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Raze Tips And Tricks - A VALORANT Must Know

Raze Tips And Tricks - A VALORANT Must Know
Written by: Shizza

The Duelists in Valorant were designed to give the opponents a hard time and make the game tricky. Instead of scouting out the position of enemies, holding down a specific Reactor Site, or placing traps, Duelists should be looking for map control and kills.


Raze is one of the best Agents to climb competitive ranks with and is popular among players. Using Raze’s kit, you can accomplish difficult feats, get to surprising spots on every map, and destroy enemies in no time.


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Things might seem easy on the surface; however, there is just as much depth to her collection of abilities than any other Duelist Agent. The great thing about Raze is that she is easy to learn but hard to master. Mastering Raze is going to take some useful tips and tricks.


Keep reading this article, as it will help you climb to the top of the scoreboard and up your game by a great deal. We will go over a brief summary of how to play her and what role you should be filling for your team.



We will also go over Raze’s abilities and how you can get the most effectiveness out of each, and then look at some of the best tricks to utilizing her.



Raze’s Playstyle


Raze is arguably the best agent to climb ranks within Valorant because her abilities do much damage, and you raise your combat score for each damage you do. Your combat score is directly tied to how much rating increase you get for a game so use your abilities.


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The best plays Raze had are ones in which the agent will often use her ability in the round to either damage enemies or force them back off of an angle. This gives Raze’s team space to play around and priority over very important angles.


This type of Raze playstyle operates similar to that of Sova. As long as your team has an entry fragger, Raze can sit a bit further back, Grenade from a distance, and clear off angles with her satchels and Roomba while her team members run first on the site.


This is a very useful way to play Raze because her utility is some of the best in Valorant, especially for clearing areas and supporting a rush by clearing out danger areas enemies can peek from, like Cubby on B site Bind.


There is also the other playing style for Raze, known as the high flying Yolo Raze, that double satchels into your face with a shorty and one-shots you. This playstyle is highly rewarding and is fun to attempt if you get it right.

However, it does take a fair amount of practice, timing, and an insane amount of confidence to pull off. Without an entry fragger on your team, Raze flying through the air to the bomb site to draw fire while your team plays is a very difficult strategy to play against.


This is because tracking that well and hitting a shot on that does require some luck, a ton of skill and will draw enough attention to get your team on site. It will also give them the chance for the trade.



So, as Raze, you should be playing a little further back to dump all your utility, making the site take as easy as possible, or dumping all of your utility to make the site take as difficult as possible on defense.


You should also be using your satchels to make aggressive plays and unpredictable peeks that are high risk but come with a very high prize as well. Let’s review some of Raze’s abilities and how one should use them.



Raze’s Boombot


First off, we have the Roomba of death, the Boombot. When fired, the Boombot travels in a straight line on the ground and bounces off of walls. It will lock on any enemy it sees in front of it, chase them, and explode for up to 125 damage when and if it reaches them.


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The Boombot has 100 Health and can be destroyed by enemies, but that 100 Health is a large commitment if an enemy is peeking you at the same time. This makes Raze’s Boombot one of the best ways to enter a site.


Somewhere like B site Bind, you can Roomba out of hookah far back right corner and towards the left, and the Roomba will do a full circle around the site. This clears nearly everything on site and lets your team easily take the site because all of the niche cubby holes are cleared.


The Boombot is a great way to clear out dangerous areas of the map, like Hookah on Bind, which is a shotgun’s paradise. A good Roomba also gives information and an opportunity to peek the enemy when the Roomba aggro onto them.


It is also important to note that you can jump and throw the Roomba simultaneously, giving you enough height to get it to places you couldn’t normally and allowing you to get it on top of a Sage wall.


In the case that you cannot throw the Roomba, you can always satchel boost your Roomba to get a little more effect from it. This is great to do when coming out of Hookah, so you can get your Roomba out to clear for you without having to get too close yourself.



The satchel boost will mess up the enemy’s aim and get the Roomba to get into the enemy's face and hopefully pick up some damage.



Raze’s Paint Shells


The Paint Shells are a cluster of grenade that deals damage upon exploding after a short duration and then drops four smaller grenades that explode shortly after hitting the ground.


Raze’s Paint Shells is the best ability to clear an area because it explodes quickly and deals enough damage in a huge area that can push enemies out of those large areas.


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Her Paint Shells go off after a timer once you release them from your hand, meaning you can throw your paint shell from a distance into somewhere like Hookah on Bind or A lobby. You can also time it to be incredibly difficult to dodge and is likely to lock enemies in a bad position, thus taking a lot of damage.


You can also right-click on your mouse to throw Raze’s grenade, so instead of an overhand throw, it is a short lob and travels to exactly where you want it to go. This is ideal for getting your grenade over a Sage wall to stop a plant or just the niche situations you get yourselves into where you need to get the grenades in the middle of an area to clear out the corner.


Your Raze Grenade is also great to use in combination with your Roomba. Hold on to your Paint Shells until your Roomba aggros on to an enemy, and blast them with the paint shell while they try to kill the Roomba.



Raze’s Satchel Charge


The Satchel Charge is Raze’s highest skill cap ability, where she throws a blast pack that sticks to surfaces, which she can then detonate to damage and knock back anything hit. This ability can accomplish a maximum of 50 damage.


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While the Blast Pack does not damage Raze, it does damage her team members, so be careful not to kill or take your allies' shields away at the beginning of the round. Now, the biggest skill gap with the Blast Packs is to use them aggressively for peeking.



This is because you will be sent flying at a different speed and trajectory depending on the angle, distance, and speed you are moving at when the blast pack explodes. In general, the safest peek to do with Razes’s Blast Pack is to use it to blast out into the angle and take your shot.


This is because you are getting up to speeds you cannot get while walking, and you have your gun out simultaneously and can maintain good crosshair placement throughout your flying.


This also makes Peeking with the Operator in this way extremely effective because the Operator has a very slow walking speed, which makes peeking quite slow. Still, Raze’s satchel is much faster than the walk speed, allowing you to scope in early.


This makes Satchel peeks with the Operator one of the most deadly peeks in the game. This gives you more time to line up the shot and the enemy far less time to line up their shot, giving you a much bigger advantage than you would have if you were just straight wall peeking or jump peeking at that angle.


Once you start progressing past the one satchel peek, you can start getting air with your first satchel. After that, use your second satchel as well to propel you up and out even further by just throwing it down and waiting slightly for it to explode.


Your first Blast Pack should be sitting on the ground or on the wall of something you will be jumping off of because starting with natural elevation makes this much easier. Also, you should run and jump until your body is going to be propelled forward, and not just up.


From there, your second satchel should be thrown directly below you, and you should delay a split second before you detonate it to send you flying forward much faster. If you do detonate it instantly or don’t throw it directly below you, it will get you more height than speed, which depending upon the angle and the place of direction it is coming from, could be very effective.


This double Satchel strat is great for getting up close and personal with a shorty or a judge ad demolishing an enemy holding an angle.



Raze’s Ultimate


Raze’s Ultimate, also known as the Showstopper, is a single-use rocket launcher that travels in a straight line and explodes on impact. It deals with damage based on how close the rocket is to enemies when it explodes.


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This ability goes all the way up to 200 Damage plus, meaning that getting the Showstopper anywhere, even near the enemy, often results in an instant kill. However, when you are using Raze’s ultimate for entry onto a site and not just to kill someone trapped in a corner, you are going to want elevation.


That way, you can look down on the bomb site and scan for enemies instead of them just hiding from you, and this is where your satchels come in. The showstopper is one of the best reasons to use Raze’s double Satchel technique.


This is because enemies will often sprint as quickly away from Raze as possible when they hear the ultimate, and using both satchels to close the gap can get you in position to pick up the free kill.



When starting from elevation, you can be high and fast enough to almost guarantee a kill. Her showstopper also propels Raze backward and into the air upon firing, allowing her to reposition after going too aggressive with her double satchel plays.


Although most enemies take off running whenever they hear Raze’s ultimate being activated, that does not mean you have to go super aggressive to get the pick. Using it as a zoning ultimate can often be just as effective as getting a kill.



Playing Raze On Bind


The Bind map is arguably Raze’s strongest map. While Raze is great to play on B site because her grenade gets so much value if the enemies hit Hookah, she can actually do the exact same thing and more from A site.


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The most common plant that is seen on Bind is the Sage wall plant strategy on A, and Raze is a direct counter to this strategy. This is due to the fact that her satchels do a ton of damage and displace enemies.


She can also right-click her grenade over Sage’s wall to get free kills on the planter or stop the plant altogether if she times it well enough. Another great thing Raze can do on Bind A is to use the teleporter to her advantage when the enemies could be pushing B.


Raze can drop her Boombot into the teleporter to have it clear out Hookah for her. However, make sure you are standing close enough to actually drop the Boombot in the teleporter because if it hits the ground first, it will go in backward and might not exit the doors.


If the Roomba then sees someone in Hookah, you can use your grenade to pick up free kills and free damage on anyone playing in Hookah. When nading into the Hookah, though, the lineup can be a little difficult, but here are the standards for success.


  • When aiming at the laboratory sign in the teleporter reflection, standing still will get it right into the hallway of Hookah.
  • When aiming at the laboratory sign and walking forward, it will throw the grenade deeper into Hookah.
  • When aiming at the laboratory sign and aiming just a bit down and standing still, it will get it in the outside of Hookah before you even begin to walk in.


Now, combine all of these things Raze has in her arsenal, along with the agent having great utility for demolishing the choke points of A short and showers and places to boost up to with her satchels, Raze can be an absolute menace on A site on Bind.



In conclusion, Raze is probably the best agent to climb ranks with because she does an insane amount of extra damage with her abilities and picks up a ton of kills that other agents would be unable to pick up on.

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