Best Iso Lineups Haven

Valorant, for those who might be new to it, is much more than a typical first-person shooter. It's a game where strategy, map knowledge, and positioning play as crucial a role as your aiming skills. One key aspect of this strategic depth is the use of ISO Undercut - locations on the map where you can assist your team take space and get easy kills through the usage of utility combos or just simply blasting out dealing tons of damage with little hits.
In this introduction, we're going to highlight some of the most advantageous ISO Under cut ability spots across Valorant's diverse and intricate maps.
But it's not just about knowing these spots; it's about understanding how to utilize them effectively. We will delve into the nuances of positioning and the importance of timing. Starting on Haven, this guide will be a great resource whether you are a newcomer or an experienced player, so hold on tight as we break it down for you.
Best ISO Undercut Ability Spots
Using your Undercut ability properly is more than just pressing a key, it could be the reason for a round’s outcome. With ISO’s Undercut, you can easily crack enemy defense and attacking lines because what your ability does is add a vulnerability effect on enemies which helps you kill them with only a bit of damage dealt, here are the best spots you can use your ability in:
A Site
What Does It Cover: This spot on A site might be unexpected but quite useful especially if you are down in man advantage. It will mainly hit anyone playing graffiti and default. You can always adjust it a bit to the right or left to your own accord, however for most cases, you can just use it as it is.
When To Use It: Best used during retake scenarios, while you can use it in defensive scenarios to assist teammates it is rare that you will be able to find that scenario. Instead wait for the retake and use it.
What Makes It Special: What makes this spot very special is that it hits 2 critical positions for post-plant attackers which means you ensure yourself an advantage by just casting this piece of utility.
B Site
What Does It Cover: Over to B site, this is an amazing lineup as it will hit practically anyone who is on B main or on the walk out to site. You can execute it both from the right or left side on backsite B.
When To Use It: Best used during defensive scenarios where you want to ensure enemies don’t just walk out for free, this slows them down and allows you to take a peek and potentially win the fight because you are favorited.
What Makes It Special: Best part about this position is how easy it is to fake enemies, for example, you can cast your ability from the right side and walk over to the left side and catch enemies off guard.
C Defense
What Does It Cover: Over to C site this undercut ability lineup will make it a hell of a nightmare for attackers that are trying to get past C long. It also takes up anyone who’s walked up to default.
When To Use It: Best used in defensive scenarios where you have enemies coming at you from C long, use this lineup from back site and it is guaranteed to spot you an advantage.
What Makes It Special: C long is a tight walk-way, meaning that any enemy playing there will be hit by your ability and there is no escape to that.
C Attack
What Does It Cover: Switching things up a little on C, attacking side can use this incredible lineup. From cubby, you can hit anyone playing on the right side, which extends all the way to default and back site.
When To Use It: Best used in attacking scenarios on C site, basically any execute will work well with this set play. Even if you are a duelist, remember as Iso you are usually the second entry and that gives you space to properly set up for the execute itself.
What Makes It Special: This is a special spot because it is simply easy, efficient and great to use at any point you want to play C site on Haven.
Pro Tips
- When using your ultimate, make sure you’re in a safe space as it’s very easy for enemies to walk up and kill you. Think of it as a Phoenix ult, you don’t want to be in an exposed position, otherwise, you will get instantly traded if you win your duel.
- It’s important to remember that the ultimate will reset both of you and the enemy to equal terms regardless of your conditions mid-round, for example, if your enemy is 1 HP and you ult them in, you both will start at full shield full HP so pay attention to that.
- Remember that all abilities are disabled by default once you enter your ultimate, this includes abilities that are previously casted; which means if you used any utility on an enemy it won’t carry on during your ultimate.
- As an ISO, it’s really important to combo your abilities and make sure you use them together. With the set kit you have, you are able to create unique opportunities for yourself as a duelist and that’s what makes a difference.
- Adding to utility combos, don’t hesitate to ask your teammates for help or set them up using your abilities as your vulnerability can be the “initiating” role for so many different plays.
- One of the best ways to use your ultimate is to counter certain agent ultimates, such as Viper ultimate. If you are playing retake and a Viper is ulted on site, you can use your ultimate hoping to capture that Viper and put down their ult.
- Remember that ISO is not an entry agent, you have no abilities to dash or take fast control which makes it rather difficult to run it as a solo duelist. For that reason, you should always prioritize picking ISO in the spot of reyna, as its more efficient and effective.
- Your ISO shield does not stack up on top of each other, rather it resets the timer of the shield before it wears down, so while it's not a priority to hit the reset there is no harm to do it if you have the chance to.
- Finally, don’t forget to watch pro plays with ISO as that will speed up your progress playing that agent.