Best Cypher Cage Lineups For Split

Mastering the art of stealth, defense, and information gathering is crucial. One agent who excels in these areas is Cypher, the master of surveillance. His key strength lies in his ability to control and manipulate information on the battlefield, with his Spycam, Trapwires, and Cyber Cages at his disposal. An essential part of his toolkit, the Cyber Cage, is a versatile asset that can be a game-changer in the right hands.
This article will explore the best cage lineups on Split for Cypher in Valorant, diving into the details of how to place these obscure smokes to gain an edge over your opponents, restrict their movement, and dominate the battlefield. Whether you are a seasoned Cypher main or a beginner looking to expand your knowledge, these lineups will provide you with fresh perspectives and strategic insights to help you enhance your gameplay.
Cypher Defense Cage Lineups
This side relies heavily on you as a sentinel and site anchor, in most cases, you’ll be up against many enemies trying to enter your site and as a Cypher you’re equipped to cancel that out and possibly earn kills. Using your cages in good spots can result in easy and more efficient frags, so here are the best cage lineups you can use:
It’s very rare that you get to utilize one ways on A using your cages as a cypher player, so here’s a few lineups that’ll help you change that. First one on A site, Rafters, this will one way anyone pushing up giving you the upper edge and you can always earn free kills to punish anyone aggressing over that area. It would be unexpected for you to play on that position, which makes it more appealing to do this play.
To do it, come over to this corner as soon as the round starts and throw your cage so it lands on top of that letter giving you the one way. This is dangerous to do without practice as you might not land it and have enemies pushing up hard on rafters, so it is preferred to go on a custom and see how it’s done.
Second cage for A will be towards site or A main. You will be able to utilize this amazing one way from screens, without even wide swinging but just staying on the right side and picking the enemies apart as they approach to execute A site. This will mainly suit when you’re playing for retakes, but it will guarantee a few picks which leaves you at a much greater advantage for the rest of the round.
To do it, come over to this corner before the round starts, find this little lamp and throw your cage on it. Try to angle it just like so, as this is how you’ll end up landing the cage on top of it.
While this may not be necessarily a one way, it’s great to use when you’re playing for middle as it isolates the angles for your teammates and allows you to play around that area carefully. Best suited for eco rounds where you’re buying a shotgun and want to challenge enemies on mid.
Doing it is very simple, just come over to this corner, jump and throw your cage. Then, activate it, and play off that. It’s very simple, quick, yet efficient.
This is the most popular one way for B site, and for good reason. It is simply, undeniably the best one to defend B main and you can do it every single round without getting punished. Here’s how you can do it in-game and what’s the best way to utilize it.
Just come over to this corner, angled your crosshair just like so and then throw your cage and it’ll hit the roof and bounce off to that little wooden bar, making it viable for a one way from that point.
A second unpopular yet effective one way for B site will be to hold B heaven. Don’t forget, that you can always combine these cages together and create a setup of your own, for greater diversity and unpredictability.
To do it, come over to this corner on Hell next to the rope, aim like so, and throw your cage. It’ll land on top of this metallic holder, activating it will give you an amazing one way to anyone who’s on B heaven which can be a great surprise as enemies might take that route to counter your one way on B main.
The very last cage demonstrated here is not particularly a one way, but it’s definitely interesting to use and often times, it’ll earn you kills and win you rounds you did not expect to win.
To do it, come over to this corner, and simply throw your cage. This will create your cage around this wooden wall, giving you more room to fluently counter the enemies or even sneak in that corner and play for the chances that they don’t check the corner.