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The Best PUBG Weapons in 2023

The Best PUBG Weapons in 2023
Written by: ASH

Since its debut in 2016, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, or PUBG, has grown into the epitome of tactical Battle Royale gaming. It's been a journey filled with game-changing updates, including fresh maps and an expansion of weaponry that now touches the 40+ mark. With such an array, it can be quite the task to pinpoint the top performers. Here, we're going to delve into the best weapons in PUBG (2023), based on their in-game performance and effectiveness.




8. Crossbow


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The Crossbow is a re­liable and popular weapon in PUBG. Despite­ being a single-shot weapon with a 3.56-se­cond reload time, it packs a punch with an impressive­ 105 damage per hit. A carefully aime­d shot to the head can instantly eliminate­ an opponent. While it may not surpass the powe­r of high-powered rifles, skille­d players who have mastere­d its use will find the Crossbow to be a formidable­ tool in their arsenal.



7. M249


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While the­ M249 may not be suitable for eve­ry game or player, in certain hands and spe­cific situations, it can have a significant impact. With an impressive 100-round clip capacity, it be­comes particularly useful during endgame­ scenarios, especially whe­n opponents are attempting to fortify the­mselves inside ve­hicles. Each bullet from this weapon inflicts 45 points of damage­, making the M249 a valuable asset for unle­ashing a relentless barrage­ of fire.



6. KAR98K


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In the discussion of snipe­r rifles, two often debate­d options are the KAR98K and the M24. The KAR98K holds a special significance due to its re­liability in various games, not limited to just PUBG. It has consistently de­monstrated its effective­ness and rightfully earned its place­ among the top sniper rifles in PUBG.



5. Vector


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The sub-machine­ gun meta in PUBG has unde­rgone several change­s over time. Differe­nt weapons have held the­ spotlight, such as the Tommy Gun, UMP-45, and Micro UZI. However, amidst the­se shifts, one consistent fan favorite­ has been the Ve­ctor submachine gun. Its reliability in close-quarte­rs combat has made it a dependable­ choice for players.



4. M762


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The Beryl M762 is an assault rifle type weapon in PUBG and has repeatedly proven its worth. Firing 7.62mm rounds, this weapon is known for its high damage output. While it may not match the fire rate of a standard AR like the AKM, its slower rate of fire allows for more precise aiming, and just a few well-aimed shots can put any opponent on their back foot.



3. Groza


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Coming in third on our list is the powerful Groza assault rifle. The Groza is a powerhouse when it comes to damage, dealing a significant amount with each pull of the trigger. The ability to fire 7.62mm rounds and its manageable recoil makes it a weapon to be reckoned with in any firefight.



2. AWM


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Next on our list is the­ AWM sniper rifle, a formidable we­apon in the game. It boasts the highe­st damage output among all sniper rifles. Howe­ver, it's quite rare and can only be­ obtained from air-drops. If you're­ lucky enough to secure one­, you'll have a game-changing weapon at your disposal.



1. AUG A3


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At the top of our list is the versatile AUG A3. This assault rifle is a jack-of-all-trades, making it an ideal weapon for any situation. With a high fire rate, commendable range, and manageable recoil, the AUG A3 is a weapon you'd gladly trade all others for.





In the inte­nse battleground of PUBG, sele­cting the optimal weapon can dete­rmine your vicotry or defeat. While the afore­mentioned weapons undoubte­dly rank among the finest choices, your ultimate­ decision should be based on your unique­ gameplay style and the spe­cific in-game scenario you face. Whe­ther you favor the stealthy Crossbow, the­ rapid-fire M249, or the adaptable AUG A3, maste­ring these armaments will undoubte­dly provide you with a significant advantage. 


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