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Interview with Kaavya "Zahk" Karthikeyan, Valorant caster and analyst

Interview with Kaavya "Zahk" Karthikeyan, Valorant caster and analyst
Written by: Yoann


Yoann: Hey, hello everyone! Today I’m with Zahk, how would you introduce yourself? 


Zahk: Hi, I'm Kaavya, aka Zahk, Valorant commentator and esports journalist! I love playing games, traveling, and reading.

Yoann: When and how did you get into esports?


Zahk: I got into esports playing Fortnite, I loved the competitiveness and the technical skill it took. When Valorant came out, I actually started off as a player here too but eventually after casting my first tournament, realized I enjoyed it more and till today, I still work as a commentator! As for writing, I've always worked with content for companies and was a freelancer in college too, I actually bought my first gaming laptop this way, and getting to write about players and events is something I love!

Yoann: Amazing! What are you currently working on, on the Valorant scene? 


Zahk: Currently I'm casting VCT Game Changers EMEA Stage 3!

Yoann: You have worked on some major tournaments such as the VCT APAC Game GC and VCT Masters Madrid, what is it like to work on big esports events like these?


Zahk: Getting to be a part of the Masters Madrid experience as a journalist was one of my biggest 2024 highlights! Getting to meet my favorite teams, the talent I've worked with and look up to, as well as interview players and understand their journey to get where they are was priceless! 


For GC SEA, it means a lot to me on a personal level since after three years telling their stories, commentating on their games year after year makes me so happy to see the crazy improvement every year and the new talent rising!

Yoann: Let’s now get to the Quick Questions part, ready?


Zahk: Yeah!



Yoann: Phantom or Vandal?


Zahk: Phantom cause I'm a cringe run n gun kinda player.

Yoann: What's your favorite map?


Zahk: To play - Ascent (as KJ) and to cast, its Fracture!

Yoann: What's your favorite agent?


Zahk: KJ gets first place but Omen and Gekko are close behind haha!

Yoann: What's your favorite skin collection?


Zahk: It has to be the Prime for me since I love the Phantom, Vandal, and the classic, of course. My only peeve with it is that it doesn't have a Stinger skin, so I might rate RGX because of its stinger skin!

Yoann: What's your best memory working in esports?


Zahk: I really loved Masters Madrid -  being able to cheer for Paper Rex, hang out with fellow Valorant enjoyers, and watch the games while working - then spending the night playing Valorant at a cafe with my new friends, it was life!

Yoann: For sure! how often do you play Valorant?


Zahk: Every day when I don't have work or am not traveling. I have 5K plus hours at this point on the game. You do the math!

Yoann: Can you name the ten teams that won an international event?


Zahk: Sentinels, Gambit, Acend in 2021

Optic, FPX, LOUD in 2022

Fnatic x2 and EG in 2023

Sentinels, Gen G, and EDG this year 

I know all this from memory because I watched literally every event!

Yoann: That’s great! What's your favorite team?


Zahk: Paper Rex! I love dinos and I love playing Valorant like they do, it's a match made in heaven! I'm a huge fan of their content as well and I think they are just great people over there!

Yoann: I completely agree on that! What kind of music do you listen to while working?


Zahk: I don't usually listen to music while I cast but pre-cast I sing along to some Eminem, Hamilton, or something fast so I can get warmed up. While I write, something more chill, usually in some other language aside from English so it doesn't mix with the words I'm typing! One time I wrote Queen lyrics in the middle of a piece this is why!

Yoann: Haha nice! Can you quote a voice line from your favorite agent?


Zahk: Fade's "Sweet dreams, asshole." just hits different. Also I always laugh when Chamber says "Toaster is broken" after killing Kayo! 

Yoann: Haha yeah, iconic lines! Let’s now get back to the standard questions!

What are your hobbies or passions aside from gaming?


Zahk: I read a lot of fiction, mainly fantasy or sci-fi. Aside from that, I love traveling and learning more history and working on my language skills, I’m currently working on perfecting my Spanish and picking up the basics of Italian!

Yoann: Great! What would you change to Valorant if you were a developer?


Zahk: I would think twice before giving buffs like the one they did to Iso recently, like this is a tactical shooter not Aimlabs for Iso players, it made the game genuinely unbalanced. As for guns, I think this is the most balanced things have been in a while and love seeing the Outlaw usage. As for maps, as a caster, it would be nice to not have to cast another Ascent mirror matchup but I will miss playing it.

Yoann: How do you feel about the current state of the Game Changers program?


Zahk: I think Game Changers is a wonderful and necessary initiative! 

In general, there are a lot more players participating in GC globally, with the skill level constantly improving, and several GC teams participating in mixed tournaments like G2 Gozen. There are even GC teams and players participating in Challenger qualifiers like SR who are getting increasingly close to qualifying for Challengers. 


I believe the aim of GC is being fulfilled, that is to foster female and marginalized genders talent while providing a safe space, and I am grateful to be a part of it day by day!  I am a bit saddened by the comparatively less attention and resources it receives globally. When you compare the prize pools, the arena size (especially for GCC), and media coverage, there could be much more done.

Yoann: Sure, would be cool to see a mixed team in VCT soon! What are your short and long-term ambitions in esports? 


Zahk: My immediate goal is to cast a LAN. It's a dream I've nurtured for a couple years now and I hope to have one under my belt someday! 


Long term, I don't know, if I am being realistic. To be honest, before this, I worked a normal 9-5 job and while I liked it, I wasn't nearly as passionate about it the way I am about casting. However, the gaming industry is a tough place to work in as freelance talent, since you have no control over people hiring you or getting paid on time. 


I also have questions about what I want to do with the rest of my life -  while I love games and hope to be involved with them in some capacity for the rest of my life, I also want to find out what else I can do that I love that will make the world better, so I am working on that. My esports dream is to be on a Masters or Champions broadcast someday, like most talent, but I also can't put my life on hold chasing one of the many dreams I do have, including those outside of esports.

Yoann: For sure, finding the balance between both worlds is key! What would you say to someone aspiring to work in esports?


Zahk: It's a grind, but if you love it, nothing will give you the same level of fulfillment. You might face a lot of obstacles, but if you have the time, energy, and commitment, it can be the most rewarding work you find, because telling the story of players and teams, it's so uniquely beautiful!

Yoann: Agreed! Is there anything else you would like to say?

Zahk: Shoutout to all the people who have helped me on my way, be it FSL (the TO behind GC SEA) who gave me a shot at casting internationally with their mentorship program, and all the lovely people I've met on my way! And to all the people who trust me to work with them, thank you so much!


Yoann: Thank you so much for your time, and I wish you the best in the future!


Zahk: Thank you!

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