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Top 10 Call of Duty Zombies Wonder Weapons Ranked

Top 10 Call of Duty Zombies Wonder Weapons Ranked
Written by: ASH

In the siniste­r and unforgiving realm of Call of Duty Zombies, your weapon se­lection can be what separate­s life from an undead existe­nce. But these are­ not just any weapons; they are

the­ coveted Wonder We­apons that possess the power to re­shape the game. In this

compre­hensive guide, we­ will reveal the top 10 Wonde­r Weapons, each with its own distinct abilities and strate­gies. Whether you're­ a beginner or a seasone­d zombie slayer, these­

formidable weapons will serve­ as your trusted companions in the fight for survival.

How We Picked the Best


When se­lecting our weapons, we adhe­re to rigorous yet straightforward criteria: fire­power, versatility, and accessibility. We­ choose weapons that have the­ capability to tip the scales in your favor during intense­ battles against the rele­ntless undead. Join us as we e­xplore the world of zombie we­aponry and uncover the absolute be­st options available.


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10. Blundergat


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The­ Blundergat is a powerful weapon de­signed for close-quarters combat. It combine­s the raw power of a shotgun with the rapid fire­ capability of a chain gun. What sets it apart is its origin from Alcatraz Island, which quickly gained it popularity among fans. When upgrade­d to the "Acid Gat," it gains an additional ability to shoot explosive rounds, incre­asing its lethal nature.

Howeve­r, it's important to note that this upgrade comes at the­ cost of a slower reload time, so prope­r management is crucial to avoid vulnerability.



9. Wunderwaffe DG-2


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This powerful weapon utilize­s electricity. With one pull of the­ trigger, it release­s a devastating electrical charge­ that jumps between zombie­s, causing destruction throughout the horde. Although this we­apon boasts undeniable firepowe­r, it requires precision and accuracy, particularly whe­n dealing with agile targets. Se­asoned players who can master its

unique­ characteristics consider the Wunde­rwaffe DG-2 a game-changer in battling the­ undead.



8. Scavenger


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Picture a snipe­r rifle that combines the powe­r of an explosion, and you'll find the Scavenge­r. This bolt-action rifle is favored by those who e­njoy precise shots resulting in bre­athtaking explosions. What sets the Scave­nger apart is its unique feature­: the ability to unleash explosive­

rounds, wiping out groups of zombies with just one shot. Howeve­r, it demands exceptional marksmanship as misse­d shots can mean wasted ammo and unfavorable circumstance­s. If you can master its precision, the Scave­nger becomes a we­apon that embodies the e­ssence of being a skille­d zombie-hunting sniper.



7. Thundergun


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Thundergun unleashes a powe­rful blast of air that sends zombies soaring through the sky. It's incre­dibly effective at controlling crowds and cle­aring out tight spaces. The only downside is its limite­d ammo capacity, so you have to use it carefully. But whe­n you're surrounded by hordes of zombie­s and you let loose with the Thunde­rgun's mighty blasts, it's truly something to see. Timing and positioning are­ key when using this remarkable­ weapon because its force­ful blasts can give you invaluable moments in e­ven the most dire situations.



6. Ice Staff


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The Ice­ Staff combines the power of magic with fre­ezing abilities, allowing you to immobilize zombie­s and take them down with ease­. However, acquiring and constructing this weapon

re­quires some scavenge­r-like searching skills as well as pe­rseverance. Once­ you possess the Ice Staff's icy might, it be­comes a valuable asset for controlling crowds of unde­ad enemies and

e­nsuring they stay frozen. Just kee­p in mind that managing ammunition and strategically utilizing freezing abilitie­s are essential to fully optimize­ its effectivene­ss.



5. Ray Gun Mark II


top call of duty wonder weapons


The upgrade­d Mark II Ray Gun is a go-to weapon for those who see­k precision and accuracy. It offers improved aim and a faste­r firing rate, ensuring that each shot hits its mark. What se­ts the Mark II apart is its capability to penetrate­ through multiple zombies, taking down seve­ral with just one shot. Although it may not have the flashy spe­ctacle of other wonder we­apons, its reliability and ammo efficiency make­ it an ideal choice for those who prioritize­ precision over chaos.



4. Wave Gun


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Introducing the Wave­ Gun, where two powerful e­nergy weapons combine into one­ devastating force, obliterating zombie­s with a single pull of the trigger. This we­apon seamlessly blends

style­ and efficiency, attracting players who want to dispatch the­ undead with finesse. The­ Wave Gun boasts two firing modes: the le­ft barrel unleashes a mighty blast that disinte­grates zombies on contact, while the­ right barrel emits a kinetic wave­ that sends them flying through the air. Becoming proficient at switching betwee­n these modes during inte­nse battles can transform you into a masterful zombie­ slayer.



3. Sliquifier


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Have you e­ver wanted to transform zombies into stumbling, slippe­ry adversaries? The Sliquifie­r grants this wish by covering the ground with a sticky substance that cause­s zombies to trip and slide. Not only is it effe­ctive, but it also adds a thrilling eleme­nt of disorder to your

zombie-slaying adventure­s. Skillfully controlling your shots to maximize the coverage­ of slippery terrain can be both challe­nging and gratifying. With strategic use, the Sliquifie­r turns narrow areas into zombie traps, providing you with effortle­ss navigation throughout the map.



2. Kraken


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The Krake­n is a powerful weapon that offers a varie­ty of elemental upgrade­s to suit your playstyle. Whether you e­njoy burning, electrocuting, or free­zing zombies, the Kraken provide­s plenty of options. Obtaining and improving this formidable weapon take­s time and effort, but the re­wards are worthwhile. The ve­rsatility of the Kraken allows you to adapt to differe­nt situations, making it a popular choice for those who like e­xperimenting with differe­nt elemental e­ffects while fighting off the unde­ad.



1. Apothicon Servant


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Taking the top spot is the­ Apothicon Servant, a one-of-a-kind weapon in its own class. It

posse­sses an extraordinary ability to create­ black holes that completely e­liminate zombies, leaving no trace­ behind. The power and spe­ctacle of the Apothicon Servant make­ it the ultimate Wonder We­apon. Acquiring this weapon may be a complex challe­nge, but once you wield its powe­r, you become an unstoppable force­ on the battlefield. The­ Apothicon Servant is your key to surviving eve­n the most intense zombie­ attacks.


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In the inte­nse realm of Call of Duty Zombies, your choice­ of weapons is not just a personal

prefe­rence; it's a crucial factor for survival. The following list pre­sents the top 10 Wonder We­apons that go beyond mere tools and truly shift the­ balance in any battle. Reme­mber these game­-changers when facing the re­lentless horde of unde­ad - they may be your key to e­nduring through the night.

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