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The Best KAYO Lineups For Ascent

The Best KAYO Lineups For Ascent
Written by: Weeii

Kayo is a versatile initiator agent in Valorant, equipped with a powerful set of abilities that can gather information and control the battlefield. One of his key strengths lies in his ability to set up precise lineups, which are pre-determined locations where his abilities will land. These lineups can be used to clear out areas, gather information, and even secure kills.


There are many different KAY/O lineups that can be used on various maps in Valorant, each with its own specific purpose and application. Today we will demonstrate the best lineups for each key location on the map Ascent that will enable you to utilize his kit to the maximum of its ability and ensure the highest chances of winning. 


These lineups will cover all the important aspects such as attacking, defending, and even retaking. Whether you’re a veteran player or just starting out on the agent, this guide will be a step up and great help for your gameplay on Kayo while playing Ascent

Kayo Knife Lineups - Attacking Side 


While initiators are often associated with duelists, they play in a completely different way and adapt various possibilities than what a duelist player would. He is classified as a flasher initiator, meaning that you as a KAY/O need to assist the duelist’s entry, that can be by using precise flash lineups or even suppressing enemies with good knife spots that will help gather information and assist the execute. Here’s how you can utilize Kayo's lineups on attack:


As an initiator you might be the most important player on a map like Ascent. Due to the strict need for information and fast executes on it, you will be a key role affecting the overall outcome of the round. This knife lineup is perfect for A site as it reveals & suppresses Dices, Generator, Heaven and more. 


To do it, come over to the left side of the barrier as soon as the round starts and line yourself to it and then aim just like so. Above the edge of that cloud up to the line of this second cloud and throw your knife. 


For B Site, this will land on top of the switch house and will cover the most dangerous common spots such as switch, lane, stairs and more into site. It will not take care of Boat house so in case you know enemies play there consistently you might want to switch it up. 


To do it, come and hug this corner in front of B main and aim right at that spot then throw your knife. Best part is, nobody can destroy it or see it coming so it’s always guaranteed to scan whoever is on site. 


This is a perfect kayo knife lineup for market mid on the attacking side. The hardest part about taking control of the middle area is the crossfires and multitude of angles that can be setup. For example players playing CT, Pizza and inside market. This lineup will be undestroyable and will grant you information on both pizza and market. 


To do it, simply head to this corner on B link and aim at that spot on the sky. It’ll be to the right of a slightly shaded cloud, aim there and throw your knife. 

Kayo Knife Lineups - Defending Side

It might not seem inevitably clear how important an initiator like Kayo is on defense, but the reality is you play a key part in winning even defensive sides. Utilizing his ability kit to gather as much information as you can on the attacking team’s positioning and moves can be the game changer and lead to victory. Here are the best lineups to defend and gather early information and suppress enemies with Kayo:


Into A site, this is the most commonly used knife that even professional players use during matches and it’s unstoppable. All the enemy can do is wait for you to throw it so they progress, but if you choose the right timing they cannot do anything but accept to suppressed and revealed. 


Best part, it’s super safe as all you need to do is stand anywhere here on short and throw it on this wall. It’ll take care of the rest. 


Similarly to A site, this is an amazing knife that is undestroyable on B main. It reveals and suppresses everyone on B main and even some of B lobby and towards mid link, making it a great option for early information or even late round. 


To do it is very simple and quick, come over and find this corner and then throw your knife. Depending on when you use it, enemies might not be able to destroy it unless they were close enough. 

Kayo Knife Lineups - Retakes 


Retaking is a part of playing defense, but it reverses the roles as after you’ve lost site it’s almost like you’re attacking to open site again. With that, you need proper lineups and knowledge to corner attackers and ensure your team gets the lead when it comes to positions and info. Here are the best retaking lineups for Kayo:


As a KAYO while retaking A site you can throw your knife anywhere against the wall on heaven or on the dices to reveal the closer angles. However, if you want to reveal A main which is the real troublesome position you will need a lineup for it which we will show you just now: 


All you have to do is come against the corner on A heaven after making sure nobody is peeking and that you’re safe, then lineup your knife logo’s top with this line as in the picture and throw your knife. 


On B site, attackers will either playing close for fights or in boat house with utility to delay you from defusing the spike. We believe that clearing the closer angles is much more important for your execution and that can simply be done with this knife throw. 


Just come over to CT and throw it against switch, anywhere will do as the range of the knife is big enough to take care of the rest. 


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