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How FOKUS plays Fracture

How FOKUS plays Fracture
Image Credit: FOKUS
Written by: ar1essss

FOKUS entered Valorant a couple of months ago, but already had notable results. Firstly, they won VRL 2022 DACH: Evolution Stage 1, then booked a ticket for EMEA Challengers 2.


An important step for the team was the signing of JUGi. With the arrival of the former CS:GO player, the team became better, and the results went up. The team’s signature is a game on the Fracture map, where a rookie is playing a new agent, Neon.




Agent Composition


FOKUS runs an agent composition of Cypher, Breach, Brimstone, Raze and Neon. This is a rather uncommon composition on Fracture, according to current meta. 




FOKUS' composition on Fracture is not even in the top 10 by frequency of choice starting with patch 4.04.








FOKUS closed the attack side with score 8-4. They usually focused on B Arcade, B Tree and A Hall. Cypher played as lurker most of the time close to A Dish.




FOKUS' attack speed shows that they can play both slowly and quickly. As soon as the team makes a frag, it tries to plant the Spike as quickly as possible.






FOKUS wanted to make B split, but BIG tried to break enemy’s strategy, the four of them pushed B to T spawn. They detected Cypher and Brimstone, killed last, but bucher managed to escape.




BIG played retake 4v4. Due to the fact that FOKUS knew from where the opponent can come to retake, they took very good positions, and easily won the pistol round.






On bonus round, Fokus want to split A site. Trio playing close to A Gate, duo - close to B Tree. Both Breach used early Fault Line, Raze managed to kill Sage, which meant free passage to B.




Then BIG’s Raze decided to catch Brimstone and Breach, but she failed. For planting the spike, Neon put Fast Lane, which helped Raze safely, came to site. Raze planted the spike in the left corner for A main, where were Brimstone (with Ult) and Breach.




Fake B with Breach Ult


Fokus showed how they use Rolling Thunder. BIG in this round wanted to make early pressure on A Gate, but heard the Boom Bot, three of them rotated to B, and only Chamber stayed A.




At this time, YaBoiLewis return to Attacker's spawn, Breach came close B Tunnel. Four FOKUS player were already in A Hall. I think that originally the strategy was to use Rolling Thunder on B, and in the meantime the other part of the team make pressure on A.


But Chamber made kill from A site, then to thwart the opponent’s plans. Fokus returned to B, Breach used Ult. BIG thought that opponent’s already on B site, but Fokus just run to A, where Raze caught Chamber, and easily won another round in attack.







FOKUS played their defense side 5-5. They manage to win pistol round, anti-force, but lost several buy-rounds. We can see that Breach is playing very flexible on defense, as well as Cypher. Raze and Neon, generally, are playing on A, Brimstone - B.




JUGi Operator kills


JUGi, who was played on Neon last five matches, also playing rather flexible with Operator. We can see that he used to adapt to the enemy’s attack, constantly trying to find the right angle, the right point, from which you can safely leave.






BIG planned to split B, three from B Arcade, two from B Tree. In their turn, FOKUS have strengthened B, Raze and Neon were ready to make pressure on A.




Breach managed to stopped enemy’s rush, used Aftershock. Cypher activated Cage, Raze rotated to Spawn, and Neon went in their back.


Thanks to cross-fire, and JUGi’s clutch 1v2, Fokus managed to win the second pistol round on Fracture.




FOKUS uses two basic setups in defense - 3-2 and 2-3. Cypher and Brimstone play on A all the time, B - Raze and Neon. Breach acts as a flex-agent that moves on the map, and can start the round at any point.




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