The Ultimate Compilation of all Valorant Skins Bundles

Valorant is one of the biggest multiplayer games on the planet, and one of the coolest things about Valorant is the vast number of well-designed and visually appealing skins the game has to offer.
In this article, we will do a rundown of all the skin bundles in Valorant, their price, and everything else you need to know about them.
Valorant has cemented its position as one of the biggest multiplayer competitive games in the world right now, the FPS game that is influenced by games like CS: GO and Overwatch continues to grow bigger with the passing of time.
The Valorant skins tier
Riot games rank Valorant skins by tier just like they do in other Riot Games series, like League of Legends, in Valorant there are 5 skins tiers.
The tiers:
Select Edition: This is the least rare skin tier, each individual skin costs 875 Valorant Points (10$), with the melee the select bundle costs 3500 Valorant Points (41$) while without the melee the bundle is 2930 Valorant points (34$).
Deluxe Edition: This edition sits in second place on the tier list: each individual skin costs 1275 Valorant Points (16$), with the melee weapon the Deluxe bundle costs 5100 Valorant Points (62$) while without the melee it costs (48$).
Premium Edition: The individual skin of the premium edition costs 1775 Valorant points (23$), the standard premium bundle costs 7100 Valorants points (82$), and the premium bundle with 5x buddies/cards/sprays costs 8855 Valorant Points (90$).
Exclusive Edition: The price varies on this one but it's normally around 8700 Valorant Points and 10700 Valorant Points.
All Ultra Edition: The individual skin goes for 2475 Valorant Points (30$) while the complete bundle costs 9900 Valorant Points (119$) being the most expensive one.
In Valorant every skin is unique, with different sound effects, death animations, reload animations, and some of the skins can evolve, which means as you play the game and progress in the battle pass your weapon will level up changing the visual and sounds the gun does.
Only some skin lines have this feature.
Where can I buy Valorant Skins?
You can only buy Valorant skins on the in-game store, every day the skins are refreshed, and the latest collection will be available, if you want to buy skins from a previous skin line you will have to wait for them to show up in your market.
However, there are other ways to earn skins, by completing the agent's contracts or progressing on the battle pass you will be able to acquire different skins.
Here is the list of all the skins and bundles in the game so far
Select Edition Skins:
Available for the Phantom, Marshal, Guardian, Bucky, Classic, and every skin costs 875 VP.
Available for the Operator, Sheriff, Spectre, Judge, Bulldog, and every skin costs 875 VP.
Infantry Collection:
Available for Operator, Ghost, Ares, Guardian, Spectre, and every skin costs 875 VP, with the Bundle costing 2930 VP.
Luxe Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Operator, Judge, Spectre, Ghost, knife, and every Skin costs 875 VP.
Prism II Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Bucky, Stinger, Shorty, Sheriff, every Skin costs 875 VP, with the Bundle costing 2930 VP.
Rush Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Ares, Bulldog, Judge, Frenzy, every Skin costs 875 VP.
Sensation Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Odin, Judge, Frenzy, Stinger, every Skin costs 875 VP, with the Bundle costing 2930 VP.
Smite Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Odin, Knife, Classic, Judge, every Skin costs 875 VP, with the Bundle costing 3500 VP.
Endeavour Collection:
Availiable for Vandal, Operator, Bulldog, Ares, Chost, every Skin costs 875 VP, with the Bundle costing 2930 VP.
Deluxe Edition Skins:
Aristocrat Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Ares, Bulldog, Stinger, Sheriff, every Skin costs 1275 VP.
Avalanche Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Phantom, Spectre, Classic, Marshall, every Skin costs 1275 VP.
Horizon Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Spectre, Bulldog, Frenzy, Bucky, every Skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 4270 VP.
Minima Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Ares, Operator, Sheriff, Spectre, every Skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 4270 VP.
Nunca Olvidados Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Ares, Bulldog, Frenzy, Melee, every Skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 5100 VP.
Prism Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Spectre, Ghost, Operator, Ares, Knife, every Skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 5100 VP.
Sakura Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Ares, Stinger, Sheriff, Classic, every Skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 4270 VP.
Silvanus Collection:
Available for the Operator, Vandal, Phantom, Sheriff, Stinger, every skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 4270 VP.
Wasteland Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Spectre, Marshal, Shorty, Sheriff, every Skin costs 1275 VP, with the Bundle costing 4270 VP.
Winterwunderland Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Phantom, Ghost, Marshal, Melee, every Skin costs 1275 VP with the Melle costing 2550 VP, the Bundle costing 5100 VP.
Doudle Buds Collection:
Available for the Ares, Phantom, Shorty, Marshal, Stinger, every Skin costs 1775 VP, the Bundle costing 7100 VP.
Premium Edition Skins:
Celestial Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Ares, Frenzy, Judge, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP, with the Bundle costing 7100 VP.
Ego Collection:
Available for the Stinger, Ghost, Guardian, Vandal, Knife, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the knife costing 3550 VP, the Bundle costs 7100 VP.
Forsaken Collection:
Available for the Classic, Spectre, Vandal, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee costing 3550 VP, with the Bundle costing 7100 VP.
Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Collection:
Available for the Classic, Spectre, Bucky, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle costs 7100 VP.
Ion Collection:
Available for the Sheriff, Bucky, Phantom, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee costing 3550 VP, the Bundle costing 7100 VP.
Magepunk Collection:
Available for the Ghost, Sheriff, Spectre, Bucky, Guardian, Marshal, Operator, Ares, two Melee's, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee's costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Nebula Collection:
Available for the Sheriff, Guardian, Phantom, Ares, Knife, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Knife costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Oni Collection:
Available for the Shorty, Bucky, Guardian, Phantom, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Origin Collection:
Available for the Frenzy, Bucky, Vandal, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100VP.
Prime Collection:
Available for the Classic, Spectre, Guardian, Vandal, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Prime//2.0 Collection:
Available for the Frenzy, Bucky, Phantom, Odin, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100.
Radiant Crisis 001 Collection:
Available for the Classic, Spectre, Bucky, Phantom, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Reaver Collection:
Available for the Sheriff, Guardian, Vandal, Operator, Knife, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Knife costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Recon Collection:
Available for the Ghost, Spectre, Guardian, Phantom, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Sovereign Collection:
Available for the Ghost, Stinger, Guardian, Marshal, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Spline Collection:
Available for the Classic, Spectre, Phantom, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Mele costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for the 7100 VP.
Tethered Realms Collection:
Available for the Ghost, Guardian, Vandal, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melee costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
VALORANT Go! Vol. 1 Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Ghost, Spectre, Guardian, Knife, every Skin cots 1775 VP with the Knife costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
VALORANT Go! Vol. 2 Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Operator, Classic, Ares, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Undercity Collection:
Available for the Phantom, Bulldog, Judge, Classic, Melee, every Skin costs 1775 VP with the Melle costing 3550 VP, the Bundle goes for 7100 VP.
Exclusive Edition Skins:
BlastX Collection:
Available for the Frenzy, Spectre, Phantom, Odin, Melee, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4350 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
Champions 2021 Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Melee, the Vandal costs 2675 VP while the Melle costs 5350 VP, the Bundle goes for 6263 VP.
Glitchpop Collection:
Available for the Classic, Frenzy, Judge, Bulldog, Phantom, Vandal, Operator, Odin, two Melee's, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4320 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
RGX 11z Pro Collection:
Available for the Frenzy, Stinger, Guardian, Vandal, Melee, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4350 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
RGX 11z V.2 Pro Collection:
Available for the Classic, Phantom, Operator, Spectre, Melee, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4350 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
Ruination Collection:
Available for the Ghost, Spectre, Guardian, Phantom, Melee, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4350 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
Sentinels of Light Collection:
Available for the Vandal, Sheriff, Operator, Ares, Melee, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4350 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
Singularity Collection:
Available for the Sheriff, Spectre, Phantom, Ares, Melee, every Skin costs 2175 VP with the Melee costing 4350 VP, the Bundle goes for 8700 VP.
Protocol 781-A Collection:
Available for the Sheriff, Phantom, Spectre, Melee, every Skin costs 2475 VP with the Melee costing 4950 VP, the Bundle goes for 9900 VP.
SPECTRUM Collection:
Available for the Classic, Guardian, Bulldog, Phantom, Melee, every Skin costs 2675 VP with the Melee costing 5350 VP, the Bundle goes for 10700.
Ultra Editon Skins
Elderflame Collection:
Available for the Frenzy, Judge, Vandal, Operator, Melee, every Skin costs 2475 VP with the Melee costing 4950 VP, the Bundle goes for 9900 VP.
So here you have all the Skin Bundles on Valorant, leave a comment saying what is your favorite Skin and why.
All images rights belong to Riot Games Valorant, Valorant Fandom, Valorant Strike.