5-stack queues and new agent: what patch 3.10 bring to VALORANT

Image Credit: Riot Games
Written by: ar1essss
Riot Games realize the info about patch 3.10 in VALORANT, which will come in a couple of days.
With a new patch, 5-stack rated queues are back to the game. Players of any rank can now party in groups of 5.
Riot Games provided detailed information about what might await us in a 5-stack:
- If everyone in your group is Diamond 2 and below:
- You can expect increased queue times as we will only matchmake your team against another 5 stack of similar average MMR.
- Rank Rating gains and losses will be reduced when playing in a 5 stack outside of our current rank restrictions rules. The amount that your RR is adjusted depends on the rank disparity within the group.
- Let’s walk through a couple example cases:
- You party with 4 of your friends. The lowest team member is Silver 1 and the highest is Platinum 1. Your team will be given a 50% RR reduction because the highest and lowest members are 1 rank outside the standard group restrictions.
- In the same group, you have 1 team member leave, and bring in your other friend who is Bronze 1. Now the skill disparity has increased to 4 ranks outside of the standard grouping restrictions. Your team will be given a 75% RR reduction as a result.
- If one or more members of your group are Diamond 3 and above:
- Your expected queue times may vary greatly, and could increase dramatically as you will wait indefinitely for another 5-stack of similar MMR to play against.
- At minimum, a 50% RR reduction will be applied to all 5-stacks including a member from these ranks, and this amount can increase to 90% as the disparity in skill increases.
- Let’s walk through a couple examples of these:
- 4 of your party members are Immortal and one of your friends is Diamond 2. The whole squad has a 75% reduction to RR gains and losses due to rank disparity.
- Your team grinds until your Diamond 2 friend reaches Diamond 3. The whole squad will now have a 50% reduction to RR gains and losses; A penalty that is applied to any 5-stack in Diamond 3 or above.
- If one or more members of your group are Radiant:
- Similar to Diamond 3-plus, you will wait indefinitely for another 5-stack of similar MMR to play against, potentially increasing your queue times drastically.
- At minimum, a 75% RR reduction will be applied to all 5-stacks including a member from these ranks. Playing with any player below Radiant automatically reduces your potential RR by 90%.
Also, Riot Games decide to remove 4-stacks from the Competitive queue.
You can familiarize yourself with other changes that will take effect with the release of patch 3.10 on the official page of the game.