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How to Make Glass in LEGO Fortnite

How to Make Glass in LEGO Fortnite
Written by: iamharoongill

Welcome to the fascinating world of LEGO Fortnite, especially after the exciting release of patch 28.30, which has introduced several new features to enhance your gaming experience. Among these latest additions, the introduction of Glass as a craftable material stands out, promising to add a new layer of strategy and creativity to your gameplay. 


Glass isn't just any material; it's a game-changer, enabling you to craft critical items like the Compass and Spyglass, which are instrumental in navigating and mastering LEGO Fortnite's expansive environments. This guide will walk you through the essentials of how to make Glass in LEGO Fortnite, ensuring you're well-equipped to take full advantage of this new update and elevate your gaming experience.




The Significance of Glass in LEGO Fortnite




The introduction of Glass in LEGO Fortnite marks a significant milestone in the game's evolution, providing players with new avenues for creativity and survival. Glass is not just another resource; it's a cornerstone for crafting items that are pivotal for strategic advantage and exploration. With the ability to create the Compass and Spyglass, players can now navigate more efficiently and stay aware of their surroundings, essential for planning moves and staying ahead of competitors.


These items offer a tangible edge in gameplay, allowing players to explore the vast landscapes of LEGO Fortnite with confidence and strategy. The integration of Glass underscores the game's commitment to offering a dynamic and immersive experience, highlighting its importance in the ever-evolving world of LEGO Fortnite.



Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Glass in LEGO Fortnite


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To harness the benefits of Glass in LEGO Fortnite, players must first understand the process of acquiring this elusive material. The journey begins with gathering the necessary components: Sand and a Metal Smelter. However, obtaining a Metal Smelter isn't as straightforward as it seems; it requires upgrading one of your villages to level nine, a task that demands dedication and strategic resource allocation.


  1. Upgrade Your Village: Focus on leveling up your village by meeting specific resource and activity requirements. Interact with the Windmill at your village center to check your progress and understand the upgrade criteria.
  2. Acquire a Metal Smelter: Once your village reaches level nine, the Metal Smelter recipe becomes available. This recipe is vital for processing Glass and requires the collection of x3 Blast Cores, x15 Brightcores, and x35 Obsidian Slabs to construct.
  3. Craft Glass: With your Metal Smelter operational, you can now craft Glass. The recipe is straightforward but essential: combine x2 Sand and x1 Brightcore in the Metal Smelter. After processing, you will obtain Glass, ready to be used in crafting advanced items like the Spyglass and Compass.



Craft Glass in LEGO Fortnite




Once you've navigated the complexities of upgrading your village and acquiring a Metal Smelter, crafting Glass in LEGO Fortnite becomes an exciting and rewarding endeavor. The process taps into the essence of resourcefulness and strategy inherent in the game. To craft Glass, you'll need the following materials:


  • 2 units of Sand: These are foundational for your glass-making endeavor, representing the primary raw material.
  • 1 unit of Brightcore: This acts as a catalyst, transforming Sand into a versatile and transparent Glass.


Here's how you craft Glass:


  1. Gather the Ingredients: Start by collecting the necessary quantities of Sand and Brightcore. These resources can be found throughout the game world, encouraging exploration and interaction with various environments.
  2. Utilize the Metal Smelter: Once you've gathered your materials, approach the Metal Smelter. Deposit your 2 units of Sand and 1 unit of Brightcore into the device.
  3. Initiate the Smelting Process: Activate the Metal Smelter and wait for the transformation process to complete. The machine will combine the heat and materials, producing Glass as the final product.
  4. Retrieve Your Glass: Once the smelting process is finished, collect your Glass. It's now ready to be used in crafting advanced items, significantly broadening your gameplay options.



How to Acquire a Metal Smelter




Acquiring a Metal Smelter in LEGO Fortnite is a pivotal step in your crafting journey, essential for transforming basic materials into valuable items like Glass. Here's a structured approach to obtaining this crucial piece of equipment:


  1. Upgrade Your Village to Level 9: The Metal Smelter recipe becomes available once your village reaches Level 9. Focus on completing tasks and gathering resources to achieve this upgrade, enhancing your village's capabilities and unlocking new crafting options.
  2. Collect the Required Materials for the Smelter: To construct the Metal Smelter, you'll need:
    • 3 Blast Cores: These components are critical for the Smelter's construction, providing the necessary power for its operation.
    • 15 Brightcores: These elements contribute to the structural integrity and efficiency of the Smelter.
    • 35 Obsidian Slabs: Serving as the foundation, these slabs ensure the Smelter's durability and functionality.
  1. Construct the Metal Smelter: Once you've gathered all the necessary materials, access your crafting menu and select the Metal Smelter recipe. Allocate the materials and commence the construction process, culminating in the Smelter's completion.
  2. Utilize the Smelter for Crafting: With the Metal Smelter at your disposal, you can now embark on creating Glass and other essential items, significantly enhancing your gameplay and strategic possibilities in LEGO Fortnite.



Upgrade Your Village in LEGO Fortnite




To make Glass in LEGO Fortnite, upgrading your village is a critical step, as it unlocks the Metal Smelter necessary for glass production. Here's a strategic guide to efficiently level up your village:


  1. Interact with the Windmill: The center of your village holds the key to upgrades. Approach the Windmill to access your village's current status and requirements for the next level.
  2. Understand the Requirements: Each upgrade has specific prerequisites, including resource collection and in-game achievements. Familiarize yourself with these to plan your activities effectively.
  3. Gather Necessary Resources: Collect the required materials and resources by exploring, completing missions, and engaging in various game activities. Consistency and strategic resource management are crucial here.
  4. Execute the Upgrade: Once you've met all conditions, return to the Windmill and initiate the upgrade process. This step will enhance your village's capabilities, unlocking the Metal Smelter recipe essential for making Glass.



Crafting Possibilities with Glass


With Glass now a part of your inventory, a realm of crafting opportunities opens up, significantly impacting your gameplay. Here's how you can utilize Glass in LEGO Fortnite:


  1. Craft a Spyglass: Enhance your strategic view and awareness of the game environment, enabling better planning and decision-making.
  2. Create a Basic Compass: Navigate the vast landscapes of LEGO Fortnite more efficiently, ensuring you never lose your way while exploring new territories or during crucial missions.


The potential for future updates to introduce more Glass-based crafting recipes means your investment in learning to craft Glass now could have even more significant benefits down the line.



Additional Gameplay Tips


To maximize your LEGO Fortnite experience, consider these additional gameplay strategies:


  1. Resource Management: Always keep an eye on your resource inventory. Efficient management can accelerate your village upgrades and your overall progression in the game.
  2. Explore and Experiment: With each update, LEGO Fortnite introduces new elements. Be proactive in exploring these features, as they can offer new strategies and advantages.
  3. Engage with the Community: Learn from other players, share strategies, and stay updated on game developments to enhance your gameplay experience.






Mastering the process of making Glass in LEGO Fortnite is a rewarding endeavor that opens up a myriad of strategic possibilities within the game. By upgrading your village to unlock the Metal Smelter, gathering the necessary resources, and following the recipe, players can craft Glass to create essential items like the Spyglass and Compass.


This advancement enhances your gameplay experience and prepares you for future updates and potential new uses for Glass. Embrace the challenge, strategize your resource management, and explore the creative opportunities that LEGO Fortnite offers with this intriguing new material.

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