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Best Tejo Stun Lineups On Ascent

Best Tejo Stun Lineups On Ascent
Written by: Wei

Tejo is VALORANTs new agent as of now, he is both strong and fun to play. But, do you really know how to get the most out of him? Learning quick and easy lineups of Tejo’s Special Delivery (Stun) ability may be the reason you excel compared to anyone else. 


In this guide you will find quick and easy Tejo Stun lineups to use in your next ranked games. Get ready to master this agent on Ascent: 

Attacking Side



A Site



Usage: Best case scenario of this lineup is always to push with an all-in execute. This stun hits precisely the middle of heaven, allowing you to smoke deeper and punish anyone who walks out of it. There are many angles to take care of as you peek, so this will settle heaven for you.



Where to stand: After you’ve cleared A main, come over to this spot and aim your crosshair right in the middle of the wooden box on the right side. Then, shoot a right click stun.



B Site



Usage: This simple lineup might seem too easy but in fact it is one of the most OP things you can do in a ranked game. All you have to do is throw in a stun that’ll land on the green box, and have your Jett dash and updraft into site. Easy kills and assists!



Where to stand: Simply come over and stick yourself to the corner on B main, so you don’t have to peek anyone. And a im your crosshair in the middle bar right at the top. Shoot a right click stun.

Defending Side



A Site



Usage: This lineup will benefit you particularly when you are retaking A. Why? It hits one of the most annoying spots to fight, door lever. There usually is a defender standing there, making it hard for both heaven and tree retakers to come out. This ends here.



Where to stand: Simply come over to this corner (against the wall) on Heaven and aim your crosshair in this sport, just a little but forward of the shadowing and throw a right click stun.



B Site



Usage: If you want your enemies to stop rushing B, this is the lineup you’ve got to do. This will make them hate the site and hate the idea of even coming to it. Why? It hits B main, leaving no openings so anyone walking up will get stunned. Combine it with a Sova ultimate or a raze nade and you won.



Where to stand: Simply stand in front of the window you used previously to line up on attack, this time, you’re the defender. Aim it next to the line in the middle and shoot your stun. Easy assists!

Pro Tips


  • You can use Tejo’s stun with a bounce if you press right click. In all of the lineups shown previously, you would need to bounce so it can hit the targeted spot. Only press left click when you want your ability to hit right where it lands.

  • You should always think of using these lineups in combination with other utility whether from yourself or even better teammates. Comboing your abilities will make it much stronger and it will have a higher success rates.

  • It is best to practice these lineups on a Custom Game first, as they are meant to be used quickly without a lot of need for adjustment in-game. Practicing will make sure you’ve made it kick in.

  • Tejo might not be the best Solo Initiator on all maps, so if your team does not have another initiator you will need to utilize the agent to the best extent to boost your chances of winning the game.

  • Don’t use the same lineups all of the time as this will force enemies to adapt and predict your plays, for better consistency you should alternate between the lineups or try to improvise on spot to get it flowing.

  • Some of these lineups are straight forward and not too complicated, but here we show you the best positions to throw your abilities from without being exposed to enemies.

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