Best Chamber Teleport Spots On Split

As any seasoned Valorant player will attest, the tactical depth and versatility offered by the game's various agents can dramatically shift the tide of any match. Among these agents, Chamber, with his unique teleport ability, has emerged as a favorite for many. His dynamic playstyle, combined with the right lineups, can effectively dominate the game's strategic landscape. But, the million-credit question is - what are the best Chamber Teleport Spots on Split to maximize your success rate?
In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the most effective and game-changing Chamber TP Spots that the professional scene has seen. From the utility-centric to those designed purely for executes, these plays promise to give you the edge, whether you're grinding the ladder or duking it out in high-stakes tournaments.
We will dissect each lineup in terms of its positioning, utility, timing, and its compatibility with other agents' abilities. Additionally, we will provide you with pro tips on how to best utilize Chamber’s utility kit and the agent in varying in-game situations and map locations, so you can outmaneuver your opponents every step of the way.
Chamber Best Teleport Spots
Chamber’s Teleport has been nerfed before which made his legendary position along the agent pick rates drop dramatically, however, he is not unplayable yet. Chamber, within the right hands, can shine and cause trouble to any opponent trying to steal your elo. To become that fearful player, you need to learn where are the most effective teleport spots, whether it be to defend, attack, or get a pick for your team. Here you will find our best collection:
A Site - Attack
What Does It Cover: Starting on A site, this teleport will give you space to go through A main up to under heaven and a small portion to peek into site. Alternatively, you can also peek from main or go to ramps.
When To Use It: Best used in the attacking half as this allows you to explore various plays and open up space on site with little to know risk.
What Makes It Special: This is an all round TP spot, into ramps, site or passive peeks, it got your back.
To do it, just simply place your teleport in this spot and start exploring your various plays.
A Site - Retake
What Does It Cover: This second teleport will help you burst into A site from screens, covering Elbow, the peek and a small portion of site.
When To Use It: The teleport can be your best friend during any retake headed towards A site as it gives you the confidence to burst in with fire power.
What Makes It Special: While this teleport is not too unique, it gives you just the fire power you need to confidently walk out into site and help your teammate regain space in a retake scenario.
Simply place it in the corner of the left wall on CT Screens, you can adjust the position to your needs if you have different plays in mind.
B Site - Defense Aggressive
What Does It Cover: This teleport on B site will help you take control and an aggressive peek. It covers Many areas of B site but it is only focused on taking control B Main.
When To Use It: Best used whenever you are planning to play aggressively on B main. This teleport will allow you to take deep control and get back to safety within a click.
What Makes It Special: This is one of the few teleports that go through thick spaces, which can deliver an unexpected play for you as a Sentinel.
To do this teleport, simply place it against this wall on B main and get going. You can also place it under heaven, which will give you leverage to work with.
B Site - Attack
What Does It Cover: This teleport, goes both ways. Doing it on the attacking side, will give you space to enter site, go to under heaven and potentially get a kill and tp back.
When To Use It: In attacking scenarios, more specifically for taking full site control.
What Makes It Special: This is a free escape out of jail card, giving you room to push and potentially catch enemies off guard.
Simply place your TP right around here to make this play possible.
Pro Tips
- Chamber’s TP has a dynamic restriction to it. Unlike other “Get Out Of Jail” cards by other agents (Such as Jett dash, Reyna dismiss, etc) his teleport has a certain range and you will teleport back to where you initially placed it. So always make sure you plan your play according to this dynamic.
- You as a Sentinel could be the anchor or the site holder, while Chamber’s ability to hold sites is weaker than other agents in the category you can reply on abusing the Operator as it suits his gamestyle the most.
- Don’t feel shy to ask your teammates for any piece of utility such as reveals, astra pulls, or deadlock’s lock as it helps you guarantee kills or at least, place pressure and gain information through the round.
- You can always place your trap according to your positioning and game plan, For example, if you are to take a peek at A main and go back to site make sure there is a trip close to you so that if enemies try to hard-push you they will be slowed down giving you space to escape.
- Make sure to place your Teleport in spots where enemies cannot see it or break it, as if your ability gets broken you will not be able to use it again throughout the round. On the opposite side, if you recall it, you will be able to use it after a cooldown without any issues.
- When you activate your ultimate, enemies can see that through the highlighting color of you on top of the screen, in addition to the agent voice line at the start of the round so always try to make up creative plays to not get countered by opponents.
- Always pay attention to your Teleport’s radius as you might zone out and progress out of it and find yourself hearing the voice line “I’m too far away” moments before you get headshotted.