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How to ride Pals in Palworld

How to ride Pals in Palworld
Written by: iamharoongill

Welcome to the enchanting world of Palworld, where adventure awaits at every corner of the Palpagos Islands. In this game, players embark on a unique journey with creatures known as Pals, engaging in battles, crafting, and exploring together. Among the myriad of activities available, one of the most exhilarating is the ability to ride your Pals across the vast landscapes.


Riding not only enhances your exploration but also integrates deeply with the game's mechanics through Partner Skills, allowing for a richer gaming experience. Whether you're soaring through the skies or galloping over hills, learning how to ride Pals in Palworld opens up a new dimension of adventure. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start riding your Pals, from catching and taming them to unlocking the special abilities that make it all possible. Let's dive into the magical journey of riding Pals in Palworld.




Pals in Palworld




In Palworld, Pals are more than just creatures; they're your partners, allies, and companions on a journey through the diverse ecosystems of the Palpagos Islands. These unique animals come with a range of abilities known as Partner Skills, which play a crucial role in gameplay. From aiding in resource collection to enhancing your combat capabilities, each Pal brings a unique skill set to the table.


Among these skills, the ability to ride certain Pals stands out, offering a dynamic way to traverse the expansive world of Palworld. Whether it’s for speed, efficiency, or the thrill of flight, understanding the multifaceted nature of Pals and their abilities is the first step towards mastering the art of riding in Palworld.



Step-by-step guide on how to ride Pals in Palworld


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Riding Pals in Palworld is a straightforward yet rewarding process involving a few key steps to get started. First and foremost, your adventure begins with catching a mountable Pal. Look out for creatures like Vanwyrm, Nitewing, or Arsox, each offering different riding experiences. Once you’ve bonded with your Pal, the next step is to craft a saddle. This is done at the Pal Gear Workbench, a crucial piece of equipment that becomes available once you reach level 6 in the game. Crafting a saddle requires gathering specific materials, so be prepared to explore.


Summoning your Pal is as simple as pressing E on PC or LB on Xbox, bringing your companion to your side. Equipping the saddle involves pressing F on PC or X on Xbox, after which you’re ready to embark on your riding adventure. Control your Pal using the directional keys, and feel the freedom of exploring the Palpagos Islands in style. Whether it’s soaring skies or navigating rugged terrain, riding Pals adds an exhilarating layer to your Palworld experience, opening up new avenues for adventure and exploration.



Craft the Saddle




To embark on your journey riding Pals in Palworld, crafting a saddle is a crucial step. Saddles serve as the bridge between you and your Pal, enabling a harmonious ride across the game's diverse landscapes. To craft a saddle, you must first unlock the Pal Gear Workbench, which becomes accessible upon reaching level 6. This milestone unlocks the Technology Tree necessary for creating various items, including the saddle.


Materials for saddle crafting can be found throughout the Palpagos Islands. From forests to mountains, each environment offers unique resources, urging players to explore every nook and cranny. Once collected, these materials can be brought to the Workbench, where players can craft saddles tailored to their Pals. This process strengthens the bond between the player and Pal and opens the door to new adventures across the islands.



Popular Rideable Pals in Palworld




Palworld is home to an array of Pals, each with its unique abilities and characteristics. Among them, several have captured the hearts of players with their rideability and distinct advantages. Here are some of the most popular rideable Pals in Palworld:


  • Nitewing: A majestic flying mount, Nitewing offers players the ability to soar through the skies, providing an unparalleled view of the game's vast landscapes. Its speed and agility make it an excellent choice for exploring hard-to-reach places.
  • Arsox: On the ground, Arsox stands out with its impressive speed and endurance. This Pal is perfect for traversing the game's varied terrains, from dense forests to arid deserts, making it a reliable companion for land exploration.
  • Vanwyrm: Another flying mount, Vanwyrm brings a combination of power and grace to the skies. Its unique appearance and capabilities make it a sought-after Pal for players looking to make a statement while gliding above the Palpagos Islands.
  • Eikthydeer: For those who prefer the stability of ground mounts with a touch of elegance, Eikthydeer is the go-to Pal. Its swift movements and graceful demeanor provide a smooth ride, ideal for long journeys and resource-gathering expeditions.


Each of these Pals offers a mode of transportation and adds depth to the gameplay, enhancing the exploration experience in Palworld. Whether you prefer the thrill of flight or the steadfastness of ground travel, these Pals ensure your journey across the Palpagos Islands is nothing short of extraordinary.





Mastering how to ride Pals in Palworld opens up a world of possibilities, transforming your adventure across the Palpagos Islands into an exhilarating experience. From crafting the essential saddle to choosing the perfect Pal companion, each step brings you closer to uncovering the game's hidden treasures and secrets.


Whether you’re soaring through the skies on a Nitewing or galloping across the plains with an Arsox, riding Pals is a pivotal aspect of the game that enhances exploration, combat, and resource gathering. Embrace the journey, experiment with different mounts, and let the unique abilities of your Pals guide you to new heights.

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