Best Brimstone Ultimate Spots On Bind

Ready to amp up your game with some killer Brimstone plays? You’re in the right place. Brimstone, our trusty battlefield commander, has an ultimate that can really shake things up. We're talking about his Orbital Strike – that beast of an ability that can clear out enemies in a flash. But, as you know, it's all about where and when you use it.
In this guide, we're diving into the coolest spots to drop Brimstone's ultimate on the map Bind. Whether you're defending a spike site or cutting off enemy paths, knowing these spots can totally change the game for you and your team. Let’s get you up to speed with some game-winning tips and spots that'll make your opponents think twice before taking you on!
Brimstone Ultimate Spots
Brim’s ultimate is deemed to be one of the most useful abilities in the game, especially as it helps your team get cleaner executes, stronger postplants, and better control overall. Not only are we going to give you the best spots to launch your ultimate on, but we will give you clear instructions as to how you should use it and when. Let’s get right into it:
A Execute
What Does It Cover: This ultimate on A site, is the most commonly used spot whenever your brimstone ult is on the line. And for good reason, it completely wipes out the chances of anyone being on Lamps.
When To Use It: Best used during fast A executes, as nothing will beat an old style fast man push with this ultimate.
What Makes It Special: Best part about this ultimate is that it will force enemies to either peek out and die to your gun, or die to your ultimate, either way is a win for you.
A Default
What Does It Cover: This ultimate on A site is a classical way to get free frags and deny the plant as it hits the default planting spot.
When To Use It: Best used when you want to stop enemies from planting on A site, as this will force them off the planting spot or have them sacrifice a player to get the spike down.
What Makes It Special: This is a commonly used ult for good reason as it’s hard to escape if done at the right time.
B Backsite
What Does It Cover: This ultimate will save you a lot of effort when you’re executing B site as it clears everyone playing in tube and back site.
When To Use It: Best used during fast B site executes, this allows you to care less about so many other angles and that can help you win duels on site.
What Makes It Special: Best part about this ultimate is how easy it is to catch enemies off guard, usually defenders will play in tube or back site and this can be their nightmare.
B Hookah
What Does It Cover: This ultimate on B might not seem pretty efficient, but for every attacking team going through hookah it will cause a lot of trouble.
When To Use It: Best used during defensive scenarios where you hear a lot of steps on Hookah, as this ultimate will eliminate them easily if they’re there.
What Makes It Special: Hookah is a pretty narrow area, and this can be the reason you end up winning a round as enemies can’t dodge your ultimate.
Pro Tips
- If you’re playing Brimstone, make sure you are safe when you are activating it. Enemies can catch you off guard and you don’t want to be killed while holding up your iPad.
- It’s important to remember, your ultimate will not immediately kill everyone as it deals damage progressively. This means, there are possible scenarios where enemies can survive through your ultimate for a few seconds.
- Make sure to delay the usage of your ultimate as much as possible to ensure enemies stay within their field for a longer period of time. For example, if you’re ulting to deny a plant, don’t do it instantly, rather wait 1-2 seconds and then do it, this makes it harder for them to dodge it.
- Another cool and unexpected trick you could do with your ultimate is walking through it to take an unexpected position. Your ability will deal a lot less damage to you and your teammates, and you can use that to surprise enemies and make a crazy play.
- As it is with your smokes, you have a limited range where you can use your ultimate from. So keep in mind if you want to use it somewhere, you have to be present and not anchoring the opposite site.
- As a brim, it is very important that you take ultimate orbs when you can to speed up the process of getting your ultimate. As little as it seems, it can be the difference between you winning multiple rounds for your team or just having to get your ultimate once and that’s it.
- While it’s important to find the right timing for your utility, don’t hesitate to use your ultimate in creative ways even if it might not be the most perfect. You will not get your ult as fast as if you’d use it whenever you have it, so don’t save it for too long.
- Take extra caution when using your ultimate, you don’t want to leave a small corner where enemies hide and catch you and your team off guard. If you do manage to do that, be aware of it and call it for your teammates.
- Ulting to execute or play post-plant is very common, however, don’t forget to get creative, you can use it to confirm a kill on a Sage or KAYO resurrect, and it can only expand from there.
- Just because your ultimate didn’t kill anyone doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good ult, sometimes you deal a lot of damage that can be useful and the reason for you to win a round.