The Best Fade Lineups For Ascent

Fade is a versatile initiator agent in Valorant, equipped with a powerful set of abilities that can gather information and control the battlefield. One of her key strengths lies in his ability to set up precise lineups, which are pre-determined locations where his abilities will land. These lineups can be used to clear out areas, gather information, and even secure kills.
There are many different Fade lineups that can be used on various maps in Valorant, each with its own specific purpose and application. Today we will demonstrate the best Fade lineups for each key location on the map Ascent that will enable you to utilize her kit to the maximum of its ability and ensure the highest chances of winning.
These lineups will cover all the important aspects such as attacking, defending, and even retaking. Whether you’re a veteran player or just starting out on the agent, this guide will be a step up and great help for your gameplay on Fade while playing Ascent.
Fade Lineups - Attacking Side
While initiators are often associated with duelists, they play in a completely different way and adapt various possibilities than what a duelist player would. She is classified as an information initiator, unlike the flasher initiators who are more focused to find ways to flash for their duelist’s entry, you as a Fade try to find the gaps in the enemy team and gather information that your team can use to open and execute sites a lot more effectively. Here’s how you can utilize Fade's lineups on attack:
Fade lineups work differently when it comes to the mechanics. They are not familiar with any other throwable ability, making it unique. This lineup will land right on top of the close wall on A main, revealing everyone who’s playing close corners and possibly more into site as well. It won’t reveal anyone on short or taking cover.
To do this lineup it’s very simple, stand in A long just around the barrier or where referenced on the picture and try to find that little gray spot, aim right next to it, and then
Make sure to do a jumping throw.
Into B site, this haunt will reveal almost every position you’re in need of knowing about. It will not clear close corners, but that’s easier done than clearing site entirely and that’s why this is a really good lineup.
It might sound complicated as to how you can do this lineup but it’s actually relatively easy and quite effective. Start by going to the left corner of B main and lining yourself up as so. Then, place your crosshair at the spot shown in the picture.
Now the second red arrow is where your crosshair will be when you throw the lineup. Because you need to run forward and as soon as you reach the pipe bar, jump and throw it.
For Mid, which is a pretty crucial spot on the map Ascent that you definitely need to clear and maintain control of even if you’re going to execute a specific site. This haunt will allow you to clear every close position in Mid Market and some of Short. This will also be a perfect counter for operator players.
To do this lineup, come against the barrier on Mid Link or simply just stand anywhere around here where you have line of sight to this huge barrel. Aim right at it,
And then do a jumping throw.
Fade Lineups - Defending Side
It might not seem inevitably clear how important an initiator like Fade is on defense, but the reality is you play a key part in winning even defensive sides. Utilizing her ability kit to gather as much information as you can on the attacking team’s positioning and moves can be the game changer and lead to victory. Here are the best lineups to defend and gather early information with Fade:
This haunt will change the way you defend A site forever. It takes by surprise any attacker on A lobby early on the round. Best part, you can perform this lineup from short giving you a strategic position against attackers.
To do this, just simply come to the right corner of A main and find this metal box as shown in the picture. And then, try to align your Mouse HUD corner with it just as referenced, then
Just throw your haunt.
This lineup on B main is quite unique, it lands on a similar spot on the windows of the B main wall but not exactly where attackers commonly expect it. Making it harder to destroy and pretty valuable for wallbangs and such. It won’t reveal anyone on B lobby.
To perform this lineup come into this corner on lane and stuck yourself against it, then aim right at that tight bottom left corner of the second window on the wall.
Then, just throw your haunt.
Defending Mid is crucial and for that you need a lineup that will give you some information or help you maintain control of areas you’ve left defending sites. This will land high and reveal short and mid, making it the perfect spot.
Simply come to the corner of Garden right in front of tree, then find this spot referenced in the picture and aim right at it.
As soon as you achieve that, do a jumping throw.
Fade Lineups - Retakes
Retaking is a part of playing defense, but it reverses the roles as after you’ve lost site it’s almost like you’re attacking to open site again. With that, you need proper lineups and knowledge to corner attackers and ensure your team gets the lead when it comes to positions and info. Here are the best retaking lineups for Fade:
Retaking A can be very complicated but this will ease the process of doing so. As it will clear everyone on Gen and around and possibly farther corners such as close to tree. It also takes away from the attacker’s attention as they need to aim for it to destroy.
Come and stuck yourself against the corner on A heaven, just like so, and then aim at the bottom of this support line referenced in the picture.
Then, just throw it.
This is another definition of the perfect lineup which will easily clear most dangerous position in the B attacker post plant giving you a huge advantage.
To do this lineup, just come to B CT and find this building or spot. As you have line of sight for it, just look at the corner of it and then
Run and jump throw your haunt which will land perfectly on the spot.