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The Best Viper Walls and Smokes on Haven

The Best Viper Walls and Smokes on Haven
Written by: carrico14

Heaven is not Viper's favorite map. Controllers agents such as Omen, Brimstone, and Astra are more favored on this map. Despite that, you can still make Viper work on this map.


Her kit makes her very useful on the defensive side, helping a lot when it comes to closing down bombsites. On a map like Heaven where you have three bombsites her kit is very useful for any team. This means you can find a lot of value with Viper. She is also great at blocking the enemy's vision when executing into a bombsite.


If you want to know the best way to play Haven and how to find more success on the map we got you covered with our Haven Map Guide.


Learning all the callous in the map is also very important since Valorant is a game where communication is key, so be sure to read our Haven Map Callouts Guide.


Without further ado, let's see what are the best Viper Walls and Smokes on Haven.



Viper Walls and Smokes on Haven A Bombsite


Attacking Toxic Screen


Viper defenssive Wall A Bombsite fracture1_RVUL0zi

Viper defenssive Wall A Bombsite haven


This toxic screen cuts the A bombsite in half, and it's perfect for an A site execution through A long. It allows your team to enter the plant zone more safely, only having to worry about the close right side angle. There is a massive gap in the smoke on the window, but we have a poison cloud that complements this execute wall for the A site, that completely blocks the window.



A Site Poison Cloud


Viper smoke A Bombsite haven_18u9hVa


Stand on top of the wheelbarrow outside A lobby, then aim at the gap between the roof. Then do a normal throw (left-click).


Viper smoke A Bombsite haven1


This poison cloud complements the attacking toxic screen well. As you can see from the image the enemy player that is on A heaven can't see the attackers enter through A long. It's also good to use in a post-plant situation since it blocks the view from one of the main entrances used by the defenders to retake the A site. 



A Short One-Way Smoke


Viper defenssive smoke A Bombsite short haven_OhUu1un


             Aim at the top of the metal triangle and then do a jump throw (right-click)


Viper defenssive smoke A Bombsite short haven1


A really good poison cloud to stop the enemy rushes. It completely blocks the enemy's vision of the A site and makes it even harder to enter the site through short. It gives you an advantaged angle to short and makes it easier to defend that entrance. 



A Long One-Way Smoke


Viper defensive smoke A Bombsite haven_YrJSFeM

Stand on the right side of the window of heaven and aim at the top left corner of the A long box. Then do a running throw (left-click).


Viper defensive smoke A Bombsite haven1


This poison cloud makes it much easier to defend A long. It limits the enemies vision of the A site, and provides the defenders with various angles they can play from, and safely hold the A long entrance. It's also a very easy one-way smoke to execute so you shouldn't have any problems pulling it off.



Viper Walls and Smokes on Haven B Bombsite


Attacking Toxic Screen


Viper attacking Wall B Bombsite Haven_ACgVQJ7

Viper attacking Wall B Bombsite Haven1


This toxic screen blocks the vision from the left side of the B site. You can use it on a b execution, or just to lurk into the B site. Since it blocks the left side of the site, it makes it easier to enter the side and lurk until C-link. The defenders will be forced to give up control of that side of the bombsite, or make a risky move and push through the toxic screen. 



B Site Poison Cloud


Viper Smoke B Bombsite Haven_rb57ulY


Walk to the edge of where the grass meets the bricks on the ground, crouch, and aim at the dark spot in the middle of all the green boxes. Do a normal throw (left-click).


Viper Smoke B Bombsite Haven1


This poison cloud complements the toxic screen by blocking the entrance from C-link. It makes it even safer for you and your team to enter the B site and plant the spike. It also provides you with some cover if you want to lurk deep into the C-link. For the defenders, it makes their tasks to retake the site even more difficult, since they now have no vision of the front of the site.



Viper Walls and Smokes on Haven C Bombsite


Attacking Toxic Screen


Viper atacking Wall C Bombsite Haven_fXSAsTQ


Viper atacking Wall C Bombsite Haven1


A toxic screen that blocks the vision from ct and garage. It makes it easier to enter the site and is also very useful in a post-plant situation. The defenders will have no vision of the site and have to give up control of that part of the site until the toxic screen doesn't drop. However, you need to clear the back site and platform.



C Site Poison Cloud


Viper smoke C Bombsite haven_k11HmeF


                       Aim at where the crosshair is and do a normal throw (left-click)


Viper smoke C Bombsite haven1


This poison cloud will allow your team to walk up into the site without being seen by anyone that might be playing on the back site. It allows you to gain control of the default plant spot, and it will be easier for your team to take control of the site. Defenders on the back site will have to either do a very risky play and push through the poison cloud or give up that read of the map and wait for their teammates to play retake.



Double Doors One-Way


Viper One Way C Bombsite haven_4cIypt7


Line against the wall in the very middle of the window, then move two steps right and aim at the dark part of the cut of block, and do a normal throw (left-click).


Viper One Way C Bombsite haven1


This poison cloud completely blocks the enemy's vision of garage. They can see anything if they dare to push through the poison cloud, but you can see their lower bodies, giving you or anyone from your team playing on the window a massive advantage.


There aren't a lot of defensive toxic screens since they are mostly used for the retake, and I advise you to do the same. However, if you feel that a toxic screen is necessary for one part of the map to help your teammates there is nothing wrong with using it at the being of the round.

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