Apex Legends Bloodhound Pro Guide

If you’re an avid fan of Apex Legends, you already know how diverse and unique each legend in the game can be. One such legend revered by many for its tracking capabilities is Bloodhound. In this guide, we'll dive deep into understanding Bloodhound's abilities, strategies for playing them effectively, and some general tips to help you become the best Technological Tracker on the battlefield.
Who is Bloodhound?
Hailing from the planet Talos, Bloodhound is known as the "Technological Tracker" in the Apex Games. Shrouded in mystery, they follow the Allfather's teachings and believe in destiny and honor above all. In the game, their abilities revolve around hunting down enemies and providing invaluable intel to their team.
Bloodhound's Abilities
Bloodhound stands apart in the Apex Legends universe, providing a unique blend of tracking and recon capabilities. Their role is pivotal in not only hunting down enemies but also equipping the team with invaluable information to make strategic decisions. To truly understand and master Bloodhound, it's crucial to deeply understand their abilities and how to best use them. Let's break each one down.
1. Tactical Ability – Eye of the Allfather:
Upon activation, Bloodhound emits a brief 360-degree scan that detects and outlines enemies, traps, and other structures within its radius. This sonar pulse allows you to see through walls and obstacles, granting a brief moment of insight into the immediate surroundings.
Usage Tips:
- Before Engaging: Use it to get a sense of the number of opponents in a nearby building or over a wall before initiating a fight.
- During Fights: In the chaos of a battle, a quick scan can help you determine enemy positions, especially if they're hiding.
- Detecting Traps: Caustic’s gas traps and Wattson's fences are outlined, allowing you to either avoid or deal with them.
- Caution: The scan also alerts enemies of your presence as they will see the direction from which the scan originated. It's a double-edged sword, revealing both ways.
2. Passive Ability – Tracker:
As the Technological Tracker, Bloodhound can visualize and interpret the actions of enemies over the past 60 seconds. Tracks (or clues) left behind by enemies — like footsteps, doors opened/closed, death locations, and more — are highlighted for Bloodhound, allowing them to "read the story" of recent events.
Usage Tips:
- Pursuit: If a squad is nearby, these tracks can guide you directly to them.
- Deducing Enemy Actions: You can determine if an enemy has recently healed, fired a weapon, or used an ability, giving insight into their potential state (e.g., if they might be low on health).
- Timing: Remember, the tracks fade with time. The color and clarity of the tracks give an indication of their recency.
3. Ultimate Ability – Beast of the Hunt:
Embracing the power of the hunt, Bloodhound transforms, enhancing their senses dramatically. The world turns monochromatic (black and white), but enemies are distinctly highlighted in bright red. This ability also grants a speed boost, allowing Bloodhound to navigate the battlefield with increased agility.
Usage Tips:
- Aggressive Pushes: Use speed and enhanced vision to your advantage when making aggressive pushes on enemy teams.
- Evading Enemies: The speed boost can also assist in quick retreats if a battle isn't going your way.
- Smoke & Distractions: Combining with legends like Bangalore or Caustic, Bloodhound can see clearly through smoke or gas, turning these obstructions into a tactical advantage.
- Duration: Kill or knockdowns extend the duration of the ultimate, so chain your actions for extended dominance during skirmishes.
By harnessing the full potential of these abilities, Bloodhound players can effectively tilt the battlefield in their favor, always staying one step ahead of the enemy. Whether you’re playing aggressively or defensively, understanding the nuances of Bloodhound's toolkit is key to mastering the legend.
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Strategies and Tips
Bloodhound, as a Technological Tracker, presents a blend of offensive capabilities and unparalleled reconnaissance, which can significantly alter the game's dynamics when wielded correctly. In terms of gameplay, this means adapting to a proactive playstyle that prioritizes intel gathering, strategic positioning, and team coordination. Here's how to master the art of Bloodhound gameplay:
Early Game Reconnaissance
Starting the game, your primary role is to scout and gather intel. This is the phase where Tracker shines. While looting, keep an eye out for tracks to assess the presence and activities of nearby squads. It will help you either engage knowingly or avoid ambushes.
Tactical Scanning
Eye of the Allfather isn’t just about spotting enemies. It’s also a means to assess potential threats. As you approach a suspicious area or building, a quick scan will tell you if someone's waiting for an ambush. Remember, it can also detect traps from legends like Caustic and Wattson.
Communicate Constantly
Bloodhound’s abilities are fantastic, but they’re doubly effective when combined with good communication. Share everything you see – from the direction of tracks to the results of your scans – to help your team make informed decisions.
Hunting and Flanking
When you spot a team from a distance, the Tracker passive allows you to stealthily approach them, following their tracks and predicting their next moves. It gives you a prime opportunity to flank or initiate surprise attacks.
Ultimate Aggression
Beast of the Hunt is your key to turning the tide of battles. It can be used defensively, but its true potential lies in aggressive pushes. Spotting enemies becomes easier, allowing you to target key threats and dismantle teams methodically. Combined with Bangalore’s smoke or Caustic’s gas, it can be a game-changing move.
Disengaging and Re-engaging
If a fight isn’t going in your favor, the speed boost from the ultimate can help you disengage, heal, and then quickly re-enter the fray. This "hit-and-run" tactic can be disorienting for enemies.
Synergize with Teammates
Bloodhound pairs well with several legends. Bangalore’s smokes become an advantage, Gibraltar’s dome can give you a few precious seconds to scan and assess, and Caustic’s gas becomes less of an obstacle.
Avoid Overconfidence
While Bloodhound's abilities provide significant intel, remember they also give away your position, especially the tactical scan. Balance aggression with caution.
Play the Environment
In areas with a lot of cover, like forests or densely packed buildings, Bloodhound’s tracking abilities become a nightmare for enemies. Use the environment to stalk and hunt down squads with the advantage of surprise.
Adapt and Learn
Bloodhound's gameplay requires keen awareness and adaptability. Constantly refine your tactics based on the squads you face and the terrain you're in.
Bloodhound offers a unique playstyle in Apex Legends, blending aggressive hunting with crucial intel gathering. Mastering this legend requires a mix of understanding game mechanics, team communication, and positioning. With the strategies mentioned above, you're well on your way to becoming the ultimate Technological Tracker in the Apex Arena.