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Valorant Agent Tier List (2023)

Valorant Agent Tier List (2023)
Written by: Shizza

Valorant features several different characters, known as Agents, to make the game a fantastic shooter. The majority of the players attempt to master specific Agents but knowing which Agent is the most powerful for the current meta is even more crucial.



Choosing the most suitable Agent as per the meta will give players an edge in Riot’s first-person shooter. For that, you must stay up-to-date with all new patches to stay on top of what each Agent is doing.


However, doing that can be a bit tough, so we have made it a little easy for you and compiled this Tier List for you to check out the in-meta Agents of the game.



Valorant Agent Tier List


Check out the following table if you are among the players wondering which Agent to choose after the many changes in Valorant.







KAY/O, Astra


Chamber, Sage, Jett, Neon, Breach, Killjoy, Raze


Sova, Brimstone, Reyna, Yoru, Viper, Skye, Cypher


Harbor, Fade, Omen





1. Phoenix


Phoenix is the leading example of the “most average” Agent in Valorant, and there is nothing fantastic to write about him. However, he is not that bad either, as the British Duelist completes his job and does it well.


Out of all the Duelists, Phoenix is among the more prominent team players and gives himself up for the entry frag with his Run It Back Ultimate. His flashes are also pretty effective, and he has the ability to heal himself in case he takes any damage.


Despite the buffs in patch 5.01, Phoenix is still the weakest Duelist as compared to the others on the Agents roster. Nevertheless, great Phoenix players look great no matter the situation and can make this Agent look like a piece of cake too.





1. KAY/O


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KAY/O was introduced in Valorant during Episode 3, Act 1, and quickly made his way to the S-tier upon release. However, after some months, KAY/O quickly fell to the bottom of the tier list and had to climb his way back up.



Regardless of how powerful KAY/O’s flash is, the Agent can be quite hard to execute optimally and leaves several players opting out of choosing KAY/O. The recent nerfs in patch 5.07 have landed KAY/O into the C-tier and made him a significantly weaker Agent in the game.



2. Astra


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Astra is full of the galaxy charm and is a little too galaxy-brained for the game. She has the potential to be excellent in the right hands, and the pros certainly took full advantage of her abilities at Masters. However, for the average player, she is tough to handle.


Her kit is full of utility, such as smokes, gravity wells, stuns, and a large screen that blocks sound and damage, making her practically an all-in-one controller. The problem with her is more a case of what she is unable to do.


The most significant disadvantage that used to be was Astra’s vulnerability and complexity. Still, despite players overcoming these drawbacks, the recent nerfs to the Agents have really had a massive impact on her position in the Valorant Agent Tier list.





1. Chamber


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It has been some time since Chamber’s release within the game, and after several changes, the Agent has secured himself a position among the most powerful Agents in Valorant. Fourth in the category, the French Sentinel has a kit featuring a mixture of abilities similar to other Agents, like Killjoy with his Alarm Bot and Yoru with his teleport.


Similar to Yoru and KAY/O, many Agents have previously started from the top of the list but faced a decline in power and ended up at the bottom. On the other hand, Chamber had a great run until the Agent was hit by several nerfs in patch 5.12.



These nerfs have resulted in Chamber now appearing in the B-Tier rankings instead of the usual S and A Tiers, where he was constantly found. Regardless, the Agent continues to have the upper hand with his abilities and can turn out to be quite threatening in the right hands due to the recent nerfs.



2. Sage


Sage, the game’s resident medic, used to be a crucial Agent on any team. She took a severe hit with some big nerfs. However, her kit of abilities constantly saves her from falling down to the button of the tier list.


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Regardless of the nerfs, her Slow and Barrier Orbs are both helpful in cornering odd specific sections of a map for a short time. Aside from the nerfs, you can boost on top of stacked boxes (or the like) through the latter. One can also gain a height advantage when peeking for information or an early kill.


Apart from the Agent’s Orbs, her Resurrection Ability is capable of turning the tide of a tide in your team’s favor, especially during a clutch situation where the man advantage can be pivotal. Although the ability now costs eight points, it is still the top in the game bar. This is the reason why Sage is worthy of having a position in the B-Tier.



3. Jett


For a very long time, Jett was found at the top spot of the Tier list. However, that was until the recent nerfs in patch 4.08, which knocked the Agent out of the top Tier. Riot nerfed her Blade Storm first, her Cloudburst second, and in Episode 3, they went after her entire kit.


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Nevertheless, even these were not enough for Riot to take away. After the VCT Masters Berlin, Riot went after Jett once again, and this time they removed the right click on her Blade Storm and one of her smokes.


Jett was still doing great and was going strong at the top of the Valorant meta, despite all the nerfs. The Operator buffs in Episode 3 helped her stay on the top (without them, she probably would have fallen down earlier).


She barely offers anything to the team, utility-wise, apart from smoking specific angles for a short time. However, the recent nerfs to her Bladestorm in patch 5.03 have again caused her downfall in rankings as she finds a position for herself in the B-Tier of the Valorant Agent Tier list.



4. Neon


Many Agents make their way to the top of the rankings immediately after their release. However, that was not the case with Neon, and she didn’t exactly hit the mark, thus putting her debut in the tier list at the B-Tier.


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While the fast-paced Filipina Duelist did not exactly disappoint when she was released in Episode 4, she simply does not perform as well as the other Agents on this list. Nevertheless, the Duelist’s extremely quick speed and electrical energy destroy everyone who stands in her team’s way. This makes it exciting to play Neon!


We will hopefully see a buff to Neon in the near future to land her a higher rank on the Valorant Agent Tier list.



5. Breach


Among the most well-rounded Agents in Valorant, Breach can go into combat all guns blazing but lacks the flair of other Agents like Phoenix and Jett. Both his abilities, Flashpoint and Aftershock, are designed to allow players to burst through enemy lines.


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They are a great tool for when your team is taking over a site. Breach’s Signature and Ultimate abilities can entirely disturb the battlefield in an instant. Fault Line and Rolling Thunder also provide players with the necessary information on the enemy’s locations and make gaining map control a significantly easy process.



He is a terrific Agent to have on your team, and one cannot go wrong with choosing him. You can still find better options in most situations, even though this Agent is one of the most stable in the game.



6. Killjoy


Killjoy is capable of operating way beyond the bounds of her Sentinel status. Although her abilities make her an extremely powerful Agent on Defense, she can also be pretty beneficial on Attack.


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In the early stages of a round, her Nanoswarm grenades can be incredibly impactful. Even if they are not triggered, they offer valuable area denial, and the same goes for post-plants. However, Killjoy is not as good as she was during her release.


She is unable to roam across the whole map and expects her robots to do her job instead of doing it herself. She has to stay close to each Reactor Site to ensure all of her utility is online. Apart from all that, if she has to rotate now, her bots have only 20-second cooldowns.



Those changes are really disappointing when it comes down to it. She still has a purpose, though; her Lockdown Ultimate is among the best and most powerful in the game. However, she is not as flexible as the other Agents on this Tier List.



7. Raze


Raze is a powerful Duelist in Valorant who is all about area denial. All her abilities help to make sure that the enemy is on the back foot while you are busy taking the fight up close and personal.


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The Duelist is equipped with a Boom Bot for important information. She also has a Blast Pack that boosts her into places that give her a vertical advantage and up to two sets of cluster grenades that have a catastrophic radius.


Considering these abilities of hers, it can be clearly seen that Raze is not a force to be reckoned with on both Attack as well as Defense. There is also Raze’s Ultimate, which has proven to be lethal at both close and long range.


Unfortunately, the Agent has clearly fallen a few places from where she was usually during Valorant’s early days. Currently, she can be found on a spot in the B-Tier of this list.





1. Sova


Sova has become one of Valorant’s best information-gathering Agents since the Cypher nerfs. Although he is a very confusing and complex character, it will be worth it if you put the time into dominating him.


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By mastering some lineups with Sova’s bolts, Sova offers different approaches in their mission for information that no other Agent can match. His Owl Drone is one to remember as it helps to make the perfect entry into a site when matched with an ally directly behind it.


Like most Agents, Sova was also nerfed in Episode 3, but he is still a must-have in any game. His ability to scout ahead is unmatched, and it is like having a sixth man when you have an Owl Drone or Recon Dart by your side.



2. Brimstone


Brimstone boosted up the Valorant Tier list due to several buffs early in Episode 2, and since then, he has continued to increase in popularity. After the recent buffs and changes leading up to Episode 4, Act 4, he is way better than he used to be.


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He now has a cheaper Incendiary Molotov, longer Sky Smokes, and a further deploy range. All of these abilities have made him arguably the best Agent to have on your side for a quick site hit. Moreover, his Orbital Strike ultimate can completely block off areas like U-Haul on Bind, giving players plenty of control.


Now, you also have a real reason to question which smoke Agent you bring into the match with you. On a few maps like Bind, players might want to take Brimstone instead. However, with tough competition heating up between Viper, Omen, and Astra, Brimstone usually finds himself overlooked in the current meta.



3. Reyna


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Although Reyna is unlike what she used to be after being the victim of huge nerfs in recent patches, the Duelist is still a terrific choice for players who are fans of the action. She has lesser charges of her Dismiss and Devour, meaning she cannot be as aggressive since now the damage will stick.



However, now the enemies fall even on assist, rather than only kills. She is undoubtedly still great for the selfish-at-heart, but she won’t be as 1v9 as she used to be during her days of glory.



4. Yoru


At first, Yoru entered the list at A-Tier but ended up falling down the list for a significant amount of time after that. This is because despite his kit filling a niche in the lurker role, the Agent was unable to dislodge any in-meta Duelist.


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Even though Yoru was not vastly underpowered, his kit was just severely worse than anyone else’s. Dodging his flashes was a piece of cake, his teleport was too loud, and his footsteps did not bait any enemies. His Ultimate used to be the only helpful thing for gathering intelligence behind enemy lines.


Nevertheless, since his recent polishing and rework, Yoru has turned into an incredible pick for many players. Yoru has once again regained his position in the A-tier of this list, considering his capability to crowd-control enemy Agents.



5. Viper


At last, Viper got herself out of a bad position in Episode 3 and quickly reached the top of the tier-list rankings. However, the American Controller has now made a place for herself in the A-tier in Episode 4.


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Although, it is wise that you do not let her downfall in the power rankings fool you. Viper got tons of love on Valorant patch 2.06, and despite a quick follow-up nerd on patch 2.09, she is still among the most viable Controllers in Valorant.


Even though she used to be very flexible, her reworked kit fixed the majority of her problems. With the ability to retrieve her Poison Cloud smokes and the initial tick of Decay when enemies walk through Toxins, she can quickly destroy enemies.



6. Skye


Skye did not make a grand entrance into Valorant as much as she scooted into the game. Although as time went on, players got used to her skillset, and now is being put to good use. She was also among the lucky ones to escape Episode 3 with somewhat of a buff.


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She lost one of her flashes, but now she can re-generate charges in the middle of the round, and her concussion is much more potent. Between her flashes, heal, and other utility, Skye is the best Agent to choose for breaking onto sites.


With Skye comes a tougher learning curve as compared to other Agents, but the players who master her will be heavily rewarded. With patch 5.09, a few changes have been made to her ultimate ability.


Her Seekers will not debuff the targets if they are intangible upon reaching them, and this includes Yoru in his Dimensional Drift and Reyna while she is Dismissed.



7. Cypher


There was a time when Cypher was the king of intel in the game. However, he was forced to give up his throne to Sova after Patch 1.11. He can still be put to great use but losing his Trapwires after death really put him at a disadvantage in the power rankings.


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He is still very much capable of being the one-man army he was once, locking down sites with cameras and cages, telling his team what he sees or doesn’t. His Neutral Theft is also highly useful to help read enemy plays and force their hand.


Moreover, his reduced cost in Episode 3 definitely helps even now. However, the recent buffs in patch 5.10 have forced Cypher up from the C-tier and put him directly in the A-Tier. Apart from the buffs, the Moroccan information broker still stays behind Chamber in the list of Sentinels.





1. Harbor


Harbor is a Controller belonging from India who joined the ranks in Valorant with patch 5.08. This Agent features a bullet-proof smoke shield on top of several other utilities like a wall and AoE concussions. Harbor is the 20th Agent in Valorant and should definitely be chosen in every match.


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With his ultimate, Harbor’s main goal is to create space and create opportunities for site takeovers. The Agent has earned himself a solid spot in the S-Tier list owing to everything that he has to offer and the recent buffs after his release.


However, it remains to be seen how Harbor settles into the meta, as these are still early days for the water-themed Controller in Valorant.



2. Fade


Fade is the last Initiator to join the ranks in the game and has been an absolute game-changer since she was released in patch 4.08. Since the start, she secured her spot into the S-tier, and Fade’s Initiation abilities, combined with her lockdown and blinding abilities, make her an amazing Initiator.


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Fade was developed and designed with a theme of fear so her abilities can make anyone feel afraid when Fade is in a match. Fade replaced Sova as the go-to Initiator in Valorant, and it seems like she will hold on to her spot at the top for a while.


Even though she is not a Duelist who can change in for the early frags and get away with it, the Agent is well and truly capable of playing at a very fast pace with her tool kit to suppress and hunt down enemies.



3. Omen


Omen was once a must-pick Agent until he was bumped down to the B-tier after his substantial nerfs. Nevertheless, the Agent did manage to maintain his spot at the top of the tier list for Controllers, and, following the recent buffs and balances, Omen has once again regained his position at the top.


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Omen is a fantastic Controller and can turn out to be a game-changer in serious situations. Whether defending, taking over a post-plant site, or denying the opponent from controlling an area, Omen’s kit allows him to set up advantageous scenarios for his team.


Omen has slowly but gradually made his way back to being as dominant as he once was, which is mainly for the best. Considering how good the Agent can be in most situations, players should be looking to grab him in each match as long as they understand his abilities and role.

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