Best Jett Updrafts For Bind

Mastering the intricacies of each agent is key to securing victory on the battlefield. One such agent, the high-flying, blade-wielding Jett, possesses a unique set of abilities that, when used correctly, can deliver devastating blows to the enemy team. Among her abilities is Updraft, a vertical mobility tool that allows Jett to access unprecedented lines of sight, bypass obstacles, and surprise her opponents from above.
This guide will delve into the best Updraft spots for Jett in Bind. You'll discover not just the most advantageous spots, but also learn the correct timings, best tactics, and optimal scenarios to use these spots to maximum effect. Whether you're a seasoned Jett player looking to up your game, or a newcomer eager to harness her vertical prowess, this comprehensive guide is your ticket to becoming an airborne menace in Valorant.
Jett - Updrafts
When choosing an updraft spot, there will be many different usages for it. Such as gaining information or looking for a pick with your knives (ultimate) that allows you to be mobile and land shots. There are also attacking and defensive spots as in attacking you will be able to more likely score unpredictable kills while in defensive spots you will be looking to gain numbers advantage or gather information. Here you will find the best mixture that combines all of these aspects together, for the best Jett updrafts coming your way:
What Does It Cover: This updraft on A will give you direct line of sight to enemies on showers. Specifically, the position in which they usually peek from.
When To Use It: Best used if you are planning to earn a pick on showers as sometimes enemies take control of that area which you can use to your advantage with this updraft.
What Makes It Good: The way this window is structured will give you a visual advantage fighting anyone in that spot, giving you the upper hand in the fight.
Simply come close to showers and double updraft to this spot. It is unpredictable which will also increase your chances of winning that fight.
What Does It Cover: Up to A short, this updraft will help you face any early peeker or operator player taking advantage of A short. It is adjustable making you able to see the entirety of A short and lamps peek.
When To Use It: If an enemy player peeks from short for picks or to put pressure, whether that was with an operator or not, this will be a perfect updraft to counter it.
What Makes It Good: The fact that enemies will not be able to react to this spot is what makes it stand out as it’s very difficult to just respond while taking care of A short as a defender.
Simply come over to A lobby, on the right side and double updraft to this spot. It can be adjusted more to the left to give you more vision towards trucks, but that is on a case by case basis and up to your judgement.
What Does It Cover: As a mirroring spot to attacking showers, this defender updraft will give you the edge in taking fights at Showers or possibly just gain information.
When To Use It: Best used to take a fight with your ultimate online but it is always possible to alter it for gaining information if you thought that was more valuable.
What Makes It Good: Whether you choose to fight or get information, with this updraft you are very unlikely to lose as enemies never see it coming.
Simply come close to the wall on Showers and use your updraft to get to this spot. It also helps you isolate fights if there was multiple enemies.
What Does It Cover: This updraft on B long will give you direct line of sight to the wide peek (left side) of B long. That can be adjusted, but it excludes anyone on the far right.
When To Use It: Best used to counter operator players or any early peekers from that spot in general.
What Makes It Good: This updraft puts you in a position where it is very hard for the enemy to score the kill in you giving you an immense advantage taking fights.
Simply come close to the B long wall and double updraft, angle it like so or choose a different angle for fighting right side if that is your wish.
What Does It Cover: Using this spot you will be able to see the entirety of B long and a large portion of B lobby. That is excluding anyone deep or playing anti flash behind the walls.
When To Use It: When your ultimate is online and you are on the defending half this indicates a perfect chance to score free kills using this spot.
What Makes It Good: As it is an uncommon updraft spot, enemies will not expect to fight you off at this angle giving you the advantage.
You will need to parkour your way to the boxes next to Garden and then double updraft to get this vision, and from there enjoy your kills.
What Does It Cover: This unique updraft will lend you line of sight up to the defending enemy spawn. This will exclude anyone close up on CT.
When To Use It: If you obtained control of B site and you know the enemy has stacked and/or are on their way to rotate, it will be a perfect time to utilize this for free kills.
What Makes It Good: This is a very unique and unexpected updraft which no enemy can see coming, giving you complete advantage in the fight.
Simply come over to the Tube in middle of B site and double updraft to this corner to see CT spawn. This will be safe done for 1 pick, as if you overheat you will be traded easily.
What Does It Cover: This updraft will give you a unique angle as it is relatively new to the game. You will be able to see back site and close CT instantly with this spot.
When To Use It: Best used as a retake scenario to B site, this will allow you earn free picks that will easen your time in site.
What Makes It Good: The fact that it is new to the map and unpredictable will make it hard for any enemy to fight you off.
Simply come to Elbow and find this little window in the wall, double updraft into it with your ultimate and you are good to go. You can also use this for information on the enemy’s position as you retake.
Pro Tips
- Always ask your teammates for help when using such updrafts as flashes, baits or even sage wall boosts can help you immensely to get your job done.
- When your ultimate is not online, it is still viable to perform any of the previous updrafts but for a different purpose as you see fit. If that meant gaining information, depending on the scenario that could be a good play.
- Make sure to not immediately updraft at a certain spot after popping your ultimate, as if you do so enemies might expect it since most players activate their ultimate and updraft right away. Instead, activate your ultimate at the start of the round to give yourself a room of unpredictability.
- Keep in mind that enemies can hear your updraft in certain spots if you are not too far away from them, thus, making it harder for you to get the kill but it still is an advantage to your position as they need to react.
- By bolding “space” you will enable Jett’s passive ability which makes you float in the air. This can be beneficial in scenarios where you need more time to hit your target, so you can float instead of falling right down after your updraft. However, this also makes you more vulnerable to utilize it well