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Can you play Valorant with a Controller?

Can you play Valorant with a Controller?
Written by: carrico14

As one of the fastest-growing shooter games on PC, Valorant is a game that has caught the eyes of many different types of gamers including fans of popular shooters like Halo, Battlefield, and Call of Duty.


Most of the successful FPS titles are also well received on popular consoles like the Xbox and PlayStation. With those consoles, video games are primarily experienced through a controller, so it would make sense that players coming from those titles would want to experience Valorant using a controller.


Here's what you need to know if you’re looking to play Valorant using a controller.


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On the plus side, yes, you can actually use a controller to play Valorant on your PC. However, it is a slightly tricky endeavor so buckle up as we explain how it works.


Because Riot Games created Valorant to be played exclusively on PC with a mouse and keyboard, the game can’t simply be enjoyed through a controller by plugging and playing. Instead, you’ll actually need to trick the game into receiving controller input from your controller. Any type of gaming controller should be fine with this including the PS4, PS5, Xbox One/Series X, or S.



How to play Valorant with a Controller


A few applications exist to allow you to essentially ‘trick’ your PC into seeing a controller as Mouse and Keyboard inputs. One of these apps is called reWASD. This particular one is great because it allows you to customize and re-map your game controls to a controller of your choice.




Once you’ve installed reWASD, you’ll gain access to an application that is compatible with Riot Vanguard, Valorant’s anti-cheat software, so you won’t need to worry about getting banned for using the app. Additionally, reWASD comes with over 250 preset configurations for Valorant which makes creating key bindings more effortless than ever.



Should you play Valorant with a Controller?


While the app is not filtered out by Riot Vanguard, you’ll still need to think carefully about whether or not using a controller is worth it for a title like Valorant.


While using a controller is certainly harder than Mouse and Keyboard for Valorant, there are a few ways to make the experience more viable.

Firstly, you should prioritize playing with a weapon that is relatively easy to use on the controller.


For example, Sniper rifles (Marshal/Operator) are great weapons that will allow you to take your time when trying to eliminate unsuspecting opponents. However, don’t expect to be the one winning any sniper 1v1 encounters on a controller.


Valorant Weapons


Shotguns are also quite decent on a controller as the bullets have a general spread allowing you to have a margin of error that is not so punishing.

Lastly, the Sheriff is a high-risk high-reward weapon that should balance out the efforts put into aiming with a controller. If you’re going to hit a shot, the Sheriff definitely makes that shot count.


Playing Valorant with a controller is a bold idea that will take some getting used to, but if you commit to learning the gameplay, there’s a good chance that you’ll come out a stronger player with a better game sense.

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