The Best KAYO Lineups For Lotus

Kayo is a versatile initiator agent in Valorant, equipped with a powerful set of abilities that can gather information and control the battlefield. One of his key strengths lies in his ability to set up precise lineups, which are pre-determined locations where his abilities will land. These lineups can be used to clear out areas, gather information, and even secure kills.
There are many different KAY/O lineups that can be used on various maps in Valorant, each with its own specific purpose and application. Today we will demonstrate the best lineups for each key location on the map Lotus that will enable you to utilize his kit to the maximum of its ability and ensure the highest chances of winning.
These lineups will cover all the important aspects such as attacking, defending, and even retaking. Whether you’re a veteran player or just starting out on the agent, this guide will be a step up and great help for your gameplay on Kayo while playing Lotus.
Kayo Knife Lineups - Attacking Side
While initiators are often associated with duelists, they play in a completely different way and adapt various possibilities than what a duelist player would. He is classified as a flasher initiator, meaning that you as a KAY/O need to assist the duelist’s entry, that can be by using precise flash lineups or even suppressing enemies with good knife spots that will help gather information and assist the execute. Here’s how you can utilize Kayo's lineups on attack:
Coming into A, we will show you the best knives that you can use to suppress enemies and plan your execute accordingly. This knife is nearly indestructible, making it one of the best ways to execute A site.
To do it, simply come to Rubble and stick yourself to the corner, as you do that, look up and aim in the middle of this space just like shown in the picture and then throw your knife.
When you’re playing default, you really need to ensure that you gather information or stop the defender’s aggression. B site is known to be pushed during Ecos, or even as a set play, so this knife will firstly give you information and surely stop them from using utility to execute. It’s also not easy to destroy.
To do it, you simply need to come over to this corner and aim right there. This will take the knife to the corner and it’ll be hard to destroy unless they peek out and look behind which already grants you a free kill.
To attack C site, you must always encounter the difficulty of an operator player early peeking for a pick. It’s hard to fight off, as even if you flash, they might get away with a lucky shot. Key part is to gather information on their information and suppress their ability to dash away or teleport away, which grants you the trade.
To throw that knife, all you need to do is stand against the barrier and pre aim that corner. As soon as it drops, throw your knife and wait for the result or even peek to use it as a bait.
Kayo Knife Lineups - Defending Side
It might not seem inevitably clear how important an initiator like Kayo is on defense, but the reality is you play a key part in winning even defensive sides. Utilizing his ability kit to gather as much information as you can on the attacking team’s positioning and moves can be the game changer and lead to victory. Here are the best lineups to defend and gather early information and suppress enemies with Kayo:
This is the best knife lineup you can use to suppress anyone attacking A. It’s indestructible and it covers the entire area of A main. Also, it can land very quickly giving you the upper edge.
To do it, come to this corner and as soon as the barrier drops throw your knife right at that spot where the bricks are. It’ll suppress and reveal A main in no time.
Into C site this knife is unseen and will detect everybody playing towards C lobby and spawn. It will give you clear information on how many players there are and even assist denying their push in case they were planning to hard execute with utility.
To do it, come to this corner and as soon as the barrier drops aim at that spot of the leaves on top and throw your knife right at it.
Kayo Knife Lineups - Retakes
Retaking is a part of playing defense, but it reverses the roles as after you’ve lost site it’s almost like you’re attacking to open site again. With that, you need proper lineups and knowledge to corner attackers and ensure your team gets the lead when it comes to positions and info. Here are the best retaking lineups for Kayo:
Retaking with KAYO is very easy. Suppressing the enemy’s utility is incredibly useful and can assist your execute more than you think as it blocks everyone from using their post plant utility and it would give out information on their positions.
To do it, you just simply need to aim on top of site (the middle building) where these leaves are, it’ll be hidden and nobody will be able to shoot it.
Retaking B on the other hand can be tricky, you can just throw your knife on the wall where it’s easily destroyable and for that you’ll need this amazing lineup that is nearly impossible to destroy.
To do it, come over from this corner and aim right at that spot. Then, it’s straight forward as you only need to throw your knife and it’ll land on top of site.
This knife will reveal almost every crucial position on C site as you execute the retake. It’s simple, fast and safe to perform.
To do it, all you need is to get into this corner on Waterfalls towards C site and then aim right at that column and throw your knife.