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Best Cypher Cage Lineups For Ascent

Best Cypher Cage Lineups For Ascent
Written by: Wei

Mastering the art of stealth, defense, and information gathering is crucial. One agent who excels in these areas is Cypher, the master of surveillance. His key strength lies in his ability to control and manipulate information on the battlefield, with his Spycam, Trapwires, and Cyber Cages at his disposal. An essential part of his toolkit, the Cyber Cage, is a versatile asset that can be a game-changer in the right hands.


This article will explore the best cage lineups on Ascent for Cypher in Valorant, diving into the details of how to place these obscure smokes to gain an edge over your opponents, restrict their movement, and dominate the battlefield. Whether you are a seasoned Cypher main or a beginner looking to expand your knowledge, these lineups will provide you with fresh perspectives and strategic insights to help you enhance your gameplay.



Cypher Defense Cage Lineups


This side relies heavily on you as a sentinel and site anchor, in most cases, you’ll be up against many enemies trying to enter your site and as a Cypher you’re equipped to cancel that out and possibly earn kills. Using your cages in good spots can result in easy and more efficient frags, so here are the best cage lineups you can use:


Starting on A site, this cypher cage will be an amazing one way to hit off your enemies as they’re entering, however, it is clear that with a cage alone you cannot cover the entirety of A main, but you can isolate angles by playing from dice to benefit from that one way. 


To do it, come over to this corner, aim at that spot just right on the ping, and then jump + throw your cage. It will land perfectly on that little edge of the entrance, and now you get to pick the enemy apart as they enter the site. 


Now if you’re not a dice player, this could certainly bother you as you still want to benefit from using one ways to slash enemies trying to enter, and that’s why you can use this second lineup which will create the same exact one way for the left side, giving you the opportunity to play off it while being on generator or such. 


To do it, walk up tot his corner and aim right at this spot. As you’ve done that, make sure you jump and throw your cage which will land on that little edge and create the one way. 


Moving over to a perfect one way that you can use for short, this lineup is especially helpful as you can catch enemies entering off guard or just use it as a replacement of smokes as it makes it harder for anyone to cross to short with that cage activated.


To do it, come over to this corner and aim at that spot, then simply throw your cage and it’ll land right on top of that frame of the door. Activate it whenever you see fit. 


Moving over to Mid, this will be an amazing one way that will help you catch anyone playing for mid control off guard. Especially if your enemies were always taking control of areas aggressively, this will be a shift of pace that will also allow you to earn many free kills. 


Come over to this spot on Market, hug the wall just like so and aim your crosshair just like in the picture. And then, jump and throw your cage. Remember to do that after the barriers drop as you don’t want your cage to bounce back on your face. 


This cage lineup will take anyone pushing out of B main by surprise, ultimately giving you the upper edge to get those free kills as enemies will tend to explode out of site quickly, this one way can be detrimental to buy enough time for your teammates to rotate and help you as you hold down the site. 


To do it, you simply need to come against this corner on the stairs and aim your crosshair exactly at that spot of the clocktower, then simply jump and throw your cage. Then, activate it and play accordingly from your position. 


If you’re playing more passive, this cage will help you secure your position as you block off stairs which can essentially get you kills on both lane and stairs as your isolate and pick enemies apart. As a cypher, this is an important lineup because you will definitely have to experience a harsh execute against you. 


To do it, stand in this corner and aim at that spot just like in the picture and then jump and throw your cage. 


This is definitely the best one way to use if you’re playing close to market, especially knowing there will be a heavy execute towards mid while you’re on site this is a great option to face off aggression pretty early before enemies get to site. 


To do it, come over to this corner and aim right at that spot, then simply throw your cage and activate it. Then, sit back or play close to get your free kills, optimally from stairs or switch. 

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