage more space to wall that space without getting shot. 

Without a sage, you should not follow this setup and skip to the next one. 



A Control


If you don’t have a sage, this is how you should smoke site. Smoke on art, CT and a stun on Dugout or the close right corner. 

Pro Tip: You don’t use your Gravity Well on Astra if you are on the attacking side solely because this ability is better suited for post plant scenarios. In that context, you should always use your stun to clear corners and your pull to stop enemies from defusing the spike. 



B Control



If you’re pushing B make sure you use this setup. As it’ll cover most dangerous areas for when you attack any well positioned defenders. 



B Plant


Just make sure you account for the fact there might be players hiding in halls and might possibly peek you, you can either switch a smoke to that or just dedicate a player to watch it. A stun might also work but we prefer to place it on heaven top site as players there will have nothing blocking their vision. 



Mid To A


Middle in Pearl is one of the most important factors that can assist you to either win or lose a game. So it’s important that you learn to utilize astra effectively in order to get space that can help execute sites. 

Take this setup as an example, pushing from Art (middle) to A can be a challenge but if you smoke it just as shown with a stun towards dugout or where you expect the site holder to stay, it becomes a lot easier as much pressure is cleared off your shoulders. 



Mid To B


Similarly to the first set up, you can do that to B. Only difference is here you will use your stun with your smoke on Connector as defenders often hide there and might peek you while you’re trying to walk up into B long. So adding a stun can buy you enough time to go site and fight enemies while still having an isolating smoke on either CT or heaven. 

Setups - Defense 

Pearl is easier played on defense but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will always be on your side. If you don’t learn the best set ups to hold sites down you might find yourself in a situation where it’s impossible to deny enemies from taking space on you. And that’s why we will now show you the best set ups to force your enemies into backing off your site: 


A Control



You should always pre place a star right after smoking the area you’re defending. In this case, right after smoking A main. That star will be used as a pull and activated only when enemies try to step out through / out of your smoke. 

And to properly defend A, you need to smoke Art and it’s preferred you smoke that deeply for a teammate to play behind the boxes and hold it down. 



A Aggressive


If you want to play for more control, you can push A early on by using a breach stun to slow them down then placing astra smoke and pull as shown above. 

For these type of risky plays we recommend that you do them only on Eco rounds. So that there’s not much lost if you do end up losing the round. 



Mid Control


As we mentioned earlier, Mid is one of the most important factors of this map. And that, applies to defense. Usually it’s easier for you as a defender to take control of that space, all you need to do is smoke both window and link and adding a pull into either can help you push towards middle without anyone disturbing you. 



B Passive



Now moving on to defend B site, it’s good to have early control such as so. Placing a pull on default and only activating it if you’re forced out of site and need to delay the plant. 

You can as well move your smokes a bit backwards in case it was harder for you to hold these positions. 



B Passive


The more aggressive way to hold B is by smoking B lobby and pulling early on the round to ensure nobody walks out of the smoke before you do 

This is definitely best done with teammates otherwise it’ll be too risky and possibly a complete loss. 

Setups - Ultimates 

Unique to Astra and not any other controller is her ultimate that is a gigantic wall crossing the entire map blocking both sounds and bullets. And since it’s an ability that needs to be used properly, here’s how you can implement it in-game:


A Ultimate



The best Astra ultimate you can use on A is the one that blocks both Art and CT. 

This will keep secret open but you can cover it up with a smoke and potentially take dugout control as everything else is blocked by your ult.



B Ultimate


The hardest part about executing B site is the fact that it has way too many angles that you can’t cover all at once. 

With astra’s ult, you can block everything putting it as shown in the picture above.



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