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Best ISO Ultimate Spots On Breeze

Best ISO Ultimate Spots On Breeze
Written by: Wei

Valorant, for those who might be new to it, is much more than a typical first-person shooter. It's a game where strategy, map knowledge, and positioning play as crucial a role as your aiming skills. One key aspect of this strategic depth is the use of ISO ultimate - locations on the map where a player can hold their ground solo, offering a tactical advantage either in defense or in catching the enemy off guard.


In this introduction, we're going to highlight some of the most advantageous ISO ultimate spots across Valorant's diverse and intricate maps.


But it's not just about knowing these spots; it's about understanding how to utilize them effectively. We will delve into the nuances of positioning and the importance of timing. Starting on Breeze, this guide will be a great resource whether you are a newcomer or an experienced player, so hold on tight as we break it down for you. 





Best ISO Ultimate Spots


Using your ultimate properly is more than just pressing a key, it could be the reason for a round’s outcome. With ISO’s ultimate, you can benefit from it even whilst losing the 1v1 you take. It comes down to many different scenarios such as taking down anchoring defenders, opening up sites with entry frags, or even during retakes. So we will go through all of the possible instances that you can utilize your ultimate for: 



A Site Execute


What Does It Cover: This ultimate on A site might not be the best on paper, but it truly is useful in-game as it will hit anyone playing on the common close corner all the way to Pyramids.

When To Use It: Best used in attacking scenarios as this will allow you to take any sentinel anchoring site since you hit the commonly played spot on A site.


What Makes It Special: This spot is especially useful because it ensures that you clear closer angles and make it easier for your team to enter site, which is precisely your job as a duelist player.



A Retake

What Does It Cover: Over to A site defense, this ultimate is safe yet efficient. It will hit anyone playing on default or around the pyramids just as shown in the picture.

When To Use It: Best used during post-retake scenarios as you can do it to deny the plant and buy your team more time to rotate and help you retake the site to win the round.


What Makes It Special: Best part about this ultimate is how easy it is to snatch the spike planter and possibly earn a frag out of it, it can change the direction of the round easily.



B Spike Deny

What Does It Cover: Moving over to B site, this ultimate will take anyone on the default planting spot, going through CT to pillar and its surroundings.

When To Use It: Best used during retake scenarios, especially if there is an ulted viper as this will most definitely take them away and put there ult down.


What Makes It Special: What makes this ultimate stand out is how easy it is to destroy any enemy’s plan as you can stop their viper ultimate or even take away a Sentinel and proceed to flank meanwhile.



B Backsite


What Does It Cover: Lastly on B site attack, this ultimate will hit anyone playing back site and ensure to take them off their position. It is also pretty safe giving you the opportunity to rush forward and trade your iso.

When To Use It: Best used during fast B site executes as this allows you to secure taking off a site anchor / sentinel.


What Makes It Special: Even if you end up losing the duel, you are guaranteed site space and a trade as your teammates will easily take down the one you’ve ulted on back site.

Pro Tips


  • When using your ultimate, make sure you’re in a safe space as it’s very easy for enemies to walk up and kill you. Think of it as a Phoenix ult, you don’t want to be in an exposed position, otherwise, you will get instantly traded if you win your duel.

  • It’s important to remember that the ultimate will reset both of you and the enemy to equal terms regardless of your conditions mid-round, for example, if your enemy is 1 HP and you ult them in, you both will start at full shield full HP so pay attention to that.

  • Remember that all abilities are disabled by default once you enter your ultimate, this includes abilities that are previously casted; which means if you used any utility on an enemy it won’t carry on during your ultimate.

  • As an ISO, it’s really important to combo your abilities and make sure you use them together. With the set kit you have, you are able to create unique opportunities for yourself as a duelist and that’s what makes a difference.

  • Adding to utility combos, don’t hesitate to ask your teammates for help or set them up using your abilities as your vulnerability can be the “initiating” role for so many different plays.

  • One of the best ways to use your ultimate is to counter certain agent ultimates, such as Viper ultimate. If you are playing retake and a Viper is ulted on site, you can use your ultimate hoping to capture that Viper and put down their ult.

  • Remember that ISO is not an entry agent, you have no abilities to dash or take fast control which makes it rather difficult to run it as a solo duelist. For that reason, you should always prioritize picking ISO in the spot of reyna, as its more efficient and effective.

  • Your ISO shield does not stack up on top of each other, rather it resets the timer of the shield before it wears down, so while it's not a priority to hit the reset there is no harm to do it if you have the chance to.

  • Finally, don’t forget to watch pro plays with ISO as that will speed up your progress playing that agent.

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