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PlayStation's London Studio Closes After Over 20 Years

PlayStation's London Studio Closes After Over 20 Years
Written by: ASH

PlayStation's London Studio has officially closed its doors. The Sony subsidiary shared an official statement on social media marking the end of its more than 20-year journey.


"For over twenty years, London Studio has been home to some exceptionally talented and wonderful people in the games industry," said the studio. "As we close the doors and all go forward to new adventures, we wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to all our past and present players and colleagues who have supported us over the years. We've had one wild and wonderful journey."



Since its establishment, PlayStation's London Studio has developed games such as The Getaway, Gangs of London, and SingStar Ultimate Party. It also contributed to titles like Horizon: Forbidden West.


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The announcement of the closure has saddened fans and industry professionals alike. Many have taken to social media to share their memories and thank the team for their contributions.


While the doors of PlayStation London have closed, the impact of their work will be remembered. Their innovative approach and beloved games have left a lasting mark on the gaming world.

May 28 at 9:54 PM
With all these closures and layoffs a lot of industry veterans will start forming new companies. I hope when they do that they will be privately held and won't be sold to publicly held publishers. The last 24 months (really the last 35 years since EA starting killing studios in the late 80's) should put to rest the argument that it's a good idea. It's suicide by shareholder.
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