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Andrew Tate Faces Backlash for Defending Toxicity in Valorant

Andrew Tate Faces Backlash for Defending Toxicity in Valorant
Written by: ASH

Andrew Tate has come under fire from the Valorant community after he mocked a female streamer who was threatened during a game. Tate, known for his inflammatory statements, suggested that women should be banned from gaming.


The controversy began when Twitch streamer Taylor Morgan shared a clip from her stream where a teammate asked her if she "knows what rape feels like" and if "she wants to know." Shocked and distressed, Morgan ended her stream abruptly. The video has since garnered over 24 million views on Twitter.


The incident led to widespread calls for Riot Games to implement hardware bans for such egregious behavior. While Riot's lead developer, Anna Donlon, promised action and confirmed the offending account was penalized, Tate took a different stance. He tweeted, "Women join men's spaces and cry and bitch and ruin everything," suggesting that banning women would solve the problem.



Tate's remarks were met with swift backlash. Esports host Yinsu Collins retorted, "Very on brand of you to think rape threats are just women being 'crybabies.'" Content creator Muselk added, "Maybe just don’t be an asshole hey?"


Also Read: Valorant Streamer Demands Harsher Penalties for In-Game Threats


Throughout May, Tate's tweets have been increasingly provocative, including posts about homophobia, violence against women, and abortion. Some of his posts have been restricted for violating Twitter's hate speech policies.


Valorant developers continue to address toxicity in the game. Donlon has promised more updates on efforts to create a safer environment for all players.

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