The Best Viper Walls and Smokes on Split
Split is probably the map where Viper has its lowest pick rate. Other controllers such as Omen, Brimstone, and Astra are more favored on this map. Despite that, you can still make Viper work on this map, and she is by no means useless on Split.
Her kit makes her very useful on the defensive side, helping a lot when it comes to closing down bombsites. With Split being a very defensive side map, this means you can find a lot of value with Viper. She is also great at blocking the enemy's vision when executing into a bombsite.
If you want to know the best way to play Ascent and how to find more success on the map we got you covered with our Split Map Guide.
Learning all the callous in the map is also very important since Valorant is a game where communication is key, so be sure to read our Split Map Callouts Guide.
Without further ado, let's see what are the best Viper Walls and Smokes on Split.
Viper Walls and Smokes on Split A Bombsite
Attacking Toxic Screen
This Viper toxic screen blocks the enemy's vision from heaven and ramp. It makes it easier to enter the A bombsite since you only have to worry about the back site. Enemies will also have a harder time retaking the A bombsite since the toxic screen blocks two of the entry points.
Defensive Toxic Screen
A toxic screen that blocks the entry to the plant area, and the entry to A tower. It also blocks the enemy's vision making it even harder for the enemy team to take control of that part of the map. Similar to the B-site defensive wall this one also blocks the vision on Mid for the enemies.
Mid to A attacking Toxic Screen
The perfect toxic screen if you want to do a Mid to A bombsite execute. This toxic screen blocks the vision of the players on A tower and the players on A screen. It makes it easier for your team to enter the bombsite by ropes and forces the defender players to either give up control of the area or play in a much more aggressive and dangerous way.
A Tower One-Way Smoke
Stay on top of the wood plank where the lines change. Aim at where the crosshair is, jump and when you are falling throw it (right-click)
This poison cloud completely blocks the vision of the enemies to A tower. It's great to stall the rush of the enemies, gaining time for your teammates to rotate. You can also see their feet giving you a big advantage. It also makes it harder for the enemies to take control of A tower.
Viper Walls and Smokes on Split B Bombsite
Attacking Toxic Screen
The best attacking toxic screen for the B bombsite. It doesn't cover B Tower completely but we have a smoke that complements this wall. It makes it easier to enter the bombsite, and blocks some of the vision from the players on B tower.
Defensive toxic screen
A solid toxic screen that blocks the enemy's vision to the B bombsite, and also helps out on Mid, blocking the vision to top mid. A very standard wall that will help you stop the enemy's rushes, and force them to become vulnerable if they want to pass through the wall and take control of the bombsite.
B Tower Smoke
Stand in the smallest brown box. Aim at where the crosshair is and do a normal throw (left-click).
This poison cloud complements the toxic screen I talked about above. With this poison cloud, together with the toxic screen, you block almost all the vision from B tower. While entering the B bombsite you just have to worry about the left side of the B tower, making it easier to enter the bombsite.
B Main One-Way Smoke
Stand in the middle of the water grate, aim where the light and the line meet, and move it to the right just a little. then do a normal throw (left-click).
A spectacular one-way smoke that will force the enemies to either wait for the poison cloud to end, or change their plans. Enemies won't be able to see you, while you can see most of their lower bodies. This is great to stop enemy rushes and makes it harder for the enemies to enter on the B bombsite.
B-Main alternative One-Way Smoke
Stand on top of the first box close to the corner and aim at where the crosshair is placed. Then do a normal throw (left-click).
Despite not being as good as the first one-way smoke for B main, this poison cloud also blocks the enemy's vision as you can see in the image. You want to play behind the new box since it gives you the best angle possible. It also stalls the enemies and makes it harder for them to enter through B main.
Viper Walls and Smokes on Split Mid
Mid Mail One-Way Smoke
Stand in the middle of the first stair, then aim at where the crosshair is and do a normal throw (left-click).
This poison cloud completely blocks the enemy's vision of B Tower. However, you can see their lower bodies and stop them from crossing to vents. It also makes it very hard for the enemies to take control of Mid mail or even B tower.