How T1 Plays Icebox

T1 is a North American Valorant team. Ahead of this season, they signed a solid tier-1 IGL Joshua "steel" Nissan, and decided to build a roster around him. After failure in NA Challengers qualifiers, T1 finished on 3rd place at Knights Arena Monthly Gauntlet 2022: March, and won NSG: Summer Championship - Open 2.
One of the main map of the team became Icebox. Let’s see how they play it.
Agent Composition
T1 runs an agent composition of Sage, Sova, Viper, KAY/O, and Chamber. It's the 7th popular pick on Icebox in this meta. The feature of the pick is the absence of Jett and the second initiator in the person of KAY/O.
T1’s starting locations across last five matches with this composition show Viper towards B or Mid, Sova mostly around mid, Sage around Kitchen or A, KAY/O mid or A, and Chamber throughout the map.
dynamic Operator Kills
On the graphic, we can see that dynamic on Chamber played rather flexible on Icebox, when he had Operator. He made kills on A, on Mid, on Tube, on B.
T1 had a setup in pistol round on defense in match against Pittsburgh Knights Academy: Viper towards B, Sova with KAY/O on Mid, and Sage with Chamber on A.
In that round, PK Academy made a late B execute. Sova, KAY/O and Sage together rotated to B to help Viper. In turn, Chamber stayed on A in case if it will be the fake.
T1 managed to make retake, and won the pistol round.
On bonus round, T1 made an early pressure on B, used Chamber, KAY/O and Viper. T1 guessed the direction of the opponent’s attack, so their tactics worked. Viper's Snake Bite managed to stop enemy's, KAY/O flashes and knife helped the team to easily win the round.
With Operator
Generally, KAY/O leads the attack team, going first to all sites. Chamber plays flexible, trying to find kills throughout all map. Overall, T1 play together during the attack rounds.
Looking at the graph of attack speed, T1 play very fast. Later, the 55th second T1 did not plant the spike. Most often, they plant the spike for the 25th second of the round.
T1 played a fast round on A. Viper put a cloud on Mid, Chamber played as a lurker, set a traps close to B. In the same time, Viper put a wall on A, Sova throw a reveal in the case of aggression by the defense.
B Execute
Viper put a wall on B, cloud on Mid, and will play as lurker in this round. KAY/O used knife in case if anyone will play close/behind yellow box. Sova droned the close positions.
Usage Viper's pit
In case, Viper has an Ultimate,T1 make an Execute A. Chamber puts traps close to B and Mid. Viper puts a diagonal wall, which cover site and Haven. Viper uses Ultimate on A site, and Sage launches a Wall, which will block the passage to the site through under haven.