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Best Breach Flashes And Stuns For Split

Best Breach Flashes And Stuns For Split
Written by: Wei

As a high-impact initiator, Breach, with his suite of seismic abilities, can single-handedly turn the tide of any round. However, the true potential of this earth-shattering agent lies not just in understanding his abilities but in applying them in the most strategic and devastating ways possible. In this article, we'll delve into how to maximize the effectiveness of Breach's stuns and flashes on the map Split, exploring various strategies, best practices, and situational tips to help you overwhelm the enemy, disrupt their tactics, and secure victory for your team.



Breach Stuns


The fault line ability which is otherwise known as “Stun” is one of the most overpowered pieces of utility that you can use to shift the outcome of any round. Using it at the right time and place makes an unimaginable difference as to how the games will be played. In this section, we will demonstrate the best stuns you can use for both attacking and defensive halves:


What Does It Cover: This stun on A site will take care of anyone playing in depth of site. More specifically behind screens and towards the sneaky corner.

When To Use It: Using this during any A site execution as long as you are headed towards site would be a perfect fit. Of course if you’re planning to go after ramps this would be a different story.

What Makes It Good: This stun is aimed to target those sentinel players that usually hold the site down making it an exceptional choice when going for A.


Simply aim your stun like so standing from this spot, just like in the picture.


What Does It Cover: This stun will cover the entirety of B heaven. Without an exception. Although, be careful as rafters is excluded but can still gain line of sight to Heaven. 

When To Use It: If you’re going after a hard push towards B heaven to B site, this is a perfect moment to use this stun as it guarantees free kills towards anyone playing there.

What Makes It Good: It is pretty much impossible to dodge this stun if you are in B heaven which grants you a huge advantage. 


Come to this spot on B lobby (market) and aim your stun to B heaven as such. 


What Does It Cover: On B site, the area behind the pillar is the most dangerous to clear. This stun will be aimed at that specific spot covering anyone playing there and even the entirety of CT / Alley.

When To Use It: Best used right before you explode into B site as sort of a heavy man push or normal execution. It also works as a really good late stun if your teammates are pushing from Mid To B.

What Makes It Good: This stun simply costs too much for the opposing team as it covers large areas and can guarantee you an easier time if you are using it. 


The best part is that you don’t even need to expose yourself, safely stand here on B site and aim your stun through back pillar. 

Breach Flashes


Breach’s flashpoint is what made him a popular agent, as we all remember the days we could not help but see the sun and get picked as this agent dominated with his abilities. Here you will find the best spots where you can use breach flashes to hopefully maximize the chances that everyone on that sight is blind. This will be for both attacking and defensive halves: 


What Does It Cover: This flash on A site will blind anyone on site, pathway to site, or even from A heaven looking down to the site.

When To Use It: Best used during a defensive scenario where you are waiting for enemies to push out so you can flash out and peek off it. You can also coordinate for a teammate to peek from elbow to get better chances of erasing the enemy team.

What Makes It Good: It’s very hard to dodge or play around making it a perfect fit to hold A site on lock down as your very own property. 


Simply aim your flash through the screens box on site. 


What Does It Cover: This flash on Mid will blind anyone playing from waters or market side as long as they’re around that area.

When To Use It: If you are pushing down mid as an eco strategy or just to take space this will be a perfect choice as it disables the enemy team from aggressing before you do.

What Makes It Good: In most cases, nobody will predict this flash making it exceptional for aggressive playstyles. 


Simply aim your flash down the wooden box as soon as the barrier drop, or according to your game plan. 


What Does It Cover: Up next on B this flash will blind anyone on B lobby as long as they’re not playing anti-flash or are behind an obstacle.

When To Use It: As a defender, you might want to aggress over to take B lobby control and if that is your goal this flash will be a perfect suit.

What Makes It Good: Aside from how this flash will enable you to take B lobby control, it can also grant you enough pressure to take orb or simply just retain B main (Garage) instead. 


Simply come over to hell (under heaven) and aim your flash through it just like so. 


What Does It Cover: This flash will take care of any enemy playing back site. It also affects anyone towards default or in front of alley.

When To Use It: If you’ve decided to aggressively execute B site, this flash will give your duelists an easier time entering.

What Makes It Good: The way this flash is angled makes it more surprising as it hits both of back site and default which gives you an amazing entry. 


Simply aim your flash towards the angle of the wooden box on back site just like so, and then launch it accordingly.

Pro Tips 


  • Breach flashes have a projectile speed set to it, so for example if you are to flash through a long distance that will make your flash take more time before it arrives to the wall and goes through it, making it easier for the enemy to dodge. So always account for the distance before flashing.

  • To get the full benefit from playing breach, make sure to combine his utility to clear out different angles as stuns and flashes isolate areas while you can use Aftershocks to also hit enemies that might be tucked in sneaky corners.

  • Don’t forget to fully charge your stun as it affects to what distance it extends to, of course, if you don’t need it to go far you can instantly do it for the purpose of doing it quicker.

  • Always use your minimap as a reference to where your stun or set ability is going as it’s the only indicator when there are obstacles such as walls and so on. 
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