VALORANT Patch Notes 4.09 - Full List

Image Credit: Riot Games
Written by: ar1essss
Riot Games released the info about patch 4.09 in VALORANT, which will come soon.
Agent Updates
- Nightfall (X) – You should now see a decreased amount of flickering textures on diagonal walls when casting Fade’s ultimate. Also added VFX for additional clarity and visual impact.
- Seize (Q) – VFX change to the orb for a more dynamic presentation in 1p and Agent select.
Trademark Cost
- Increased 150>>>200
- Charges reduced 2>>>1
- Audio range increased
Competitive Updates
- Party Lead Transfer — You can now change the lead of your party.
- The current party leaders can right-click the player name they want to transfer the responsibility to, and choose “Make Leader” in the drop-down menu.
- A number of small tweaks and updates were made to the UI.
Esports Features
- Added Observer ability to toggle Scoreboard on/off.
- Fixed a bug where Jett’s Tailwind would sometimes fail to cast when used immediately after curving a Cloudburst smoke.
- Fixed a bug where Jett’s ultimate indicator would sometimes stay active after firing all kunai.
Gameplay Systems
- Fixed an issue where an unintended ‘use’ input could happen after abilities such as Skye’s Trailblazer or Sova’s Owl Drone is activated while using the ‘use’ key