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Best Vyse Setups On Bind

Best Vyse Setups On Bind
Written by: Wei

Vyse is one of the newer agents in the game, although she has been out for a while it’s still rare to see someone utilizing her to her maximum capability. In this guide, we will show you how to use Vyse, with creative defending and attacking setups. 


Yes, attacking too, we will show you where to use your abilities when you attack, as she can be very overpowered on both sides. So let’s start shall we? Here’s the best guide for Vyse on Bind:



Defending Side




Here’s a simple way to make your enemies quit on A, with this powerful setup you are sure to get some kills or stall plant for rotating teammates:


Place your wall angled from A short to the teleporter, making it harder to bait 


Place your flash high on trucks to activate it when you’re taking a fight


Lastly put your thorns on default, so you can ensure to delay or stall plant. Also to help no one push your position. Although make sure someone is holding showers for you



On B you’re king, simply because your setup is too powerful for anyone to push. Here’s what you can do to make sure enemies never go B again:


Place your thorns either on hookah or under hookah


Put your wall on long’s chokepoint


Have your flash placed high up behind you on back site, activate when enemies push

Attacking Side



On the attacking side when you’re pushing A, here’s what you should do:


Place your wall for flank, angle it so it fits perfectly


Go to short with your teammates, place your flash through the wall and activate it


Then throw your thorns on default, and rotate back to showers playing a late lurk



On B, you have a straightforward way to execute site as a Vyse:


Place your wall for flank, so nobody goes undetected if they pass through 


Place your flash through the wall on Hookah so it can catch back site players


Throw your thorns on back site and activate it as you push



Pro Tips


  • Vyse’s wall is a very versatile ability. It’s not just used to defend a site, but also to detect flanks on the attacking side. When you place the wall, it will alert you if anyone walks through, working like a perfect Cypher trip.

  • Your flash can be placed through walls. So even through a thicker wall you could still place it and use it. Although it has a little bit of time before it activates so you will not be able to use it as a fast paced flash.

  • Remember that your abilities can still deal damage to you, so make sure you understand Vyse’s mechanics to not get caught off guard from your own abilities.

  • Enemies can still move through your thorns (Molly) if they shift (walk) so make sure you are aware of that. It will make no sound if enemies are just walking through your molly.

  • Because your flash is made to be set up, you can use the flash with your gun out which makes it incredibly powerful especially when you’re defending a site. Use that to your advantage.

  • Your ultimate blocks enemies from using primary weapons. But they can still use pistols and ultimates, so beware from a Jett or an ulted Chamber that will peek you after your ability has hit them.

  • Try to not waste your abilities on attack until you’ve secured a plant on site. As before, it is difficult for you to get value without lurking. As a Vyse, you should lurk or set up for post plant with your abilities on the attacking side.


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