All The Different Ways To Mark An Enemy In Fortnite

The ability to use markers in Fortnite is among the most convenient features that help players to highlight weapons, landing spots, or other players to their teammates. This becomes a crucial feature if a player does not have access to voice chat.
When playing Duos, Trios, or Squads, marking enemies can be the difference between staying alive in the game and getting eliminated. This article consists of all the information related to how you can mark enemies in Fortnite, so keep reading!
How To Mark Enemies In Fortnite
In Fortnite, aiming your reticle at your enemies and double-tapping the “place marker” button is one of the easiest ways to mark them. Players will need to take a look at their button mapping from the settings menu in order to find out where the “place marker” button is mapped.
However, if you are using a controller, it is supposed to be “left” on the D-pad by default.
Capture Point
One more way to mark enemies in the game is to simply stand within a Capture Point at any main POI for enough time to capture the flag. Once you accomplish this, all the enemies inside the POI will be immediately marked for you.
Falcon Scout
One last method to mark enemies in Fortnite is to use the new Falcon Scout item. Once you launch this in the air as well as click the Fire Button and you will be able to mark all your enemies present within a radius.
However, keep in mind that whatever method you use, you must be aware of your surroundings. This is because all the time you spend trying to mark enemies could be leaving you vulnerable to damage.
Reality Augments
There are a bunch of Reality Augments in Fortnite that allow you to mark enemies. These include:
- Bloodhound
- Storm Mark
These are all the ways that you can currently mark an enemy in Fortnite. You can expect more ways to be added in the future, but for now, we hope you found this helpful!