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The Best Trident Enchantments in Minecraft

The Best Trident Enchantments in Minecraft
Written by: iamharoongill

Tridents are one of the most powerful and versatile weapons in Minecraft. With their ability to be thrown and their impressive attack damage, tridents are a popular choice for players looking to take on tough mobs or explore the depths of the ocean.


But did you know that you can enchant your trident to make it even more powerful? Enchantments can add several useful effects to your trident, such as increased damage, increased range, and even the ability to summon lightning strikes. In this article, we'll go over the best enchantments for tridents in Minecraft so you can take your underwater adventures to the next level.




How to Enchant a Trident


Enchanting a trident in Minecraft is a relatively simple process, but it does require a few items and a bit of preparation. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to enchant your trident:


  1. Obtain an Enchantment Table: You'll need an enchantment table to enchant your trident. Enchantment tables can be crafted using four obsidian blocks, two diamonds, and one book.
  2. Gather Lapis Lazuli: Enchanting requires Lapis Lazuli as a form of currency. You'll need to gather enough Lapis Lazuli to power your enchantment table.
  3. Place your trident in the Enchantment Table: Place your trident in the top slot of the enchantment table.
  4. Select your Enchantment: Use the bookshelf surrounding the enchantment table to select the enchantment you want to apply to your trident. The higher the level, the more Lapis Lazuli it will cost.
  5. Apply the Enchantment: Click on the enchantment to apply it to your trident. If you have enough Lapis Lazuli, the enchantment will be applied to your trident.


It's important to note that enchanting is not an exact science. You may not get the enchantment you want the first time you try. You can always try again or combine different enchantments to get the desired effect.

Enchanting a trident is a great way to improve its abilities and make it an even more powerful weapon. With a little bit of effort, you can create a trident that is truly unstoppable.



List of 7 Best Enchantments for Tridents


Tridents are versatile weapons that can be enchanted to increase their effectiveness in different situations. Here are some of the top enchantments for tridents:


1. Channeling


Channeling is an enchantment for tridents that can be incredibly useful during thunderstorms. When you hit a mob with a trident that has the Channeling enchantment during a thunderstorm, a lightning bolt will be summoned to strike the mob. This enchantment can be incredibly useful for players who want to damage multiple enemies at once or for players who need to clear a large area quickly.




When you use the Channeling enchantment, the trident will become charged with electricity and emit a glowing particle effect. You'll need to hit a mob directly with the trident for the enchantment to work, and the mob needs to be in an open area without a block covering its head.



2. Loyalty


The Loyalty enchantment is a great enchantment for players who don't want to constantly retrieve their trident after throwing it. This enchantment causes the trident to return to the player after it is thrown, making it easier to use the weapon in combat and explore underwater environments.




When you applied it to your trident, throwing it will cause it to return to you after a few seconds. This can be incredibly useful for players who like to keep their distance during combat, as they can throw their trident and then quickly retrieve it.


Additionally, the Loyalty enchantment can be combined with the Riptide enchantment to create a powerful combo. With both enchantments applied, players can throw their trident and then use the Riptide enchantment to boost towards it and retrieve it quickly.



3. Riptide


The Riptide enchantment is another unique enchantment for tridents. When the player is in water or rain, this enchantment will boost their movement speed, allowing them to move quickly through the water. To use the enchantment, you'll need to be in contact with either water or rain and then right-click with the trident. It will cause the player to quickly move forward in the direction they're facing.


minecraft riptide


The Riptide enchantment can be incredibly useful for players who need to quickly escape danger, travel long distances through water, or navigate through strong currents. Additionally, the enchantment can be combined with the Loyalty enchantment to create a powerful combo. With both enchantments applied, players can throw their trident and then use the Riptide enchantment to boost towards it and retrieve it quickly.



4. Impaling


Impaling is an enchantment for tridents that increases the damage dealt to aquatic mobs, including guardians, elder guardians, squids, dolphins, and all types of fish. This enchantment can be particularly useful for players who frequently engage in combat with sea creatures, such as guardians or drowned.




Once the Impaling enchantment is applied to your trident, it will deal significantly more damage to aquatic mobs. This can be incredibly useful for players who need to quickly dispatch guardians or elder guardians, which can be very tough to defeat without the right equipment.



5. Unbreaking


The Unbreaking enchantment is a great enchantment for players who want to keep their trident in top condition for longer periods of time. This enchantment increases the durability of the trident, allowing it to withstand more wear and tear before needing repairs.




With the application of the Unbreaking enchantment on your trident, it will increase the weapon's durability. It means it will take longer for the trident to wear out and break, giving players more time to use it before they need to repair or replace it.



6. Mending


The Mending enchantment is an enchantment that allows the trident to repair itself when the player collects experience orbs. This enchantment can save players a lot of time and effort by ensuring that their weapon is always ready for action. When you applied it to your trident, it will start to repair itself when the player collects experience orbs. It means that as the player gains experience, the trident will gradually repair any damage it has sustained.





7. Curse of Vanishing


The Curse of Vanishing is an enchantment for tridents that causes the weapon to disappear when the player dies. This enchantment may seem counterintuitive, but it can be useful in certain situations.


Once the Curse of Vanishing enchantment is applied to your trident, it will disappear when the player dies. This means that if the player dies while holding the trident, it will not drop as an item and will be lost forever.




While this enchantment may seem like a downside, it can be useful in certain situations. For example, if a player is exploring a dangerous area and doesn't want to risk losing their valuable trident, they can enchant it with the Curse of Vanishing to ensure that it will disappear if they die. It can give the player peace of mind and allow them to explore more confidently.





In conclusion, selecting the right enchantments for your trident can make a huge difference in your Minecraft gameplay. Whether you want to summon lightning, return the trident to your hand, or increase your speed, there are enchantments available that can help you achieve your goals.


Experiment with different combinations to find the ones that work best for your playstyle and situation, and don't forget to keep your trident well-maintained with Unbreaking and Mending. With the right enchantments, your trident can become an incredibly powerful tool in the game.

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