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Waylay Remains Broken With Her Superglide

Waylay Remains Broken With Her Superglide
Written by: Wei

Waylay's release might be the most troublesome to the Valorant developement team. Why you ask, well this narrows down to the bugs that came with agent. One big example is her superglide, which allows her to fly for much further than she originally was intended to. 


Another example is her animation cancel using flex, this allows you to bring out your weapon much faster by cancelling the animation that comes after your dash. 



When is it getting fixed?


We don't really have much information about when this bug might get fixed, but it is safe to assume that it has to get a hotfix as it might impact the state of ranked and competitive integrity of players were to abuse it.




Now for those who might ask, is it bannable? Theoritically, yes. But it is also widely used by many players in ranked or else, as well as professional players and content creators. So banning every player that uses this might be not a good option for Riot. 


Usually, when an Agent is bugged, you wait for the next patch for an update to fix that. But when it is urgent, Riot makes what is called a "hotfix" so that the issue can be fixed as soon as possible. 


The cherry on top is, that glitch is not very hard to do. It is very simple, and anyone can do it by just changing some keybinds. Although hopefully, by the time you're reading this, Riot would have released a hotfix to fix the Waylay superglide.

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